About Us

This forum is affiliated with the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH).


The late Bradley Smith founded CODOH in 1987 as an advocacy organization dedicated to promoting free speech and open inquiry on the Holocaust.

For more information about the CODOH organization see here: https://codoh.com/about-us/

CODOH went online in 1995. The earliest version of a CODOH forum was CODOH's bulletin board system (BBS) from the late 90s. In 2002, a poster named Hannover started an independent forum called "The Revisionist Forum." Hannover's forum was later sponsored by CODOH, thereby becoming "The CODOH Revisionist Forum." After the outage of CODOH's webservers in January 2024, this new version of the forum was launched under the same name in September 2024 by members of the old forum. The best available backup of the old forum posts is hosted here on this site.

Nowadays, forums have been displaced to a great extent by social media platforms. While the newer platforms have their place, discussions of Holocaust revisionism on such platforms tend toward the superficial and are subject to heavy censorship by the tech companies. This forum is revisionist controlled and is committed to providing a place for all who are interested in deep, intelligent, uncensored discussion of the Holocaust, one of the few places where such is still possible.