An account of "I saw this ethnic group arrive in this area" isn't really going to cut it since we also have examples of that from the resettlement of Jews. Documentary evidence of "we deported this group to this place" isn't going to cut it either since we have documentation of Nazis saying they are sending Jews to the east. Granted, you think it means they were killed. But it's still documentation that they were deported east nonetheless. Basically, if it surpasses the evidence we have for Jewish resettlements, then yes it counts.bombsaway wrote: ↑Fri Mar 14, 2025 7:00 am So like one witness testimony for each item? For example for the first item
(Jews out of Muslim lands 1900-present)
Would a single witness account of a Jew expelled from "Muslim lands" suffice? This is more than revisionists have for resettlement btw.
And continue on down the list, witness testimony or eg documentary evidence of transit for each expulsion?
It already has been done. Click on the links to Wikipedia and then click on the section for references and there is the evidence on which each claim is based. For example;fireofice wrote: ↑Fri Mar 14, 2025 5:38 am I have a challenge for holocaust believers, especially those who think the "where did they go" argument is a particularly good argument. Here is a list of expulsions throughout history: ... s-possible
My challenge is simply this: demonstrate with evidence where all these groups expelled went. In short, where did they go? The evidence of course has to surpass the evidence revisionists like Thomas Kues have provided for the resettlements of Jews by the Reich to the east since you don't accept that as being sufficient. If you think this is an overly burdensome task, I completely understand. But then in that case don't make the "where did they go" argument ever again. I think that's fair.
If you want to continue to make the "where did they go" argument as a slam dunk argument, then you must carry out this task for every expulsion listed here. However, if you want to make it a probabilistic argument instead, then carrying out this task for every one of them isn't necessary. Just do the task on as many as you can and then use this probability argument in conjunction with other evidence of the holocaust and explain your reasoning.
Maybe this can actually be done. Good luck!
In 1942 Himmler announced the "resettlement" of the non-working Jews of the GG. ... ution.htmlfireofice wrote: ↑Fri Mar 14, 2025 7:24 amAn account of "I saw this ethnic group arrive in this area" isn't really going to cut it since we also have examples of that from the resettlement of Jews. Documentary evidence of "we deported this group to this place" isn't going to cut it either since we have documentation of Nazis saying they are sending Jews to the east. Granted, you think it means they were killed. But it's still documentation that they were deported east nonetheless. Basically, if it surpasses the evidence we have for Jewish resettlements, then yes it counts.bombsaway wrote: ↑Fri Mar 14, 2025 7:00 am So like one witness testimony for each item? For example for the first item
(Jews out of Muslim lands 1900-present)
Would a single witness account of a Jew expelled from "Muslim lands" suffice? This is more than revisionists have for resettlement btw.
And continue on down the list, witness testimony or eg documentary evidence of transit for each expulsion?
Btw, I am not coming into this with a certainty that your side will fail. Maybe you will succeed! That is what I am trying to figure out with this. I really am curious if the kind of evidence you claim should exist for Jewish resettlements also exists with these other expulsions.
Nessie, I am not claiming that none of these have the required evidence. I am trying to figure out if this is the case for all of them and if not, how many. Also the big list you are referring to means nothing to me. I don't know what any of that is. Show me the primary documents themselves.
This is off topic.bombsaway wrote: ↑Fri Mar 14, 2025 7:37 amIn 1942 Himmler announced the "resettlement" of the non-working Jews of the GG. ... ution.htmlfireofice wrote: ↑Fri Mar 14, 2025 7:24 amAn account of "I saw this ethnic group arrive in this area" isn't really going to cut it since we also have examples of that from the resettlement of Jews. Documentary evidence of "we deported this group to this place" isn't going to cut it either since we have documentation of Nazis saying they are sending Jews to the east. Granted, you think it means they were killed. But it's still documentation that they were deported east nonetheless. Basically, if it surpasses the evidence we have for Jewish resettlements, then yes it counts.bombsaway wrote: ↑Fri Mar 14, 2025 7:00 am So like one witness testimony for each item? For example for the first item
(Jews out of Muslim lands 1900-present)
Would a single witness account of a Jew expelled from "Muslim lands" suffice? This is more than revisionists have for resettlement btw.
And continue on down the list, witness testimony or eg documentary evidence of transit for each expulsion?
Btw, I am not coming into this with a certainty that your side will fail. Maybe you will succeed! That is what I am trying to figure out with this. I really am curious if the kind of evidence you claim should exist for Jewish resettlements also exists with these other expulsions.
By the end of 1942, according to Korherr, 1.4 million Jews had been deported and apparently resettled in the Russian East.
Do you have a single witness testimony from one of these 1.5 million Jews that accords with the revisionist narrative here, that the resettlement was real.
This was the challenge;fireofice wrote: ↑Fri Mar 14, 2025 7:42 amNessie, I am not claiming that none of these have the required evidence. I am trying to figure out if this is the case for all of them and if not, how many. Also the big list you are referring to means nothing to me. I don't know what any of that is. Show me the primary documents themselves.
I looked at the links and they demonstrate with evidence where all those displaced and expelled people went.My challenge is simply this: demonstrate with evidence where all these groups expelled went. In short, where did they go?
Kues attempt to evidence mass resettlement in the east failed because all he could do was evidence that some Jews, such as from Germany in 1941, did go east to Latvia. But they did not go via an AR camp and there is no evidence they were still alive in 1944. The evidence is that they were shot. Much of what he relies on are secondary reports, rather than Nazi records and he cannot find millions of Jews resettled in the east in 1944.The evidence of course has to surpass the evidence revisionists like Thomas Kues have provided for the resettlements of Jews by the Reich to the east since you don't accept that as being sufficient.
Then it is fair to say that revisionists should not make the "resettlement" argument ever again. Or, it is up to both sides to evidence their claims, and revisionists should be able to answer, with evidence, where did they go?If you think this is an overly burdensome task, I completely understand. But then in that case don't make the "where did they go" argument ever again. I think that's fair.
If the Nazis had been falsely accused of mass murder and they had evidence of resettlement, you can be sure they would have ensured that evidence was widely available. If the Nazis were being accused of extermination and they had been mass murdering, typically for an accuse guilty person, they will hide and destroy evidence. So, yes, I would expect to find a lot of evidence for resettlement and less for mass murder.
False dichotomy. And very flimsy. I could equally argue:Nessie wrote: ↑Fri Mar 14, 2025 11:45 amIf the Nazis had been falsely accused of mass murder and they had evidence of resettlement, you can be sure they would have ensured that evidence was widely available. If the Nazis were being accused of extermination and they had been mass murdering, typically for an accuse guilty person, they will hide and destroy evidence. So, yes, I would expect to find a lot of evidence for resettlement and less for mass murder.
A person accused of murder, who knows the person they are accused of murdering is still alive, would normally provide evidence that person is still alive. It is baffling you think otherwise.HansHill wrote: ↑Fri Mar 14, 2025 12:04 pmFalse dichotomy. And very flimsy. I could equally argue:Nessie wrote: ↑Fri Mar 14, 2025 11:45 amIf the Nazis had been falsely accused of mass murder and they had evidence of resettlement, you can be sure they would have ensured that evidence was widely available. If the Nazis were being accused of extermination and they had been mass murdering, typically for an accuse guilty person, they will hide and destroy evidence. So, yes, I would expect to find a lot of evidence for resettlement and less for mass murder.
The Nazis were an advanced technological civilisation with a thorough understanding of law and engineering. Therefore, in the clear absence of a viable murder weapon, no court in the world would even consider such wild claims as valid, therefore them attempting to pre-emptively evidence against what never happened is not only very silly but completely baffling as to why they should even attempt.