[...] I think I'll just try to briefly share the observations which I found most important, early on. First, consider some of the official FBI crime statistics data from a recent year, 2019 (I have not checked more recent years but worry the political agendas of late could entail an effort to skew the data, so 2019 seemed like a fair starting point):
https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/20 ... able-6.xls
Within the data linked, there are a couple key observations:
For 2019, there were a total of 3,218 black-offender homicides; note that blacks are about 12% of the US population.
For the same year, there were 2,948 white-offender homicides; whites are about 60% of the US population.
Since the population sizes are different, this adds an extra step to calculate the per capita homicide rate for either group. The simplest way to do this is to multiply the black category by five, to see what these black-offender figures would look like if the black population were as large as the white population. In other words, if blacks were 60% of the population (instead of 12%), we would see 3,218 x 5 = 16,090 black-offender homicides for 2019. Dividing that number by the white-offender total, we have 16,090 / 2948 = 5.5x. Blacks are, therefore,
5.5x as likely per capita to commit murder in 2019.
[Even with the actual population sizes,] blacks are also more than twice as likely to kill whites (566), compared to likelihood of whites killing blacks (246).
When factoring in the population size difference, blacks kill whites at a per capita rate of 11.5x (566 x 5 = 2830 versus 246) that of whites killing blacks.
In other words, in the USA, a random white person encountering a random black person is
11.5 times as likely to be killed by that black person, compared to the other way around.
To illustrate: if a white person is walking home from a concert in a sketchy neighborhood and can choose to go down the alleyway on the left (which has a white guy standing in it) versus the alleyway on the right (which has a black guy standing in it), all other variables remaining constant, that white person is 11.5 times as likely to be murdered going down the alleyway on the right.
Which alleyway should a white parent advise their kid(s) to travel down? Or should they say, "it doesn't matter", just to avoid being labeled a "racist"?
Even a black person is much, much safer going down the alleyway on the left (the white one). It's not even close.
Going a bit further back in time (to 2017), the numbers are even higher:
https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/20 ... d-homicide
"When the race of the offender was known, 54.2 percent were Black or African American, 43.1 percent were White, and 2.6 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 5,368 offenders."
54.2 / 12 = 4.52
43.1 / 60 = 0.72
4.52 / 0.72 =
6.3x as much black-offender murder per capita (compared to 5.5x for 2019)
There is only so much "explaining away" that can be done here. This is not a 20% or even 50% difference in levels of murder and violent crime (which would already be staggering and demanding change). There is so much more murder, violence, rape, etc., being committed by blacks that it is almost unbelievable and I seldom encounter anyone who can even believe these statistics until I lay them out as done above.
I mentioned rape so I suppose I have to justify that one as well. Unfortunately, as I recall, the FBI/DOJ stopped collecting interracial data for rapes as of 2007-8, but the latest data is still on the DOJ website, right here, Table 42:
Here is a relevant screenshot:

- 020f5ec2ae2625ca.jpg (161.37 KiB) Viewed 654 times
Notice that there are 117,640 white rape victims each year. Of those, 16.4% are black offenders. With a simple calculation, it's about
19,293 white victims (overwhelmingly women) who are raped by blacks each year. Meanwhile, it appears
zero (0) out of 46,580 black victims were raped by whites.
It can be noted that there is an 'unknown perpetrator' allocation (far right column) but these categories tend to reflect the same composition of what is in the "known" category given the crimes generally take place within the same or similar communities and context. The number of 'unknown' is also generally higher for crime in black communities as blacks are known for infrequent reporting of crimes ("snitches get stitches"), which is a well-documented trend. Altogether, it is probable that all of the 'unknown' within this category are also non-white.
Note that the only reason the overall number of rape incidents is higher in the "white" category (117,640 vs 46,580) is because whites are 60% of the population but blacks are just 12%. But with this in mind, blacks are still committing far, far more rape (even against their own) per capita.
In a nutshell: blacks per capita commit far more rape overall, and
infinitely more interracial rape (black/white) than whites do.
As heavy/shocking/unbelievable as this sounds, this is the best available data, showing the
actual state of affairs in America.
Beyond murder and rape, there are similar figures for non-fatal violent crime (2018), consistently showing blacks as at least double, triple, or several-fold higher incidents per capita compared to whites:
So, what does this all mean? It means there is a problem that pertains to blacks and black communities, themselves, that cannot rationally --
not remotely -- be blamed upon whites.