were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
Think about the large amount of crushed bones in the graves. Did the archeologists find the crushed bones, were they perhaps deposited at a later date? Were the crushed bones also purposefully scattered around the sites of the mass graves, which are exactly as witnesses describe them?
The fancy runic insignia of the SS - which Alvarez mocks as "toying around with his typewriter to compose some artistic rendering of the SS rune" (TGV, p. 92) - is characteristic for the letters he sent to the SS leaders Meyszner, Wolff and Himmler. He even used them in copies of Himmler's letters for his own files. Wolff remarked towards West-German investigators that this specially added SS-Runen "indicates his will to emphasise his belonging to the SS" (interrogation Wolff of 7 February 1962, BArch B 162 / 5025, p. 37; Wolff also confirmed the authenticity of the letter at this occasion).
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
Rassinier's remarks here are very early (the 1960s) and are by no means conclusive, but he is touching on important general points that are still relevant. I think what Rassinier is getting at here is the issue of robustness of evidence. The evidence for something needs to be commensurate with what is alleged. He does not dismiss the PS-501 document. He does not try to "explain" or "debunk" it. Rather he is simply wary of being asked to accept that 100,000 Jews were gas-vanned based largely on a piece of paper. Ok, we have piece of paper. However,I will say nothing of the celebrated "death buses" whose existence and utilisation are attested by Document P.S. 501 [99] (Volume XXVI, p. 1-2-10), which is an account by a sublieutenant from Marioupol with the date May 15th, 1942. The whole text will be found in the fourth part of this work, taken from David Rousset, who reproduced it in Le Pitre ne rit pas (The Clown does not laugh) (Paris, 1948).
These "buses", which the indictment refers to as "trucks", were supposedly equipped for asphyxiation by using the motor exhaust. 100,000 Jews are said to have been gassed in this way. Even at the rate of 50, or even 100 per "bus" or "truck", take your choice, one can see what a task it was. This idea, which poses the problem of whether there was time to asphyxiate 100,000 people in this way, or whether a considerable number of these "vehicles" - of which not one has been recovered - existed, in itself reveals the imbecility of the contention that this was part of a vast plan, perfected by the authorities of the Third Reich, to exterminate the Jews. If in truth vehicles of this kind did exist, they can only have been produced by private initiative and only the smallest number could have been produced. The cases reported are considered to have happened in the region of Chelmno, under the authority of one Globochnik. When one knows Globochnik (cp. 5th part), one can obviously not swear that he would not be an initiator of such a scheme. But extermination in numbers of 100,000 is manifestly just as false. If it were a few hundred, it would be possible to accept the figure; but 100,000, no, absolutely not.
This story says they used gas that was stored in some sort of gas apparatus, i.e., they used some other gas, not the engine exhaust. In 1943, the Soviets at the Krasnodar and Kharkov trials said the gas vans used diesel exhaust and that seems to be the version of the story that won out. By 1945, the story was engine exhaust. From what I have seen, the post-war testimonies all say they used exhaust (or they are too vague to tell). And for decades after the war, standard secondary sources likewise said the Chelmno vans used exhaust.The truck was constructed in a special way and looked roughly like a regular grey van, hermetically sealed with two doors at the back. On the inside, the van was covered with sheet metal. There was no places to sit in the van. The floor was lined with wooden slats, like in a bathroom, and covered with a doormat. Between the interior of the van and the place where the driver was sitting were two little windows through which, using an electric lamp, he checked whether the victims were dead. Underneath the wooden slats were two 15-centimeters pipes coming from the driver's cabin. At the end, they had openings through which the gas could enter. The gas apparatus was located inside the driver's cabin, where only the driver sat.
What is curious about the Montague book (and I should say I checked this one thing but I have not read the whole thing yet) is that he seems to have noticed the problem with the Szlamek report and he does make some attempt to square the circle. Montague's theory is as follows (pg. 204): "The original gas van was not the only van used in the camp. RSHA sent two of its smaller vans to Chelmno in early January at the latest, presumably the Opel-Blitz vans. " That is, he thinks there was one van that used bottled CO or something (which would be more consistent with the Szlamek report) but that two exhaust-based gas vans arrived around January 1942 and this earlier design was then seemingly forgotten.As the first extermination camp established by the Nazi regime and the prototype of the single-purpose death camps of Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec, the Chelmno death camp stands as a crucial but largely unexplored element of the Holocaust. This book is the first comprehensive work in any language to detail all aspects of the camp's history, organisation and operations and to remedy the dearth of information in the Holocaust literature about Chelmno, which served as a template for the Nazis' 'Final Solution'.
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
A lot of the issues you guys have is due to insufficient familiarity with the source material. The graves are not located at the camp but in a forest a few miles away. Archie too says things like
But if he looked at the first link I provided he would have seen that the T4 killings with bottled gas in vans were conducted by Lange, who guess what, was the commandant of Chelmno upon its foundation.Archie wrote: ↑Sat Mar 01, 2025 3:00 am There are some mentions of bottled CO used in gas vans in the euthanasia program, but this is said to have happened much earlier. The 1985 version of Hilberg (Vol I, 333) says for example: "Vehicles equipped with bottled, chemically pure carbon monoxide had already been used in 1940 for gassing East Prussian mental patients in Soldau, a camp located in the former Polish corridor." But he makes no mention of this for Chelmno.
Start a thread on this interment site. I assume this is the same for riga/Rumbula then?bombsaway wrote: ↑Sat Mar 01, 2025 5:02 amA lot of the issues you guys have is due to insufficient familiarity with the source material. The graves are not located at the camp but in a forest a few miles away. Archie too says things like
But if he looked at the first link I provided he would have seen that the T4 killings with bottled gas in vans were conducted by Lange, who guess what, was the commandant of Chelmno upon its foundation.Archie wrote: ↑Sat Mar 01, 2025 3:00 am There are some mentions of bottled CO used in gas vans in the euthanasia program, but this is said to have happened much earlier. The 1985 version of Hilberg (Vol I, 333) says for example: "Vehicles equipped with bottled, chemically pure carbon monoxide had already been used in 1940 for gassing East Prussian mental patients in Soldau, a camp located in the former Polish corridor." But he makes no mention of this for Chelmno.
I see no reason to spend much more time on this when the arguments are thoroughly addressed in the Chelmno section in HC blog.
One concern that I will address is that no gas vans were found. According to orthodoxy, about 20-30 were built in total. Is it a strong argument for revisionists that none were found? It firstly doesn't make sense for Nazis to have kept the vans function intact once they were done, modifying for normal function (transport) would have been trivial. I think this criticism of "lack of evidence" is rich coming from people who don't blink at the thought of millions of people disappearing without leaving any sort of paper trail behind, or witness testimony. The conspiracy required to cover up something like this is probably 10,000 x greater magnitude.
Rather I think it might be productive, if revisionist are unwilling to properly digest the source material, for us to discuss the grave sites. I think Archie will find that they are large enough to accommodate the estimate of 150-200k bodies there.
Stubble will explicit mention of "crushed bones" meaning there wasn't just incineration going on there, the bodies were broken and smashed https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... elmno.html
The final question, the one revisionists will never answer (just watch as an experiment) and the reason their theories have been rejected by historians, and will continue to be rejected:
Can you provide a comprehensive answer about what happened at Chelmno?
It's evidence of use of homicidal gas vans but you can start a thread if you want. I'm not going to be engaging much here so this is research you guys can mostly do on your own if you're interested.Stubble wrote: ↑Sat Mar 01, 2025 5:08 am
Start a thread on this internment site. I assume this is the same for riga/Rumbula then?
So this would be a central burial location for at least 1 concentration camp, and a series of ghettos and some antiterrorism operations then, correct?
Given the video you posted said chelmno, I had assumed those graves were located, at chelmno.
Believe it or not, I'm trying to resolve an image here, not speculate. There is a different but distinctly similar monument in Latvia. Not being that familiar with the precise location of chelmno, and knowing you said a few miles I made a poor assumption. We all forget about Lithuania from time to time, right? (I ain't from around there)bombsaway wrote: ↑Sat Mar 01, 2025 5:18 amIt's evidence of use of homicidal gas vans but you can start a thread if you want. I'm not going to be engaging much here so this is research you guys can mostly do on your own if you're interested.Stubble wrote: ↑Sat Mar 01, 2025 5:08 am
Start a thread on this internment site. I assume this is the same for riga/Rumbula then?
So this would be a central burial location for at least 1 concentration camp, and a series of ghettos and some antiterrorism operations then, correct?
Given the video you posted said chelmno, I had assumed those graves were located, at chelmno.
The major ghetto in this area was Lodz. There were no ghettos near Chelmno
https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Che%C5% ... FQAw%3D%3D
I'm sure you can come up with some speculations about Jews being interred in this place from far off destinations, but again, read the source material. The documents are explicit that many tens of thousands of "sick" non employable Jews were evacuated 200 km north-west (not even east) to the train station nearest to Chelmno . There the paper trail disappears, forever.
I don't think that really addresses my comment (which was not a reply to yours).bombsaway wrote: ↑Sat Mar 01, 2025 5:02 am Archie too says things like
But if he looked at the first link I provided he would have seen that the T4 killings with bottled gas in vans were conducted by Lange, who guess what, was the commandant of Chelmno upon its foundation.Archie wrote: ↑Sat Mar 01, 2025 3:00 am There are some mentions of bottled CO used in gas vans in the euthanasia program, but this is said to have happened much earlier. The 1985 version of Hilberg (Vol I, 333) says for example: "Vehicles equipped with bottled, chemically pure carbon monoxide had already been used in 1940 for gassing East Prussian mental patients in Soldau, a camp located in the former Polish corridor." But he makes no mention of this for Chelmno.
And then I gave Hilberg as an example. And keep in mind that's the massive three-volume Hilberg. Or take another example.And for decades after the war, standard secondary sources likewise said the Chelmno vans used exhaust.
This is a perfect example of why Holocaust Inc is so insidious. We've just recently had an entire other thread where you and your friends were making the exact opposite case for your arguments. Watch this:bombsaway wrote: ↑Sat Mar 01, 2025 5:47 pm I don't care about the literature. I care about primary sources and am capable of interpreting them without the need for "experts" to tell me what they mean. This is a whole other aspect that I think is causing you a lot of undue confusion. If you take the testimonies and the the documents at their word, SK Lange was conducting mass killings of mental patients with gas vans hooked up to bottled CO. Then SK Lange took up residence at Chelmno where vans were used with the modification of engine exhaust being used. There being a transition period here between both kinds of vans is not something that strikes me as improbable.