I gave some of the history of the CODOH forum here:
I think the timeline is roughly as follows (some of this was before my time)
1990s - CODOH bbs (this eventually got shut down)
2002 - Hannover's Revisionist Forum launched (initially independent, at some point it was sponsored by CODOH)
2004? - RODOH launched (there have been at least three iterations of it)
Jan 2024 - The entire CODOH site goes down including the forum
Sep 2024 - CODOH forum rebooted at a new URL
RODOH is still around, although it is semi-private right now. Scott is the man behind RODOH and he is also a member here (Nazgul as well). If you want to get the full story there, he would be the one to ask. Whatever "beef" may have existed between CODOH and RODOH is water under the bridge at this point. We are all on good terms and many of us have posted on both sites.
As far as moderation philosophy, a few years ago there was a noticeable different between CODOH and RODOH. CODOH was more firmly revisionist and was strictly moderated. RODOH was more "balanced" (though still leaned revisionist). I will defend Hannover a little bit and say that I fully understand why he ran such a tight ship. When you let antis post freely you get a few trolls that clutter up all the discussions and keep things going in circles bringing up the same old points over and over. They will pivot from one thing to other and won't let you pin them down on anything. On Hannover's forum, most the threads stayed on topic and there was a high signal to noise ratio. The downside was that there wasn't always enough pushback to keep us honest.
At this relaunched version of CODOH, as a compromise between the two approaches I split things into two boards. We have the Debate board which is loosely moderated ("RODOH" style). But we also have a Revisionist board where we can talk without having trolls bog everything down (Hannover style). I think it's working pretty well. I do find some of the debate threads to have a somewhat poor signal to noise ratio (looking at you, Nessie) but it's just not worth the effort to micromanage the discussions. Plus, I think it is instructive for people to see what tactics and arguments are employed by the other side (and to give our guys some sparring partners).
On this forum, out of 100 members thus far, only 2 have been banned and neither were anti-revisionists. And I added a banned rank so that people can see exactly who has been banned.