I want to preface this by making clear that this is not about promoting general animosity toward Jews, whatsoever. It is about prioritizing awareness of veritable patterns in history, setting aside any assumptions about what such knowledge might lead to in the public sphere. I firmly believe that sharing the truth about any harmful act (or pattern) is a necessity in and of itself, especially when it comes to abuses of power. If Jews oppose these abuses, and if these abuses are indeed factual, it should be Jews and their organizations which are the very first to speak out about them, given their greater ability to affect change within their own networks. Sadly, other than with rare exceptions like Ron Unz and his informative website, this is seldom the case.
My initial prompting to create this separate thread came from this comment:
Numar Patru suggests that white people have an unfair advantage (implying public opinion is justified to counter this 'privileged' condition) but that "it's wrong to judge groups" (he says this in response to criticism toward Jews as a collective, rather than as individuals). To this, I have some questions for Numar Patru, let's call it an exercise:Numar Patru wrote: ↑Sat Dec 21, 2024 1:14 am I said it’s wrong to judge groups to which people belong involuntarily. That’s qualitatively different from noting that white people enjoy clear advantages over other people and have little to complain about.
- If you believe whites have committed a disproportionately greater amount of abuses of power, and Jews relatively few, could any of this stem from Jewish disproportionate institutional [e.g. media] control?
- Is it acceptable that people may organize themselves not only by immediate family but also according to tribe, ethnicity, culture, religion, etc.?
- Is it not justifiable that families or collectives along these lines should typically share the benefits of their collective achievements?
- In your opinion, does the collective behavior of whites (historically into present-day) warrant them having any particular advantages? Any at all?
- In your opinion, does the collective behavior of Jews warrant them losing any advantages of what they (Jews) currently enjoy? As in, some accountability?
I do not want this thread to become a discussion about race in general however the political environment of the last few years has further entwined topics of power abuses, white people and their relationship to other groups, and [recently] some long-overdue attention toward Jewish networks. I hope this thread can focus on the question Numar highlights about criticism extending beyond an individual basis, to which my earlier justification was as follows:
I understand there may be questions I have missed or misunderstood on this matter, so I am open to challenges in this regard.It's "ok" when the expectation is for political systems to be so perfectly efficient as to seamlessly differentiate one member of an extremely-problematic collective from another (this is impossible). The fact is that Jews - based on hyper-ethnocentric and entitled, vindictive ideology at the core and tribal motivations even on the periphery - consistently, repeatedly replicate the same behaviors in every single nation they come to occupy (but especially Western nations, where their similar appearance to European peoples enables them to easily infiltrate and occupy any position in that society with limited suspicions/attention raised).Numar Patru wrote: ↑Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:02 pm When is it ever ok to criticize whole groups of people based on their involuntary group membership?
The issue is not only that many (if not most) Jews overwhelmingly participate in subversive organizing and initiative at some capacity, but also the fact that there are zero comparable counter-initiatives by Jewish organizations on the areas of highest priority among Jews. There are no Jewish organizations specifically working against mass immigration into Western nations, for example, just like there are no major Jewish organizations heavily promoting the same third world mass immigration into Israel. This is just like how there are no major Jewish organizations which seek to work against Jewish over-representation (both in key position-holding and in initiatives and prioritization thereof) in sectors like media, finance, law, politics, elite academia, medicine, and any other area which is most critical and effective for subversive purposes aligning with the Jewish vision of a global future.
If there are truly so many Jewish outliers who radically oppose these collective Jewish ambitions, why are they not utilizing their vast resources (given Jews have for many generations remained the wealthiest ethnic group) to counter these initiatives of the more corrupt, representative Jews?
The notion of "individualism-first" allows Jews to remain a strong collective while their 'enemies' (that is, their non-Jewish countrymen in any nation they occupy) open themselves up completely to subversion by seeing every person (and every Jew) solely as an individual and, thus, being entirely vulnerable to collective [covert, subversive] assaults upon the nation.
The truth is, I was a passionate advocate for individualism before I recognized this matter. Individualism only works if everybody agrees to it, sincerely. If this isn't the case, then the last remaining collectives become stronger than all of the rest.