The Demographics of the Auschwitz Complexes do not Support Extermination
Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:01 pm
Exterminationists claim that the young, the sick and people unable to be put to work were victims of a planned genocide during WWII. Here we will discuss some of the efforts to reduce the fatalities in the camps, the demographics of sick and disabled detainees vs healthy detainees etc. Sources provided will be linked to source.
The first document that I will proved is a letter from Pohl to Himmler regarding the percentage of camp detainees unable to work; ... 3/mode/2up
There are various other supporting documents that show very similar ratios of sick to healthy populations in the concentration and labor camps.
There are also memoranda from Himmler and various SS Officers concerning how to REDUCE fatalities in the camps.
Now, given these facts, and others which will be presented during the run of this thread, my question is, how does the orthodoxy square this with the idea of a planned and executed genocide and with the mainstream claim that the sick and disabled were murdered by the German Authorities at these various sites?
The first document that I will proved is a letter from Pohl to Himmler regarding the percentage of camp detainees unable to work;
Source NMT Green Series, Volume V, page 384-385TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT NO-021 PROSECUTION EXHIBIT 357 LETTER BY POHL TO HIMMLER, 5 APRIL 1944, CONCERNING SE CURITY MEASURES IN AUSCHWITZ; HIMMLER'S ANSWER, 9 MAY 1944 The Chief of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office D II/I Az.: 27/2 Ma./F. Journal No. 236/44 secret Top Secret! 2 copies-1st copy Berlin, 5 April 1944 Lichterfelde-West Unter den Eichen 126-135 Telephone: local 765261 long distance 765101 To the Reich Leader SS Berlin SW 11 Prinz Albrechtstr. 8 Subject: Security measures in Auschwitz. Reference: Your letter of 24 March 44 Diary No. 38/32/44 secret Bra/H. Enclosures: 2 plans * Reich Leader! The extent and the high number of inmates of the Auschwitz concentration camp induced me already last October to suggest a three way division of the camp. After your approval, it has been carried out as of 10 November 1943. Therefore there are now 3 concentration camps in Auschwitz. As to the security measures taken for case A, I report as follows: 1. Camp I includes the compact camp for men with a present strength of approximately 16,000 inmates. It is surrounded with a fence and by barbed wire which, as in all concentration camps, is electrically charged. Besides there are watch towers mounted with machine guns. Camp II is situated about 3 km. from camp I. It accommodates 15,000 male and 21,000 female inmates. Of a total of 36,000 in mates approximately 15,000 are unable to work. Camp II is also surrounded by an electrically charged wire fence; there are also watch towers. Camp III includes all subsidiary camps attached to industrial establishments in Upper Silesia which, however, are located at considerable distances from each other. At present it consists of 14 subsidiary camps with a total number of approximately 15,000 male inmates. These labor camps are surrounded by the usual wire fence and also have watch towers. The largest of these labor camps is in Auschwitz attached to the I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. It has at present 7,000 inmates. The other subsidiary camps have a considerably smaller strength. The following is a summary of the situation: Auschwitz I Auschwitz II Auschwitz III 16,000 men 15,000 men 15,000 men 46,000 men 21,000 women 21,000 women Total 67,000 Camp II has the largest number of inmates whereby, however, it must be considered that of the total of 36,000 inmates, 21,000 are wome~. 2. Of the total number of 67,000 inmates those in the sub sidiary camps and those hospitalized have to be deducted if the question of a threatening revolt ·or escapes in Upper Silesia is to be considered. Of the total number, 67,000 inmates; 15,000 are to be deducted, those in subsidiary camps (camp III), and the number of the hospitalized and disabled, 18,000; so that practically 34,000 in mates have to be reckoned with. In case A this would mean danger to Auschwitz if security measures were insufficient. 3. 2,300 SS men are available to guard the inmates of camp 1 and II, including the staff of camp headquarters who are to be 'detailed in case A. In addition there are 650 guards available for .the subsidiary camps of camp III. SS Obergruppenfuehrer Schmauser keeps a company of police of about 130 men, in readiness by the middle of this month. This company shall, if necessary, be used for additional security of camp II. It will therefore be billeted in the close vicinity of this camp. 4. Apart from the direct security of camp I and II by manned watch towers and electrically chargeable wire fences, a line of bunkers has been constructed as an inner ring which will be manned by SS men. On the enclosed map, this line of bunkers is marked in red. In case A, as a further security measure, the outer ring will be formed to be manned by the Wehrmacht. On the enclosed map, this outer ring can be seen on the map indicating the field posi tions with the parts of the Wehrmacht earmarked for the opera tion. Inside the outer ring is also the labor camp at the LG. Farbenindustrie A.G., with at present 7,000 inmates and the en tire factory of the LG. Farbenindustrie A.G.,* in which in addi tion to our inmates, approximately 15,000 people are employed. The deployment [Einsatz] of the Wehrmacht was decided upon a few weeks ago in Auschwitz by SS Obergruppenfuehrer Schmauser and the commanding general of the VIII army corps, Lt. General [Cav] von Koch-Erbach. I further enclose an alert plan according to which the SS post commander in Auschwitz is able to alert directly all stations concerned by telephone, wireless, or teletype in the shortest pos sible time. Further, it has been taken care that a large scale search be carried out under the direction of the Criminal Police Office Katowice in case of mass escapes. The Luftwaffe units stationed in Auschwitz in the strength of 1,000 men are available provided the alert does not coincide with an air raid. These Luftwaffe units can however not absolutely be counted upon. In drafting the plan of operation [Einsatzplan] this has been taken into consideration. Very soon exercises will be carried out with all agencies con cerned. I believe, Reich Leader, that these preparations and security measures will be sufficient in case A. Heil Hitler! [Signed]PoHL SS Obergruppenfuehrer and Lt. General of the Waffen SS The Reich Leader SS Personal Staff ... 3/mode/2up
There are various other supporting documents that show very similar ratios of sick to healthy populations in the concentration and labor camps.
There are also memoranda from Himmler and various SS Officers concerning how to REDUCE fatalities in the camps.
Now, given these facts, and others which will be presented during the run of this thread, my question is, how does the orthodoxy square this with the idea of a planned and executed genocide and with the mainstream claim that the sick and disabled were murdered by the German Authorities at these various sites?