bombsaway wrote: ↑Sat Mar 08, 2025 4:57 am
I couldn't find 'death factory' so I haven't the faintest idea of what you're talking about.
"I just don't believe in gas vans and gas chambers, because I don't think there is sufficient evidence."
Typically witness testimony alone is sufficient for historians, especially if there are no viable alternative hypotheses. A problem you have sheer volume of perpetrator testimonies. It's crazy enough to say, these Jews are all lying, they invented a narrative about their own people being genocided-- This is kind of psycopathic, I would say even to imagine Jews would do this is painting them in (ahem) a cartoonish light. But you go deeper than this and say all these Germans impugned their own country and none stood up for the truth of what happened at Chelmno, Reinhardt camps, the Crema complex. There's no direct eyewitness testimony refuting these claims by Germans who were in these facilities.
The documents are good, from what I've seen. There are many "authentic" things about them from signatures, to formal characteristics, to writing style and patterns, to even the typewriter analysis checking out (see FG report).
'The death factory:document on Auschwitz' is the full title. It's damn hard to find online, but your library should have a copy, although I found 3 copies missing 1 page.
So far as 'all the jews lied' goes, no, a lot of the jews never saw people again (sometimes because they were transferred, sometimes because they ended up on the wrong side of the iron curtain, sometimes because they died etc). They assumed they were gassed, because that was the narrative.
Now, anybody that saw a 'homicidal gas chamber', yes, it is my opinion, they lied. Why did the perpetrators lie? Numerous reasons. Why didn't they recant? Well, many of them danced at the end of a rope. Those that didn't, surely didn't want to run through the ringer again.
We could talk about frau koch some time and see how that whole ball of string unraveled. It was, bad.
Look, 'the jews' didn't start the propaganda, and many of them bought it, hook, line, and sinker. Some jews played along. They aren't representative of 'the jews', they are some apples in the bunch.
In my opinion, there is enough blame for the 80 years of lies to go around. America gets some of it, so does England, and Russia is in there too.
If we want to talk about one document or another, we can start a thread or find an existing one. If we want to talk about one event or another, much the same. You and I, here in this thread though, we have walked far from just the t4 connection and 'Aktion Reinhard'.
Hell, even that name bothers me, because I've read what is said with it, and that's a pack of lies right there. It's not a simple misspelling, it is a deliberately misleading spelling and then the espousing of a narrative built on it.
How many lies would I have to forgive to just accept the official narrative?
Now, I don't have all the answers, and I still have questions, but, my investigation I must make on my own, and my conclusions i will have to find on my own.
Currently i have a hypothesis, i don't even have a theory.
I can tell you right now though, from where I'm standing, this t4 Operation Reinhardt bit doesn't look like 'people who used carbon monoxide to kill the infirmed were sent to Poland to murder jews in gas chambers'.
Hell, apparently they had to reinvent the wheel in Poland. They tried how much stuff before they reinvented the gas van? Then they decided to make the gas van stationary? Then they killed warehouses full of people in 15 minutes using 1 engine?
I understand that you don't think this sounds silly, and I understand that you believe people that say they saw it. I don't.
That doesn't mean I think 'the jews lied'. I think there are some specific jews who lied. For a few of them, I can demonstrate some of the lies, but, that's not enough to discredit 'their truth', now, is it.
No, I don't think 'the jews' invented their 'genocide'. I do think there are some jews who exploit it though, and furthermore, I think the whole thing started from the seeds of propaganda and took root and grew from there.