Archie, you claimed;
That was just after you had said;I would say my restatements of your arguments are clearer than your original posts
That suggests one German and some others witness said there were a gas chambers and that is proof of a gas chambers. That grossly misrepresents the scale and volume of evidence, as shown in this link, to documentary, witness, forensic and circumstantial evidence to prove gas chambers;Here is how I would summarize his argument.
-Prufer and the Sonderkommandos say it was a gas chamber
-Therefore it was a gas chamber
-Therefore any arguments saying it wasn't a gas chamber are a priori wrong and don't even need to be addressed and those who attempt to make such arguments are guilty of the "argument from incredulity" fallacy.
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... ce-on.html
Normally, that level of eyewitness and other evidence would be accepted as proof. Revisionists need a way around that, so they grossly underreport how much evidence there is.
Archie then suggests it is wrong to argue there were no gas chambers, those arguments do not need to be addressed and that any argument is the fallacy of argument from incredulity. That is incorrect.
There is always going to be an argument over interpretation of evidence. An example of that, are the documents that refer to the construction of gas chambers, or gassing cellars, inside the Kremas. Gassing does not mean people were gassed. Some revisionists argue it means delousing, though others dispute that, due to the residue levels of HCN. Evidence, such as the documents about sending corpses being stored around the camp to the Kremas, do need to be addressed. Arguing that corpses being sent to the Kremas is evidence they were then stored at the Kremas, is not an argument from incredulity.
Another example.
My response, which is self-explanatory;You are doing the whole "it happened; therefore, it was possible" thing.On this forum, we don't assume that it happened.
Another example.I don't assume it happened. I look to see what is evidenced sufficiently to prove what happened.
No where have I ever said that trying to work out how the cremations took place and so many corpses were cremated, is not allowed. Archie suggests he is quoting me, but what is inside the quotation marks is not my words from that thread and it is not what I claim. It is perfectly reasonable to try and work out how the Nazis managed to cremate so many corpses.But you think doing math is a fallacy because that would be "trying to work out whether it could have happened" which you say is not allowed. Lol, that position is so ridiculous I can't even believe I'm having to explain this to you.
The issue is the revisionist claim that because they cannot work out the answer to their satisfaction, that is proof of no mass cremations of hundreds of thousands of corpses in only a few months. I cannot believe I have to explain that to you.