You don't seriously entertain 'The Destruction of the European Jew' as a credible source, do you?SanityCheck wrote: ↑Sun Dec 08, 2024 3:13 pmLarge-scale events are not proven by single sources, especially not when they concern millions of people.Stubble wrote: ↑Sun Dec 08, 2024 11:09 am I just got here, and I was kind of wondering what all the fuss is about.
I see this fella here in the OP has raised a valid argument, no sources, no history.
If anyone would be so kind, could they provide me with an extant, primary, credible source for the claim that 6,000,000 jews died in the holocaust?
I understand that this post may be considered off topic, but, I'd like to ask the admins to entertain it ever so briefly and I promise I will bring the point back to the original intent of the thread.
They also have to be defined properly, so the six million figure is rounded up and not the actual death toll as can be reasonably determined like other death tolls in mass fatality events (wars, famines, genocides).
So while you go on to talk of six million gassed, this is and has always been incorrect; if your teacher taught you this they weren't very good, or you misremembered what was taught. The actual total is around 5.3 million Jews dying in confinement or by direct killing, with circa 600,000 dying in camps and ghettos not considered extermination camps, a proportion of whom were shot or hanged, over 2 million shot in mass or individual executions, and around 2.6 million dying en route to or at the main extermination camps and sites (in numerical order: Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, Chelmno, Majdanek, Maly Trostenets and Semlin).
Higher numbers were certainly in circulation in the 1940s and during the Cold War, but either these were rapidly reduced with cross-referencing countries and regions for deportations to particular camps, or persistent overestimates were of people - thus non-Jews as well as Jews.
The Auschwitz 4 million number was a particularly egregious case of this, essentially seeking to swamp the 1 million Jewish victims in a universalising total that would allow post-war Poland and the East Bloc in particular to downplay the Jewish dimension of Auschwitz. Millions of non-Jews died elsewhere, e.g. 2.7 million Soviet POWs in POW camps with only a minority taken to be killed or worked to death in concentration camps (including some thousands to Auschwitz).
So when the Auschwitz museum recalculated the death toll after the end of the Cold War, this made no difference to the Holocaust total, since Jewish historians such as Raul Hilberg had been operating with 1 million since 1961, out of a death toll he calculated at 5.1 million, not 6 million. The continued repetition of six million by others doesn't change this, either, since the lower end of 5 million is what is best supported by sources too innumerable to list here.
16 volume document edition series downloadable for free in German (VEJ series), and first three volumes in English (PMJ series), roughly 5000 documents covering 1933-45 across Europe (so not exclusively about mass murder - the title stands for the Persecution and Murder of the European Jews).
USHMM Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos downloadable for free from the museum or as chapters on JSTOR open access ... s/download
The 1991 collection Dimension des Völkermords: Die Zahl der jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus, with an unreliable introduction failing to eliminate border-change induced overlaps, but acknowledging them points to the lower end of 5 million, and reliable chapters for all countries in 'the rest of Europe', good introductions to Poland and the USSR where clarification has been greatest after the end of the Cold War. Also open access ... 08332/html
Open access literature including articles, dissertations and ebooks
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... ndary.html
Open access archives and published sources
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... s-and.html
I'm curious: are there other complex events in human history involving millions of people across two dozen nation-states which can be reduced to one or a few sources? Is this the norm or might the 'few sources' in fact be secondary studies and not per se primary sources, or a couple of single national censuses for an event that only happened in one country, or something like Khrushchev's 1956 secret speech which admitted to excesses and repression without concrete numbers and then acknowledged 20 million wartime dead?
Not only was I taught that 6,000,000 jews were killed by the Germans in Gas Chambers in Death Camps, that was the curricula of the time. My teacher was following the guidelines set forth for her. Generations of American students were instructed this way. That you are asserting that Ms Brown was a poor teacher because of this is frankly incorrect. She was fine. So was Mr Cervetto. The list could go on.
So far as your defense of the 6 million number as a rounding thing, why not say 10? More than 5 is 10 after all. Or why not 5.5? Rounding to the nearest half. With 5.1 though, generally one would think you would round down, not up by 900,000.
It's also an oddly specific number that just so happens to fit with estimates of how many jews would die in a holocaust in Europe going back to the late 1800's.
I'm surprised that you actually do seriously entertain the idea of so many jewish casualties during the war. Then again, you support the claim of an extermination campaign so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
I will check out your sources and give them a good once over. Given the volume, it will take me a few days. If you would be so kind, in the future, could you be a little more concise and point to specific passages that are pertinent and any tables that can be referenced? If so, I would greatly appreciate this effort on your behalf.
Concerning your last point, the trojan war comes to mind along with various other historical events. Mao's 'Great Leap Forward' doesn't have very many sources either. The 'Holodomor'. The Soviet 'Triumph of Man Over Nature'. The list could go on.