New Revisionist Book Published by Fidelity Press

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New Revisionist Book Published by Fidelity Press

Post by fireofice »

Fidelity Press, the publishing org run by E. Michael Jones, just published another book called The Truth Will Set You Free by John Beaumont. Here is the summary:
The Truth Will Set You Free is an examination of the evidence for Holocaust revisionism. The book sets out the nature of the Holocaust and the two approaches to it, the mainstream and the revisionist. We all know the mainstream view: namely that a planned program was used to murder six million Jews in homicidal gas chambers and dispose of their bodies in cremation furnaces and mass graves. Unlike the mainstream approach, the revisionists use forensic evidence to establish their case.

This book examines the case for revisionism chronologically, beginning with the work of the founding fathers of the movement, Paul Rassinier and, in particular, Robert Faurisson. The two legal trials of Ernst Zündel are then reviewed. Next the work of the recent major revisionists Germar Rudolf, Walter Lüftl, Jürgen Graf, and Carlo Mattogno are analyzed. The book makes an immense case for Holocaust revisionism and thereby proves the real truth of its title, the one that does indeed set us free. ... t-you-free

This comes after a previous book published by Jones himself called The Holocaust Narrative.
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Re: New Revisionist Book Published by Fidelity Press

Post by Archie »

Those who are interested in getting a conservative Catholic perspective on revisionism might also check out Warren Routledge's book on Elie Wiesel (HH #30). It's pretty good and is more broadly interesting than the title suggests. There's discussion of Vatican II, the play about Kurt Gerstein (The Deputy), and the Pope's supposed passivity in the face of the Holocaust. He points out other bits like the fact that Leon Poliakov's book which is translated Harvest of Hate in English has the original title Breviary of Hate (so the anti-Catholic aspect is obscured in the English title). And the French edition had a foreword by Francois Mauriac which was seemingly the first instance of someone blaming the Pope for inaction on the Holocaust. Mauriac is a key figure in the Wiesel book.
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