USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 3:41 am
To my surprise and delight, I saw that "USS Liberty" was trending on X. This recent interest seems to have been sparked by a Candance Owens video. She has a big audience, so this is great news.
Devon Stack has a good, concise intro video for those who want a bit of background.
The cover story was the Israelis "accidentally" attacked the ship, but this is totally absurd. It was obviously an American ship. And you cannot "accidentally" launch a sustained air and sea assault on a ship, take out their comms, jam their distress frequencies, machine-gun their lifeboats, etc.
Here is some commentary on the incident from George Ball who was Undersecretary of State for Kennedy and Johnson. This is from his book The Passionate Attachment. Ball in some ways doesn't go far enough, but he was a quite mainstream figure and an insider which gives his comments some weight. ... -spy-ship/
Another important source here is the USS Liberty Veterans Association. They were silenced for years as part of the cover-up.
And here is a good article from Ron Unz. He gives a good overview of the basics but also goes further and summarizes several longer books on the subject, including some that venture into more speculative territory (including over the role of President Johnson). This would be a great place to start for a deep dive. ... e-liberty/
I do not see how any can believe the "mistaken identity" story. That it was a deliberate attack is settled as far as I am concerned. Yet there do remain some mysteries about it such as what exactly the plans and motives were and whether Johnson had foreknowledge and was complicit (vs simply doing the cover-up afterwards).
Devon Stack has a good, concise intro video for those who want a bit of background.
The cover story was the Israelis "accidentally" attacked the ship, but this is totally absurd. It was obviously an American ship. And you cannot "accidentally" launch a sustained air and sea assault on a ship, take out their comms, jam their distress frequencies, machine-gun their lifeboats, etc.
Here is some commentary on the incident from George Ball who was Undersecretary of State for Kennedy and Johnson. This is from his book The Passionate Attachment. Ball in some ways doesn't go far enough, but he was a quite mainstream figure and an insider which gives his comments some weight.
During the war, Israel attacked the U.S.S. Liberty. The Liberty was an American intelligence-gathering vessel, then cruising in international waters near Egypt and reading the radio transmissions of both sides. It flew the American flag and was painted in U.S. Navy colors, complete with number and name.
On the fourth day of the war, with both Jordan and Egypt routed, the Israelis turned their attention to Syria, the original cause of all this trouble. Guns mounted on the Golan Heights had subjected Galilee to sporadic bombardment for years and the Israelis had every intention of capturing those Heights before hostilities were over. Meanwhile, the United Nations had adopted a cease-fire resolution and they feared there might not be enough time to accomplish this objective without, as it were, going into overtime.
The Liberty’s presence and function were known to Israel’s leaders. They presumably thought it vital that the Liberty be prevented from informing Washington of their intentions to violate any cease-fire before they had completed their occupation of the Golan. Their solution was brutal and direct. Israeli aircraft determined the exact location of the ship and undertook a combined air-naval attack. Apprised of Israel’s plans from various sources, the U.S. Navy Department faced a delicate problem. Due regard for the lives of America’s naval personnel should have impelled the Navy to urge the State Department to warn off Israel in no uncertain terms; meanwhile, the Navy should have alerted the Liberty to its danger and dispatched ships or planes for its protection. But none of these actions was taken in time.
There has, for years, been a continuing argument about this tragic lapse. Some say that a warning to Israel might have exposed the U.S. sources of secret intelligence. Whatever the motive, the President or one of his aides took the decision to risk the ship and its crew, and merely ordered them, without explanation, to steam west at top speed. Unhappily, that notice was too little and taken too late. Israeli ships and planes attacked, killing 34 American sailors, wounding 75, and leaving 821 rocket and machine-gun holes in the Liberty. It was only when the Israelis were preparing to board the ship that American planes belatedly appeared from the west and forced them to retire.
The sequel was unedifying. The administration tried vigorously to downplay the whole matter. Although it silenced the crew, casualties to the sailors and damage to the ship could not possibly be concealed. Thus, an elaborate charade was performed. The United States complained pro forma to Israel, which reacted by blaming the victims. The ship, they rejoined, had not been clearly marked but looked like an Arab ship--which was definitely untrue. Nor did the Israelis even pretend that they had queried the American Embassy in Tel Aviv regarding the status of the well-marked ship. In the end, the Israelis tendered a reluctant and graceless apology; indemnities for the victims and damaged ship were both parsimonious and slow in coming. The sordid affair has still not been erased form the history books; an organization of devoted survivors has kept the cause alive over the years by publishing a newsletter and holding well-advertised meetings.
Yet the ultimate lesson of the Liberty attack had far more effect on policy in Israel than America. Israel’s leaders concluded that nothing they might do would offend the Americans to the point of reprisal. If America’s leaders did not have the courage to punish Israel for the blatant murder of American citizens, it seemed clear that their American friends would let them get away with almost anything.
Here is an article from Chicago Tribune, another mainstream permitting the cover-up of Israel’s attack on the Liberty, President Johnson told the Israelis in effect that nothing they did would induce American politicians to refuse their bidding. From that time forth, the Israelis began to act as if they had an inalienable right to American aid and backing. ... -spy-ship/
Another important source here is the USS Liberty Veterans Association. They were silenced for years as part of the cover-up.
And here is a good article from Ron Unz. He gives a good overview of the basics but also goes further and summarizes several longer books on the subject, including some that venture into more speculative territory (including over the role of President Johnson). This would be a great place to start for a deep dive. ... e-liberty/
I do not see how any can believe the "mistaken identity" story. That it was a deliberate attack is settled as far as I am concerned. Yet there do remain some mysteries about it such as what exactly the plans and motives were and whether Johnson had foreknowledge and was complicit (vs simply doing the cover-up afterwards).