Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Hektor »

Numar Patru wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 7:28 pm
And the latter is what fuels resentment and conflict between Jews and other groups.
Thanks for the insight, Herr Minister Goebbels.

Jfc, you people used to at least try not to sound like Nazis. What happened to you?
Well, did I strike a cord here? What I stated was actually a fact of common knowledge... And it can be easily checked up through literature review... Soc. "Antisemitism" was the result of Non-Jews observing immoral practices of non-Jews in their communities. And naturally that lead to conflicts. One doesn't have to be a National Socialist to see that. Old fashion common sense is completely sufficient for this.
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Numar Patru »

You’re grotesque.
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Hektor »

Numar Patru wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 7:32 pm I must once against ask that a neural moderator be appointed here — one who does not demonstrably believe nonsense about Jews.
The moderation on this forum is sufficiently neutral and competent. Quite rich to demand a moderator, because you didn't get the censorship you want. And well, it's you that believe "nonsense about Jews".
Numar Patru wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 7:41 pm You’re grotesque.
I'm not the one that has to resort to name-calling.
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Numar Patru »

Keep going. You doom revisionism with your words.
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Stubble »

Wait, am I being called a nazi again? Must be, a day, or a night, or a morning, or an evening.

People have been calling me a nazi for the better part of 2 decades.

For the first decade at least, I couldn't figure out why. Then I started learning about Cultural Marxism (no, not a conspiracy theory, their words for 'cultural terrorism') and the left right paradigm.

When I test for political ideology, I actually come out as a libertarian leaning centrist...

'The noticing' being called antisemitism is always rich to me. You can not 'notice'. It is forbidden.

The calling me a nazi thing is old. I'm weary of it. Find a new pejorative, I've already adopted that one. I have a Hugo Boss uniform that I wear when I goose step in front of city hall.
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Numar Patru »

That’s humor, I assume?
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Stubble »

Numar Patru wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 8:04 pm That’s humor, I assume?
Pessimistic cynicism mixed with some humor.

I'm honestly done with being called a nazi though. Because it has been happening for decades, and I really didn't understand it when I was building a family and forging my life. That description of finding out why I was being called a nazi by the left is true and free from irony or humor.
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Archie »

Numar Patru wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 7:32 pm I must once against ask that a neural moderator be appointed here — one who does not demonstrably believe nonsense about Jews.
Nobody who is interested in the topic enough to post here is "neutral."

Neutral - not helping or supporting either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartial.

I suspect when you say "neutral" you actually mean vehement anti-revisionists. Absolutely not going to happen.

As far as "demonstrable nonsense" about Jews, just a bit of advice, you make it way, way worse when you say things like this when much of the data can be confirmed on Wikipedia and other mainstream sources.

The most sophisticated response to MacDonald is from Nathan Cofnas, a Jewish "race realist," who offers Bell Curve style arguments to explain Jewish overrepresentation.
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Numar Patru »

Nathan Cofnas is a calipers-wielding racist jackass.

What’s the objection to an “anti-revisionist” moderator? They had them at RODOH.
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by TlsMS93 »

According to these people who call us Nazis, we have no reason to waste our time fighting the Holocaust since it would not benefit us as individuals, but that is for individualistic nations left to the fate of the ruling elites who are not always of the same ethnic composition as their people.

Now the Holocaust as a society makes us vulnerable. Note that the Jews do not only accuse the Germans, they accuse the Allied nations of not having done anything and accuse Christianity of having instigated anti-Semitism by killing God himself and Luther.

Now they are going to condemn their traditions and history and see what happens. If you mess with one, you mess with them all.

Criticism of the Jews is more justified as a collective than as individuals, since most of them are secular, but the minority causes enormous damage because they are hoarders of privileges. Just look at the amount of privileges they had during the Roman Empire and even then they conspired for more.
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Callafangers »

Numar Patru wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 5:42 pm I’m hard pressed to think of anything I’ve said that indicates that whites should be judged as a group. That said, I do believe that affirmative action programs in the US are wholly warranted because of historical white advantage. This doesn’t mean grouping, e.g., of job applications, in buckets based on “race,” but it does mean taking race into consideration at some point in the process.

In the US context, Jews would be considered white in the vast majority of cases.
And what do you mean by "taking race into consideration"? Describe this process.

Who determines whether or not Jews are considered "white"? Jews have frequently claimed either/or depending on what is convenient in the particular moment. This means they not only have "white privilege" when it is convenient but also that they can evade "white accountability" when its convenient.

And what of Jewish privilege, and Jewish accountability? Do you have anything to say specific to these matters? Or just more insults?
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Archie »

Numar Patru wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 8:18 pm Nathan Cofnas is a calipers-wielding racist jackass.

What’s the objection to an “anti-revisionist” moderator? They had them at RODOH.
The opposition is free to post here (especially on the debate board) but there is no way in hell I would ever consider giving elevated permissions (including access to user IP data and email addresses) to avowed enemies of revisionism. That is absolutely out of the question. This site is and will remain 100% revisionist-run.

If there were an anti-revisionist moderator you would be disqualified for reasons of temperament.
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Callafangers »

Numar Patru wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 8:18 pm Nathan Cofnas is a calipers-wielding racist jackass.

What’s the objection to an “anti-revisionist” moderator? They had them at RODOH.
You may not have noticed but CODOH has had issues with sabotage in the past. This is what happened to the prior forum. Hence, trust issues. I hope you understand. An "anti-revisionist" is much less likely to take care of a free speech forum, let alone a revisionist forum. You will notice that none of your posts/replies have been deleted or modified in any way, even though you're violating the rules repeatedly. So I do not know why you call for a change in moderation, other than perhaps yet another fallacy in an attempt to support your position, like the ad hominem you keep dishing out.

There are now many relevant arguments here which you have evaded, saying things like "yOu'Re gRoTeSquE" instead :lol: . My guess is that you are from the UK as I have seen this type of blatant, stupid belligerence toward 'Nazis' (or any ideas they put forth, no matter how accurate) most commonly come from that area across the pond (no offense to those from the UK who don't act this way). Probably due to how much you have normalized stifling free speech over there. But anyway.
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Re: Criticism of Jews as a Collective (Not Just as Individuals) is Ethical and Warranted

Post by Numar Patru »

Mostly insults.

There’s actually a pretty extensive scholarly literature on whiteness in the US context. Jews are not considered white until after WWII and are the last major European immigrant group to be added to that grouping. Italians, Slavs, Greeks, etc., are considered white slightly earlier.

Some Jews protest being identified as whites, sure, but there’s little to suggest that most Americans, Jews and non-Jews, consider Jews to be white. It’s what Jews check on census forms unless they’re multiracial or Ethiopian.

To the extent that advantages accrue to white people in the US, they accrue to Jews as well. What I find curious is the tendency of some to try to exclude Jews from whiteness or to overemphasize Jews as a subset of white people. Do Jews identify more closely with other Jews? Certainly they do but I find it curious that this fact is focused on when virtually every other hyphenated group of white Americans does the same.

Focus on a group looking for some negative behavior and you’ll find it if you look hard enough.

I’ll respond on affirmative action in a separate post.
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