Thanks for the actual death certificate, people argue the heart failure is from a lethal injection, and Roman Catholics refuse to believe otherwise. Is this the only documentary evidence around Kolbe? I found these documents but I do not know exactly what they are? (sent in my next reply, couldn't ...
From Germans (Protestants) I heard that they use "the Holocaust" as an explanation why they were suffering so much in the 1940s. The trick there is to declare Jews falsely tob eb "God's chosen people" and "Abraham's Seed" and then recite the curse them that curse you..... That those pushing the ...
Most Christians of course don't realize this... They tend to be rather shallow with their beliefs anyway... Even when they are members of a church. And even if they are active. They tend to go with the consensus there, even if they smell problems in it. I've had a Christian tell me they believe the ... Except this there are plenty of stories being told, which go back to a few people it appears. They even claim to have hair of his beard which can be venerated by Catholics.... ...
It's amazing how Believers just constantly accept huge data sources like this spanning hundreds of pages which make no reference whatsoever to the Holocaust narrative as claimed, but then they will find one part of an entry that "sounds bad" and ACTUALLY THINK it's solid evidence for their absurd ...
I think we should acknowledge the chasm between a muslim peasant who says what his imam tells him to say and thinks the way the supreme leader tells him to think and has probably never read anything decent in his life, or had an original thought in his life, and a well read and intelligent ...
Emil Kirkegaard wrote an article on what he believes the IQ of holocaust deniers is here: He ultimately puts it pretty low, somewhere in the 80s. He bases this mainly on conspiracy theorists having a low IQ and also countries with ...
No, it's a forgery dating from November 1987 and coming from Austria Note how in the intervening 37 years, exceedingly few revisionist authors have used this document in their books. See also for another ...
ADL, critics of Israel, Zionism are a separate issue of Holocaust Revisionism. Sure were Israel and Zionism riding on the Holocaust Wave, since it was useful to silence critics... "Israel" was started as a strongly left-leaning state. The Soviet Union was one of the first to recognize it and there ...
No doubt previous factors will flow into this.... The 'Leitmotif" may however vary and differ over time.... Jews generally having some resentment against Gentiles. The Germanophobia increased after WW1. The Polish attitude as well, although the Germans and Austrians restored Poland. Soviets hated ...
Here is also Germar Rudolf on the origins of the gas chamber story: While Rudolf argues against a planned conspiracy, he admits that Polish judges and historians deliberately streamlined chaotic early witness accounts into a more coherent narrative, i.e. a level of coordination and intent that ...
Holocaust Controversies was picked as name in order to compete with codoh forum on google. So it's literally a reaction to codoh to prevent people from visiting the page. While they at least posted some documents, they turned out to be rather an embarrassment pretty quickly. Some people in the ...
Wyatt has been making several stupid threads on X arguing that the holocaust happened. If anyone remembers the old forum, he showed up there trying to argue his position a few times. Mike Peinovich has been responding to his threads and basically destroying his arguments. He recently just released ...
Eric had launched a website, but it seems to be offline already. There is a very poor copy of it on the wayback machine, but I think it gives a sufficient idea. As far as the lawsuit, I'm guessing Spielberg and Netflix have ...