The Franke-Gricksch Report
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:46 am
The Franke-Gricksch Report is a report supposedly written by Alfred Franke-Gricksch on his trip to Auschwitz. This "report" has a description of a gassing at Auschwitz. There is also a real Franke-Gricksch report that was written on his visit to several of the camps including Auschwitz, with no gassing description for Auschwitz or any other camp. Here they are: ... -birkenau/
Some criticisms of the report include Brian Renk and Carlo Mattogno. Here is a summary of their arguments on the Holocaust Encyclopedia with references to the books and article: ... lfred/292/
The HC blog has spent quite a lot of time defending the contents of the report. You can see all those defenses here:
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... ranke.html
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... cksch.html
First of all, the mere fact that there is an actual report and then we have this other side report is suspicious. That in itself indicates one is a forgery. The main defense given against that is that the other report is an "appendix". But there is no indication of that given on the document anywhere. The document also says this:
Finally onto the contents:
Two major problems with this document is the execution times and the how the gas chamber is described.
OK Pressac. Cool made up story.
This is what you look like: This is not something you can write off as a "mistake". This is a big whopper that someone would be unlikely to make.
Conclusion: the Franke-Griscksch Report is fake and all the defenses of it are hilarious copes. ... -birkenau/
Some criticisms of the report include Brian Renk and Carlo Mattogno. Here is a summary of their arguments on the Holocaust Encyclopedia with references to the books and article: ... lfred/292/
The HC blog has spent quite a lot of time defending the contents of the report. You can see all those defenses here:
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... ranke.html
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... cksch.html
First of all, the mere fact that there is an actual report and then we have this other side report is suspicious. That in itself indicates one is a forgery. The main defense given against that is that the other report is an "appendix". But there is no indication of that given on the document anywhere. The document also says this:
And there is no reference to the extermination of Jews. Very interesting he didn't mention any Reinhardt exterminations but in the other one he mentioned gassing. Another inconsistency.Sonderaktion ‘Reinhard’.
This special unit deals with the seizure of Jewish property.
Finally onto the contents:
Two major problems with this document is the execution times and the how the gas chamber is described.
This section is completely ridiculous. There are too little people in the room. It "puts them to sleep within a minute". Whether literal or figurative for death, this is just completely false. It does not take that quick for everyone in there to either fall asleep or die from the poison. And there was no door "on the other side". This alone is enough to throw the "report" out as unreliable. Pressac amusingly defends the door on the other side with a completely made up scenario that he imagined in his head:After 300 – 400 people have gathered in this room, the doors are closed, and the containers with the substances are lowered into the pillars from above. As soon as these containers touch the bottom of the column, they develop certain substances that put people to sleep within a minute. A few minutes later, a door opens on the other side, which leads to an elevator.
???This can be explained only if there was some kind of break in his visit to the crematorium that caused him to lose his bearings somewhat. His error becomes comprehensible if we assume the following itinerary: descent from the outside to the undressing room [Leichenkeller 2], walk through its entire length to the double door at the far end, through this into the short corridor and then the vestibule, from which he took a few steps into the gas chamber [Leichenkeller 1], whose operation was then explained to him. He emerged from the basement via the northern stairway into the yard. then entered the ground floor of the crematorium through the north entrance and was shown into the furnace room. Here the virtues of the Topf furnaces were extolled, probably while he was standing before Furnace 1. Then he took the corpse lift down to the basement, in front of the entrance to the gas chamber (where, not recognizing the vestibule he had passed through some time before, he thought this was ANOTHER door to the gas chamber). He probably went back up to the ground floor on the corpse hoist and left the Krematorium through the main, north, door. The “break” thus occurred when he emerged from the basement by the northern stairway, instead of more logically taking the corpse hoist directly up to the furnace room.
OK Pressac. Cool made up story.

This is what you look like: This is not something you can write off as a "mistake". This is a big whopper that someone would be unlikely to make.
Conclusion: the Franke-Griscksch Report is fake and all the defenses of it are hilarious copes.