Treblinka Work Camp Delousing Chamber
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 4:25 pm
In the budgeting for the SSPF Warsaw there is a documented budget for the construction of a Delousing Chamber in the "Treblinka Work Camp." ... ka/5341806
Therefore, it follows that some or all of this budget for the expansion of "Work Camp Treblinka" pertained to the facilities in the camp we call "T-II". This also lends evidence for budget for a real delousing facility at the camp. And circumstantially, more facilities for laundry sorting, storage and delousing which all aligns with my hypothesis regarding the primary purpose of the camp we call "T-II" as part of the economic Operation Reinhardt.
I have not seen this document before so I thought it was very interesting. ... ka/5341806
Titel E 4:
Neu-u. Erweiterungsbauten im Arbeitslager Treblinka
Zu Titel E 4:
Zur Erweiterung des Lagers Treblinka ist der Bau von 4 Häftlingsbaracken, 1 Kuchenbaracke für die Häftlinge, 1 Revier- und Wäschereibaracke f.d. Häftlinge, Sanitäre- und Wäschereianlagen zur Revier- und Wäschereibaracke, eines Lagerschuppens, Umbau der alten Häftlingsbaracke zur Werkstatt, Wasserversorgung, Stromversorgung, Entwässerung, Entlausungskammer und Feuerlöscheinrichtung erforderlich. (Siehe anl. Kostenvoranschlag der Zentral bauleitung der Waffen-SS und Polizei Warschau vom 10.11.42.)
1.480.000 Zl
In the thread on Operation Reinhardt I have proposed that what we call "T-II" was a work camp, and this camp was also referred to as Arbeitslager Treblinka by Eberl during construction:New and Extension Buildings in Treblinka Labor Camp
The expansion of the Treblinka camp requires the construction of 4 prisoner barracks, 1 kitchen barrack for the prisoners, 1 infirmary and laundry barracks for prisoners, sanitary and laundry facilities for the infirmary and laundry barracks, a storage shed, conversion of the old prisoner barracks into a workshop, water supply, power supply, drainage, delousing chamber and fire extinguishing equipment. (See Appendix. Cost estimate of the Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Warsaw dated 10.11.42.)
1.480.000 Zl
Therefore, it follows that some or all of this budget for the expansion of "Work Camp Treblinka" pertained to the facilities in the camp we call "T-II". This also lends evidence for budget for a real delousing facility at the camp. And circumstantially, more facilities for laundry sorting, storage and delousing which all aligns with my hypothesis regarding the primary purpose of the camp we call "T-II" as part of the economic Operation Reinhardt.
I have not seen this document before so I thought it was very interesting.