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can someone identify where this photo was taken pls?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 2:12 am
by Alamek
This photo was shown by Katie Couric to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad years ago, does anyone know where it was taken?
ID this photo of dead bodies.jpg
ID this photo of dead bodies.jpg (371.87 KiB) Viewed 286 times

Re: can someone identify where this photo was taken pls?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 3:27 am
by Callafangers
Alamek wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 2:12 am This photo was shown by Katie Couric to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad years ago, does anyone know where it was taken? ID this photo of dead bodies.jpg
That's difficult to say. All she says is that it was taken [allegedly] at a "German concentration camp". Therefore, given the number of deaths throughout Europe during WW2 (and given that her photos shows only some two dozen corpses in total), that could be almost anywhere.

Here is the interview where she shows the photo, it is clearer than in your screenshot:

What we do not see in this photo is any evidence of 'gassing', any evidence of murder, nor even any evidence these are necessarily Jews. There are just corpses... from WW2... when tens of millions of corpses were scattered everywhere across Europe.

Re: can someone identify where this photo was taken pls?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:47 pm
by TlsMS93
Callafangers wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 3:27 am
Alamek wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 2:12 am This photo was shown by Katie Couric to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad years ago, does anyone know where it was taken? ID this photo of dead bodies.jpg
That's difficult to say. All she says is that it was taken [allegedly] at a "German concentration camp". Therefore, given the number of deaths throughout Europe during WW2 (and given that her photos shows only some two dozen corpses in total), that could be almost anywhere.

Here is the interview where she shows the photo, it is clearer than in your screenshot:

What we do not see in this photo is any evidence of 'gassing', any evidence of murder, nor even any evidence these are necessarily Jews. There are just corpses... from WW2... when tens of millions of corpses were scattered everywhere across Europe.
Ahmadinejad is weak on this revisionist issue, he kind of accepts the version but wonders why the others are not mourned equally? He had the chance to finish her on this issue of the photo, she simply showed a photo and asked if it was a lie, would she say it was true if someone showed her a photo of Stalin without Nikolai Yezhov? She only showed a photo and the source associated with it, as if that gave her the authority to represent the Holocaust, the damned gas chambers in operation. No one took a clandestine photo, but there are tons of corpses to give and sell. And Hilberg himself differentiates between Jewish casualties and those killed in the Holocaust.

Re: can someone identify where this photo was taken pls?

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 2:45 pm
by Archie
Pretty sure it's Nordhausen. This looks like the same photo (or a closely related one).


Re: can someone identify where this photo was taken pls?

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 9:37 am
by curioussoul
Archie wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 2:45 pm Pretty sure it's Nordhausen. This looks like the same photo (or a closely related one).

Yup, that's it. Good find.

As a rule of thumb, whenever you see these enormous mass graves, the footage is either from Nordhausen or Bergen-Belsen. This is something Rudolf has pointed out a lot, going as far back as his Lectures on the Holocaust book. No significant mass graves were ever unearthed in the so-called extermination camps, so to really drive home the point about Nazi horrors, they are reduced to using footage from regular concentration camps hit by disease and starvation in early 1945.

Re: can someone identify where this photo was taken pls?

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2025 4:13 pm
by Joe Splink
This is a clip from a longer Eric Hunt vid (I think) that explains the holohoax at Nordhausen.

Re: can someone identify where this photo was taken pls?

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2025 4:21 am
by DavidM
Archie wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 2:45 pm Pretty sure it's Nordhausen. This looks like the same photo (or a closely related one).

Archie is right-
Here is a letter which explains the matter I sent to...

Director Sara Bloomfield
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place SW
Washington, DC 20024-2126

Regarding- The Tragedy of the Nordhausen Camp Hospital

Dear Director Bloomfield:

I am writing regarding the horrible tragedy of the bombing of the Nordhausen Camp Hospital and the exploitation of the tragedy in propaganda films which are still used by your museum.

The Last Days of Nordhausen- 71 Years Ago.

Nordhausen was a sub-camp in the Mittelbau-Dora group. A large set of barracks on the edge of the town of Nordhausen had been converted into a hospital for inmates with the specific name Boelcke Kaserne, or "Boelcke Barracks."

On April 3 1945, 247 Lancaster bombers and 8 Mosquitos of Group Nos 1 and 8 of British Royal Air Force bombed and strafed the Nordhausen Camp hospital, killing thousands of inmates. The hospital doctors, nurses, and caregivers, (both German and detainee) fled the smashed hospital leaving the sick and wounded in a desperate situation.

The next day, the British attacked again; this time sending 243 Lancasters, 1 Mosquito of No 5 Group, and 8 Pathfinder Mosquitos to bomb the town of Nordhausen and bomb the barracks. Thousands of German civilians and more inmates were killed in the second attack.

See: [still good connection but scroll down]

Altogether, 490 bombers, each carrying 12,000 lbs. of bombs or almost 6,000,000 pounds of explosives, hit Nordhausen. The hospital was smashed, the doctors and staff scattered, the surrounding area devastated. The already difficult situation in the crowded hospital turned into a disaster. The death toll of hospital inmates and workers was approximately 3,500. The number of dead civilians has been given as approximately 8,000.
490 Lancasters attacked on two separate days

A Photo Opportunity
On April 11 elements of the US 3rd Armored and 104th Infantry Divisions reached Nordhausen. The bodies of those who died in the bombing and its aftermath were pulled from the rubble and lined up for a "photo opportunity. " No mention was made that the "props" were provided courtesy of the British air force.

Cameramen A. Statt and Rosenmann had a keen eye for filming the horrors, focusing on details of the dead and sick. The filming was supervised by Major Frank Gleason of the JAGD 89th

Here is Documentary Evidence
Their work was packaged into numerous propaganda films and Nordhausen achieved a brief notoriety. An example of the propaganda use Gleason's work was put to can be seen at [taken down]; Universal Newsreel's Nazi Murder Mills, an Official NewsReel. We are informed that, "The vile inhuman beasts took pride in their concentration camp at Nordhausen;" that the deaths were the result of "Germany's organized carnage", and "For the first time, America can believe what they thought was impossible propaganda. Here is documentary evidence of sheer mass murder. Murder that will blacken the name of Germany for the rest of recorded history."

If It Please The Tribunal...
The true history of the bombing and devastation of Nordhausen was known when the Nuremberg Trial started but the film images were "too good" not to be used by the prosecution. The film footage was shown early in the Trial, on November 29, 1945, as a segment of a longer motion picture described as A Documentary Motion Picture / Document No. 2430-PS / Submitted on behalf of U.S. Chief Counsel as exhibit USA 79. In the film it was stated that, "at least 3,000 political prisoners died here [the Boelcke Kaserne] at the brutal hands of SS troops…" The camp hospital was described only as "a depository for slaves found unfit for work."

No mention was made of the British bombings.

Assistant Prosecutor Thomas Dodd presented the movie to the Tribunal, claiming that,
"that each and every one of these defendants knew of the existence of these concentration camps;…that fear and terror and nameless horror of the concentration camps were instruments by which the defendants retained power and suppressed the opposition to any of their policies, including, of course, their plans for aggressive war." That is, Dodd implied that the conditions in Nordhausen seen in the movie were the conditions of "nameless horror" in the camps well prior to April 1945. This was a significant fraud and a vile exploitation of the Nordhausen tragedy. Dodd is infamous for having brought a shrunken head into the Tribunal.

Continued Dishonesty and Exploitation
This exploitation is widespread even 70 years after Dodd's shameful antics.The US Holocaust Museum website on Dora-Mittelbau (also known as Dora-Nordhausen or Nordhausen)at ... d=10005322 still uses the propaganda video…and still "forgets" to mention that the people in the film were killed in a German hospital by British bombardment. [They seem to have taken it down...score one for CODOH!]

The propaganda film is also used in an exhibit in your museum and, amazingly, your Museum does not even mention the terrible bombings. [They seem to have taken the exhibit down too...score another one for CODOH]

Where to find the Truth
An accurate history of Nordhausen's final days can be seen at the Revisionist website.

Scroll down to Nordhausen, the Epitome of the Big Lie. Or go to Youtube

That the public needs to go to a Revisionist site to get the truthful story on the Nordhausen tragedy should shame you into correcting your on use of the films.

Exploitation of Real Tragedies For Propaganda Purposes.
CODOH founder Bradley Smith wrote, “Briefly, we believe that much of that history that we are taught today has been influenced by Soviet, British and American wartime propaganda which exaggerated and exploited real tragedies for propaganda purposes."

Yours for a Museum that does not use propaganda lies.

David Merlin,
Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust.

[email protected]