Reminder: We are winning...

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Reminder: We are winning...

Post by Callafangers »

I just wanted to take a moment for anyone who is unclear, to highlight the fact that revisionism -- on a logical and intellectual basis, at least -- is "winning".

Don't let the pompous verbosity of Dr. Nick Terry (SanityCheck) fool you -- he will spam you with decades' worth of loosely-relevant and subtly-misrepresented (or sometimes downright-false) knowledge and documentation, but at the very core of proper investigation and reasoning, there is no doubt that revisionists have had the upper hand.

Why do I say this? Here are just a few reasons, see for yourself:


- Anyone who does even a minimal investigation into the question of fuel and logging at AR camps and other claimed sites of mass cremation will quickly find that this is an area that went neglected in the deceptive narrative-formation of the "Holocaust". They simply forgot to factor in the fuel required for their outrageous claims. I will spare the in-depth emphasis on this (see the Holocaust Encyclopedia for comprehensive analyses) but let it suffice to say: the alleged cremations absolutely cannot have happened without the greatest manual logging operation in human history... yet, there are scant testimonies (and certainly no documentary nor physical evidence) that even mention such an operation taking place at all.
- A small fraction of what corpse remains should be there is located at Sobibor, orders of magnitude less than expected at Belzec, and virtually nothing at all found at Treblinka (which should vastly overshadow all of the AR camps). With trains being unloaded for property confiscation and sorting, this was also a time to unload corpses (amid massive disease epidemic and wartime), etc., from the cleared ghettos. Corpse disposal at some capacity has nothing whatsoever to do with claimed extreme murder campaigns. The remains measured on-site at these locations thoroughly refute any claim of 'Holocausted' Jews.
- Despite multiple attempts, scientists and researchers across-the-board have repeatedly failed to invalidate Rudolf's findings at Birkenau: that there are no incriminating traces of iron-cyanide in the brick/mortar in the alleged 'chambers'. This is strong evidence directly contradicting the claim of Zyklon-B used to kill many thousands, let alone millions, at Birkenau.
- No 'gas van' nor any blueprints, drawings, etc. for such a vehicle has ever been found. All of our understanding in this regard comes from rumors, spurious documentation, and problematic post-war trials and interrogations. Additionally, claims of these vans are often inconsistent and riddled with absurdities and obvious embellishments.


- Air photos during the war show forests which remain lush and full (or only lightly cleared) surrounding various camps which allegedly had partaken in the largest manual logging operation in history. Exterminationists are forced to claim that massive shipments of fuel were transported in (by someone, someway, at some time), with zero documentary records supporting their beliefs.
- Air photos have also consistently shown a lack of massive cremation pyres (e.g. smoke, burnt ground, rutted or heavily disturbed earth/areas, or other cremation traces) where and when they were expected to be, based on witness testimony. At places like Babi Yar, Birkenau, and others, the traces simply are not there.


- PrudentRegret has pointed out (here: viewtopic.php?t=26&start=30) the glaring lack of any documentation whatsoever that some 800,000 Jews had ever actually arrived at T-II -- there are no records at all that Jews arrived anywhere other than Malkinia/Treblinka, but exterminationists suggest these trains did not actually arrive at Malkinia/Treblinka but, instead, at T-II, which is 1-3 km away. This massive shunting operation (i.e. a diversion of the entire train or part of it onto an entirely separate, smaller track) is claimed by only one problematic witness and is documented nowhere.
- Also from PrudentRegret's great work over recent years (same thread above), we can confirm that 'Aktion Reinhardt' is indeed named after Fritz Reinhardt (and not Reinhard Heydrich), which makes clear its role as an economic operation (dispossession/reclamation of Jewish property), having nothing to do with 'extermination'.
- As is well-known, there has never been any 'extermination order' documented. The exterminationist view relies upon claims of 'code words', above all else.
- All such claims and suggestions of contemporary wartime "admissions" about the 'Holocaust' have shown to be misrepresentations by historians and researchers peddling an anti-German narrative. Hitler's 'prophecy' being regularly framed as a reference to 'extermination' is a prime example of this, as this can be conclusively shown to have had nothing to do with genocide nor even mass killing of Jews.
- Not even in the top Nazis' own diaries do we find a shred of evidence about 'Holocaust' killing. In fact, we find the opposite: explicit references to a policy of Jewish expulsion and literal evacuation. Yet even here, the mainstream claims these are "code words", and that these top Nazi officials have lied to themselves in their own private diaries.
- Even if one were to accept the ridiculous view that the top Nazis all lied to themselves in their diaries, we should at least expect that the decodes of the most top secret intercepted correspondence coming from major camps like Birkenau would include at least some mention of 'gassing' or other extermination operations. But alas, not a word.
- As shown elsewhere (at RODOH, CODOH 1.0), there is data with source documentation showing clearly that Jewish labor camps were open in the Eastern-occupied territories even very late into the war. While most would have been cleared to relocate Jews to more secure sites (records of which have not survived), the fact that many remained open even well-into 1944 and beyond highlights that no universal extermination policy had been implemented, even by this time.


- In addition to memeable 'survivors' like Irene Zisblatt, Moshe Peer, and others, we find that many of the most important witnesses (i.e. those frequently cited by orthodox historians) for the most important 'Holocaust' sites have turned out to have remarkable patterns of obvious falsehoods and other major inconsistencies. For Treblinka, see here: ... linka/889/
- What is just as shocking as seeing the lies like those mentioned above is the total lack of in-group accountability among Jews and 'survivors'. There is no record of any significant campaign or initiative, nor even a pattern, of Jewish survivors (or any Allied powers) working against these obvious lies being presented as truth. This suggests a common effort toward a narrative which permits (or encourages) these lies.
- There have been no trials nor inquisitions of any kind against 'survivors' nor anyone else claiming even the most extreme and falsified Nazi 'atrocities'.


- Beyond its more obvious defamation efforts against Germany in the postwar era (e.g. the Buchenwald exhibit), the USA (CIA) has clearly taken a part in fabricating anti-German lies in a more covert way, see here:
- Aside from Churchill's blatant and deceptive warmongering, it appears the British were perfectly open to falsification of the record against Germany as well, disseminating the fraudulent Sprenger letter and using it as evidence at Nuremberg.
- Does anything need to be said, here? This is the world champion of show trials, having carried them out shamelessly before, during and after the war. 'Show trial' means straight-up fabricating evidence, officially-sanctioned lies, and everything in between.
- "Raubsicherungspolitik", see here (Introduction video, ca. 16:30):
- No major instances of certain Allied powers formally distancing themselves or openly rejecting the lies of another, not even of the Soviet Union, when it came to the 'Holocaust' and treatment of Germans post-war.


- There is no doubt that the "Iron Curtain" was intended to hide one or multiple secrets. This is significant, because deep behind the Iron Curtain is precisely where Jews were being evacuated to by Germany during the war.
- Jews (and their power networks) openly sought to motivate all Jews to Israel/Palestine, and recognized narratives of persecution increased this motivation substantially. Patterns of false claims regarding missing, persecuted, or murdered Jews (published in Jewish media) make clear a Jewish intention to promote such a narrative, especially with use of the figure "6 million", even predating WW2.
- Those who criticize or challenge the Holocaust narrative are suppressed in doing so. One may argue this is to "protect the memory of victims" but this requires an assumption and it is just as valid to say the suppression is intended to maintain or protect a narrative which is false or invalid and, thus, especially vulnerable to informed criticism.
- There is no question that Israel has been an atrocious, subversive, dishonest, and hostile element in Palestine (just ask Palestinians). Moreover, there is no question that Jewish power has been maintained (through media, finance, and other institutions they were once accused of subverting in Germany) as communist/leftist ideologies have increased within all Western nations, as their economies have frequently plummeted, with increased inflation (generally proportionate to the level of Jewish control there). Those informed on the matter have reasonably concluded Israel had a foremost role in the 9/11 attacks (control of all key positions in every major institution surrounding 9/11, from the Twin Towers themselves to media conglomerates, FBI's criminal division, airline security, etc.; along with massive geopolitical motives in the "War on Terror"), likely orchestrated the JFK assassination (JFK's intention was to require Israel to register as a foreign agent and to require inspection the Dimona nuclear facility, there is clear evidence of Jewish coordination of JFK's visit to Texas, Jack Ruby [killer of JFK's shooter] is actually Jack Rubenstein, a Jewish mobster), and other major events which have shifted global power in their favor. Israel has the most notorious record of false flags and early forms of terrorism, even by establishment history's open admission.


As mentioned earlier, this is a very incomplete summary of some of what I personally consider as powerful indications that the exterminationist side has been losing (and will continue to lose) the battle insofar as valid argumentation and sound reasoning on claims of the 'Holocaust'. Others no doubt have items they might like to add to this list (as do I) but I thought to share this here as a "launching pad" for any visitors who might be new to this topic, to start researching further.
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Re: Reminder: We are winning...

Post by Archie »

Callafangers wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2024 9:29 pm revisionism -- on a logical and intellectual basis, at least -- is "winning".
Unfortunately, the "logical and intellectual" aspects are often not the ones that rule the day.

Revisionists in the late 80s and early 90s seem to have honestly believed that the demise of the Holocaust was imminent. They thought the gas chambers of Auschwitz would go the way of the human soap factory. Obviously that did not happen. What happened was "Holocaust denial" got banned in most of Europe and is heavily censored and suppressed in the US.

Does the truth have to win out? Sadly, no. I think false history can persist indefinitely.

But I do think there is reason to be optimistic. False history can be maintained, but it is expensive and difficult to do so.
Think about all the resources that go into maintaining "the Holocaust." Millions of dollars in Hollywood productions. Money to the universities for endowed chairs and Holocaust studies programs. They have to monitor the internet to make sure nobody ever hears a revisionist argument. Because if it's out there and people hear it, they know that's the beginning of the end. It must frustrate them to no end to know that years of careful inculcation can be undone with a single Denier Bud video.

"The Holocaust" will last as long as the interests that maintain it have sufficient power and resources to do so. If that power slips, even a little, it's done.

I will add that right now is a time of growing skepticism about Israel and Zionism. I think this will eventually have spillover effects.
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Re: Reminder: We are winning...

Post by Callafangers »

Archie wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2024 3:59 pmUnfortunately, the "logical and intellectual" aspects are often not the ones that rule the day.

Revisionists in the late 80s and early 90s seem to have honestly believed that the demise of the Holocaust was imminent. They thought the gas chambers of Auschwitz would go the way of the human soap factory. Obviously that did not happen. What happened was "Holocaust denial" got banned in most of Europe and is heavily censored and suppressed in the US.

Does the truth have to win out? Sadly, no. I think false history can persist indefinitely.
100% agreed. I think we can keep making the case and showing it wins quality vs. quantity but being under the thumb of those controlling all the resources is obviously quite limiting. I do not see that changing in the immediate future but I am optimistic that enough momentum can overcome even these odds.
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Re: Reminder: We are winning...

Post by Nessie »

Archie wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2024 3:59 pm
Callafangers wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2024 9:29 pm revisionism -- on a logical and intellectual basis, at least -- is "winning".
Unfortunately, the "logical and intellectual" aspects are often not the ones that rule the day.

Normally, history is evidenced. When revisionism cannot agree on actual events at key locations, let alone evidence those events taking place, as a history, it has lost and will always continue to do so.
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Re: Reminder: We are winning...

Post by Nazgul »

Nessie wrote: Mon Oct 21, 2024 10:28 am
Normally, history is evidenced. When revisionism cannot agree on actual events at key locations, let alone evidence those events taking place, as a history, it has lost and will always continue to do so.
Talk about the issues and not revisionism which is a term so vague as to have no meaning, let alone place labels on people.
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