Re: No Sources, No History
Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 5:59 pm
'History is pretty straight forward, an event is evidenced to have happened, or it is not. The evidence for Nazi death camps where people were gassed and mass shootings, started to be gathered by the Polish during the war, on account of many of the deaths happened in what had been Poland, since it had such a huge Jewish population.'
I'd posit that 'usually' history is pretty straightforward. I'd also argue that actual evidence for 'extermination centers' is rather scant. I'll argue that in the past I've been told that said evidence is simultaneously abundant and irrefutable, but also, wholly destroyed by evil 'nazis' upon request for said evidence.
'From the start, the deaths in the camps were inside chambers, but initially there was some confusion and unknowns as to exactly how people died inside the chambers. As more reliable evidence came to light, it was proven that either exhaust fumes or Zyklon B was used. That evidenced narrative has remained fixed since 1945. No evidence has been traced to prove mass resettlement.'
How is this different from my earlier assertion that 'they knew that everyone died, they just didn't know how they died'.
Much of what you are calling reliable evidence is unironically black propaganda from the Polish Government in Exile and it is pretty uniform initially about 'gas vans', 'steam chambers', 'electrified floors' and various other fables.
So far as it being unchanging since 1945, that's simply not true. Men were hung by their neck until they were dead for steaming over 1,000,000 people to death at treblinka at Nuremberg for example.
'Much of that propaganda has come from those who seek to deny, or diminish what happened. I regularly catch revisionists out, as they lie and misrepresent evidence, to pretend that it is lacking for mass gassings, as they ignore it is seriously lacking for the millions of Jews still alive in 1944.'
Most of that propaganda has come from the mainstream over the course of, my entire life. From fiction presented as fact, to fact used to construct fiction, much of what I have been told, shown and instructed has been inverted, distorted or misrepresented. My experience with the other side of the coin has been that the inconsistencies cited and the information presented has been well sourced and after investigation, while not readily accessible from your preferred sources, none the less true. When I actually find many of the quotes from your preferred sources, there are ellipsis at the very point of a quote that I want to cite, and getting to original source is sometimes beyond my ability to google fu out of the various search engines.
Well, when I'm told that 6,000,000 jews died, and that is false information, and stating that the number is lower is 'denial' of or 'diminishing' of what happened, that puts me in a rather restrictive position from the jump, doesn't it?
The point about the missing jews, to me, seems no more pressing than my point about the coke.
'the deeper you dig, the more you find it is revisionists, who cannot produce an evidenced chronological history of the Jews in Nazi captivity during WWII.'
I'll get my shovel.
'Questioning and being suspicious of what you have been told, it not a fallacy. Be suspicious and question revisionist claims, as much as you do for historians. You will see revisionists are all over the place and make many illogical, spurious, dishonest claims.'
I ain't planning on getting hoodwinked by nobody. Had the first shot that came my way in the form of a lie been from people that I instantly and fully gave my trust to, I would not be as sceptical as I am.
With that said, I have no intention to simply take my brain out and set it on the shelf for either side of this conversation.
'I have critically examined the evidence for mass gassings and revisionist arguments that they did not happen. The evidenced history stands up to scrutiny way better than revisionist arguments.'
Well, I'm going to have to walk that path myself. From the ground I'm standing on right now, I don't see myself walking back over to a side that lied to me in my youth and continues to try to lie to me in my adulthood. 1,100,000 cremated with a hand full of coke? Another 2,000,000 gassed with 'a motor', buried, dug up, burned, smashed with hammers and scattered to the wind? With, wood from, someplace?
'Please do examine the evidence. You will find that there is no evidence to support revisionist claims that;
1) the A-B Kremas were used as delousing chambers, showers, corpse stores and/or bomb shelters (except latterly Krema I) and never for gassings.
2) the AR camps were used as transit camps, hygiene stations, customs stops and for property sorting and never for gassings.
3) those places sent millions of Jews east to be resettled
4) in 1944, millions of Jews were alive in camps and in 1945, millions of Jews were liberated.
An event like that, if it happened, would leave a lot of evidence. There would also be no reason for the Nazis to cover resettlement up, especially when they knew they were being accused of killing millions.'
This is sound advice. I'm going to take this advice.
'List of documents from A-B, pertaining to the construction of gas chambers and ovens here;
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... ce-on.html
Testimony from the Topf & Sons engineers about the construction and functioning of the gas chambers and ovens here;
Topf & Sons history website; ... 28724.html '
Again, thank you. I'll dig into these and post back later.
It looks like for you, ultimately, this situation boils down to where are the live bodies, not, where are the dead ones. If I am to lut this in the absolute, simplest and most condensed terms possible.
It's a fair argument.
At this point on my path, I'd point to the census for the jews in the jewish encyclopedia, pre and post war, and say, places. You would not be convinced by that though any more than I am convinced you can burn 5,000 bodies on some railroad tracks propped up on cinder blocks with a cord or two of green pine.
I'd posit that 'usually' history is pretty straightforward. I'd also argue that actual evidence for 'extermination centers' is rather scant. I'll argue that in the past I've been told that said evidence is simultaneously abundant and irrefutable, but also, wholly destroyed by evil 'nazis' upon request for said evidence.
'From the start, the deaths in the camps were inside chambers, but initially there was some confusion and unknowns as to exactly how people died inside the chambers. As more reliable evidence came to light, it was proven that either exhaust fumes or Zyklon B was used. That evidenced narrative has remained fixed since 1945. No evidence has been traced to prove mass resettlement.'
How is this different from my earlier assertion that 'they knew that everyone died, they just didn't know how they died'.
Much of what you are calling reliable evidence is unironically black propaganda from the Polish Government in Exile and it is pretty uniform initially about 'gas vans', 'steam chambers', 'electrified floors' and various other fables.
So far as it being unchanging since 1945, that's simply not true. Men were hung by their neck until they were dead for steaming over 1,000,000 people to death at treblinka at Nuremberg for example.
'Much of that propaganda has come from those who seek to deny, or diminish what happened. I regularly catch revisionists out, as they lie and misrepresent evidence, to pretend that it is lacking for mass gassings, as they ignore it is seriously lacking for the millions of Jews still alive in 1944.'
Most of that propaganda has come from the mainstream over the course of, my entire life. From fiction presented as fact, to fact used to construct fiction, much of what I have been told, shown and instructed has been inverted, distorted or misrepresented. My experience with the other side of the coin has been that the inconsistencies cited and the information presented has been well sourced and after investigation, while not readily accessible from your preferred sources, none the less true. When I actually find many of the quotes from your preferred sources, there are ellipsis at the very point of a quote that I want to cite, and getting to original source is sometimes beyond my ability to google fu out of the various search engines.
Well, when I'm told that 6,000,000 jews died, and that is false information, and stating that the number is lower is 'denial' of or 'diminishing' of what happened, that puts me in a rather restrictive position from the jump, doesn't it?
The point about the missing jews, to me, seems no more pressing than my point about the coke.
'the deeper you dig, the more you find it is revisionists, who cannot produce an evidenced chronological history of the Jews in Nazi captivity during WWII.'
I'll get my shovel.
'Questioning and being suspicious of what you have been told, it not a fallacy. Be suspicious and question revisionist claims, as much as you do for historians. You will see revisionists are all over the place and make many illogical, spurious, dishonest claims.'
I ain't planning on getting hoodwinked by nobody. Had the first shot that came my way in the form of a lie been from people that I instantly and fully gave my trust to, I would not be as sceptical as I am.
With that said, I have no intention to simply take my brain out and set it on the shelf for either side of this conversation.
'I have critically examined the evidence for mass gassings and revisionist arguments that they did not happen. The evidenced history stands up to scrutiny way better than revisionist arguments.'
Well, I'm going to have to walk that path myself. From the ground I'm standing on right now, I don't see myself walking back over to a side that lied to me in my youth and continues to try to lie to me in my adulthood. 1,100,000 cremated with a hand full of coke? Another 2,000,000 gassed with 'a motor', buried, dug up, burned, smashed with hammers and scattered to the wind? With, wood from, someplace?
'Please do examine the evidence. You will find that there is no evidence to support revisionist claims that;
1) the A-B Kremas were used as delousing chambers, showers, corpse stores and/or bomb shelters (except latterly Krema I) and never for gassings.
2) the AR camps were used as transit camps, hygiene stations, customs stops and for property sorting and never for gassings.
3) those places sent millions of Jews east to be resettled
4) in 1944, millions of Jews were alive in camps and in 1945, millions of Jews were liberated.
An event like that, if it happened, would leave a lot of evidence. There would also be no reason for the Nazis to cover resettlement up, especially when they knew they were being accused of killing millions.'
This is sound advice. I'm going to take this advice.
'List of documents from A-B, pertaining to the construction of gas chambers and ovens here;
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... ce-on.html
Testimony from the Topf & Sons engineers about the construction and functioning of the gas chambers and ovens here;
Topf & Sons history website; ... 28724.html '
Again, thank you. I'll dig into these and post back later.
It looks like for you, ultimately, this situation boils down to where are the live bodies, not, where are the dead ones. If I am to lut this in the absolute, simplest and most condensed terms possible.
It's a fair argument.
At this point on my path, I'd point to the census for the jews in the jewish encyclopedia, pre and post war, and say, places. You would not be convinced by that though any more than I am convinced you can burn 5,000 bodies on some railroad tracks propped up on cinder blocks with a cord or two of green pine.