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Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:02 am
by PrudentRegret
PrudentRegret wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:01 am It should also be noted the Auschwitz Museum made the claim that the restoration of the Zyklon chimneys was made possible by outlines remaining in the ceiling from when they were filled in by concrete in the conversion to an Air Raid shelter. The "reconstructed" Zyklon holes are neatly arranged crosswise, equidistant from opposite walls:


But they botched the "restoration" and knocked down one wall tooo many from the time this room was a morgue. So if these holes had existed in the room at the time it was a morgue they would have been arranged like this:


So the Auschwitz Museum lied about the restoration in an attempt to explain their other lie about this being a real gas chamber, when it is in fact a fake gas chamber.

bombsaway wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 1:49 am
PrudentRegret wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2024 6:28 pm

How could you assure me that the Soviets/Poles/Jews building a fake gas chamber on top of the remains of a bomb shelter at Auschwitz and then deceptively presenting it to the world as an original structure for decades is anything other than a conspiracy? You can't give me assurance that this wasn't a conspiracy because I know it was. Like you yourself said, if it was Real they would have no need to do something like that.
I think Nick's response is sufficient but I want to get back to the thread question, which no revisionist has been able to answer.

Imagine if somehow you had assurances of no conspiracy for anything. Would this change your mind, like my mind would be changed if I came to believe the converse?
Your question is really stupid honestly. You are treating this like an all or nothing. If you came to accept that the deceptive "restoration" of the Auschwitz gas chamber was a conspiracy- which it was, people met and planned to do these things and then they went and did them, no I don't think that would change your mind about the other claims.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:16 am
by bombsaway
PrudentRegret wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:02 am

Your question is really stupid honestly. You are treating this like an all or nothing. If you came to accept that the deceptive "restoration" of the Auschwitz gas chamber was a conspiracy- which it was, people met and planned to do these things and then they went and did them, no I don't think that would change your mind about the other claims.
A conspiracy is a secret plan and I don't think it ever was secret. But if I came to believe there was a group of people coordinating such acts I would change my mind. I suppose there would have to be more than the fabrication of a relatively low kill rate gas chamber, it doesn't make sense that they would stop here if there really hadn't been any mass killing campaign.

I don't think it's a hard question to answer, I'm really asking you how you would feel if you had assurances no special effort by the powers that be to fabricate this mass event.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:31 am
by PrudentRegret
I know for a fact there were special efforts by various interest groups, governments, and ideologies in formulating this grand narrative. All of those efforts involved planning, often in secret. In my mind the Auschwitz Museum presenting a fake gas chamber as a real gas chamber for decades, and then lying about the restoration process in order to cover up their other lie about this being a real gas chamber is obviously such a case.

Eric Hunt was the one who found that the Majdanek Museum has presented the Exit of Bath and Disinfestation I as the entrance. And he found that the museum covered up the original entrance to Bath and Disinfestation II so that in that building, also, the exit would appear as the entrance. And of course there are various makeshift Zyklon holes throughout the camp in rooms that are no longer even claimed to have been used to gas inmates with Zyklon B, i.e.


If, as revisionists claim, the Soviets added these holes to these rooms after conquering the camp would you admit a conspiracy and admit the entire Holocaust is a lie? No, you wouldn't.

I have already explained to you how the most important evidence - witness testimony - need not have been acquired entirely or even mostly through conspiracy since there are other forms of social coordination that would explain those patterns better than conspiracy.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:40 am
by bombsaway
PrudentRegret wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:31 am I know for a fact there were special efforts by various interest groups, governments, and ideologies in formulating this grand narrative.
Historians could be said to have formulated Holocaust sequence, events, and scope.

So really what I think you mean by this is people that didn't think it had happened, lied, and tried to formulate that it did through various policies.

My question here is a hypothetical, what if you had assurances there was no such formulation? I don't understand why this is so hard for you to answer.
If, as revisionists claim, the Soviets added these holes to these rooms after conquering the camp would you admit a conspiracy and admit the entire Holocaust is a lie? No, you wouldn't.
Yeah if this was the extent of the "formulation", no I wouldn't. It would have to be a more major part of the narrative, eg the Crema complex, completely faked.

If this was the extent of the formulation, would you?

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:53 am
by PrudentRegret
Yeah if this was the extent of the "formulation", no I wouldn't. It would have to be a more major part of the narrative, eg the Crema complex, completely faked.
It is a major part of the narrative by nature of it being the very first camp conquered and "investigated" in the Holocaust narrative. The "investigations" were all published months before the liberation of Auschwitz. If that investigation involved a conspiracy to fabricate evidence for homicidal gassings, and it did, then that just compounds the problems of similar deceptive modifications made to gas chambers at Auschwitz.


Majdanek is an extremely important part of the narrative by nature if it being the debut of these claims made ostensibly after an investigation. Here's a picture of a Soviet Army Man showing the world a Zyklon chimney in like October 1944!!! Except nobody claims this was a real Zyklon chimney today, they admit that this is not what is claimed by the caption and this Zyklon Chimney- the first ever to be "investigated" and displayed on the world stage for all to see, was totally false.

What would have motivated someone to order this soldier to do this pose at this chimney, and then have those claims propagated through the international news media? If you don't think that these phenomena emerged from people planning, in secret, to do things related to Narrative-crafting you are seriously hopeless.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 3:08 am
by bombsaway
PrudentRegret wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:53 am
What would have motivated someone to order this soldier to do this pose at this chimney, and then have those claims propagated through the international news media? If you don't think that these phenomena emerged from people planning, in secret, to do things related to Narrative-crafting you are seriously hopeless.
That might be so, but this is a separate question from the one I'm asking (I can continue this discussion with you later, but it's off topic in this thread, I know you are certain about conspiratorial elements) Why are you having such trouble with it? There's no wrong answers here, it's just your opinion, and I'm interested in it.

This goes to Archie as well, I'm really interested in your opinion.

If revisionists are unable to answer such simple hypotheticals, this in my opinion is indication of some deeper intellectual issues that they don't want to grapple with.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 3:22 am
by PrudentRegret
Bombsaway, you said your mind would be changed if you were presented with solid evidence of a conspiracy. But then when I present you with instances of what Revisionists call a conspiracy you admit that, even if Revisionists are right, it isn't going to change your opinion. So your entire framing is dishonest.

The most important evidence for the Holocaust is witness testimony. If you told me there wasn't a conspiracy on that front, that wouldn't influence me much given my model for how this testimony came about does not rely on conspiratorial mode of organization as much as other social and memetic modes of social organization. Which I've explained to you several times by now but you are going to continue to act as if I'm not responding to your question.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 3:31 am
by bombsaway
PrudentRegret wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 3:22 am Bombsaway, you said your mind would be changed if you were presented with solid evidence of a conspiracy. But then when I present you with instances of what Revisionists call a conspiracy you admit that, even if Revisionists are right, it isn't going to change your opinion. So your entire framing is dishonest.
I said if that was the extent of the conspiracy it wouldn't change my mind.

If I knew witnesses like Hoess were being told what to say, that would introduce doubt yes. The more witnesses fabricated in this way the more I would doubt.
PrudentRegret wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 3:22 am The most important evidence for the Holocaust is witness testimony. If you told me there wasn't a conspiracy on that front, that wouldn't influence me much given my model for how this testimony came about does not rely on conspiratorial mode of organization as much as other social and memetic modes of social organization. Which I've explained to you several times by now but you are going to continue to say I'm not responding to your question.
With regards to conspiracy, I'm not just talking about witness testimony being fabricated, but the physical evidence that was presented (like the forensic report I quoted on the first page), suppression of documents and witnesses to Jewish resettlement or what really happened in these camps, fabrication of documents like the Just Memo or FG report.

If you knew there was no conspiracy behind any of these things, would that change your mind or introduce signfiicant doubt? This, to be clear, was what I was asking you and what you haven't responded to. A simple yes or no answer will do, you don't need to justify yourself if you don't want to.

Basically, running through all this in my head, it seems like some level of conspiracy existing is absolutely necessary to sustain revisionism. The mere question of the operation of these camps in post-war Poland - eg do the people in charge know (from a revisionist perspective) that the physical evidence is absolutely not there and that if an honest investigation was ever conducted it would blow the lid off the entire thing? A major revisionist talking point is that honest investigations have not been allowed, for some reason related to the lack of evidence there.

Another question is the possible witnesses. According to most revisionists there were many hundreds of thousands of Jews were resettled and survived. But they don't really offer any witnesses to resettlement. How could this have happened without some kind of witness suppression?

What about the destruction of exonerating documents by the Allies or forces suppressing these documents? If no information was destroyed, hidden or suppressed, could we really expect no direct evidence to surface after so many years?

An absolute prerequisite for me then, and I think for anyone, including yourselves, is some convincing evidence of at least some level of conspiracy. You don't have to evidence all of it, something particularly nefarious, eg coercion of Holocaust witnesses, might indicate A LOT to me. This is an contrast to PR's assertion that my opinion wouldn't really change. You're focused on specific points, while I am speaking much more generally.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 9:04 am
by Nessie
Archie wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2024 3:35 pm ...


An SS man making a statement in private in 1943 is very different from a SS man in 1946 signing a statement written by an Allied prosecutor. Or a statement made in 1964. You have to consider the circumstances and the incentives at play. You generally refuse to do this. One anti-revisionist who did was actually Cockerill. To his credit, he realized the problem with using these statements naively, so his thing was "non-coercive" confessions, which were of course very, very few, usually from decades after the war.

Adding to that context and building on a point I have raised elsewhere, which you have asked me about, it is notable that no matter the context an SS man made a statement about what he saw at the AR camps, Chelmno, or A-B Kremas, he admits they were used for gassings. No SS man gave a different version of events inside those places.

The Nazis safe in South America, seeing their comrades being tried, convicted and at times executed for mass murder at the death camps, did not come forward with evidence to exonerate them and prove what really happened. No matter the form of interview, whether in court under trial conditions, or with a journalist, no interviewee or interviewer ever slipped up, made a mistake and accidentally revealed the truth. No journal has ever been traced that records the real events inside the death camps and that they did not involve mass gassings.

There were many circumstances and incentives for SS men to ruin the hoax, break ranks and tell the truth. Why would none of them take the opportunity to inflict huge damage on the Jews and the new state of Israel, by revealing the mass gassing claims were a hoax?

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 9:22 am
by Nazgul
Archie wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2024 3:35 pm An SS man making a statement in private in 1943 is very different from a SS man in 1946 signing a statement written by an Allied prosecutor.
Archie can you explain why SS might take statements from anyone, they were not a police force. The RSHA had ampt IV or Gestapo to do this, but they were not necessarily SS.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 4:13 pm
by Archie
SanityCheck wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2024 6:20 pm 'Selection bias' or skewing is really not an issue here. The documents chosen for IMT especially were clearly the tip of an iceberg. The NMT trials used even more documents, but also afforded defense lawyers the opportunities to research in the same collections of files as the prosecutors, which some took up with alacrity.

Subsequent historical research shifted over to using the underlying collections. Anyone who's researched Third Reich era document collections which passed through US hands, whether in the NARA microfilm versions or the restituted files in the Bundesarchiv, has had the experience of seeing 'Nuremberg' (IMT-NMT) documents in their original files or ordering, and also seeing other documents which they might then wonder why they hadn't been spotted back then. The answer is there was simply so much to go through, and the concerns of 1940s prosecutors prevailed, especially after extraditions kicked in.

While a great many key documents for all themes (not just the Holocaust) were first publicised and used at IMT-NMT, it cannot be argued that today these are all that are used. [...]
You are underestimating the importance of precedent. The Nuremberg documents had a prosecution skew. The extermination claims were upheld in the IMT judgment (and echoed in other early trials like Belsen). The precedent was thus established. Early Holocaust historians (pretty much all Jewish and not high profile academic historians) relied heavily on Nuremberg documents (PS, NO, NG, etc).

Consider Alan Bullock's 1952 Hitler bio wherein he covers the Holocaust very cursorily and relies ENTIRELY on the IMT.
From this early [Hitler] speech of 1922, through the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, and the pogrom of November 1938, to the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto and the death camps of Mauthausen and Auschwitz, Hitler’s purpose was plain and unwavering. He meant to carry out the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe, using the word “extermination” not in a metaphorical but in a precise and literal sense as the deliberate policy of the German State – and he very largely succeeded. The Prosecution at the Nuremberg Trials stated – and its figures have never been challenged – that of the nine million six hundred thousands Jews who were living in Europe at the outbreak of the war, sixty percent are authoritatively estimated to have perished: ‘5,700,000 Jews are missing from the countries in which they formerly lived, and over 4,500,000 cannot be accounted for by any normal death-rate or by emigration; nor are they included among displaced persons.’ [IMT] History records few, if any, crimes of such magnitude and of so cold-blooded a purpose. (Alan Bullock, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, 1952)
Did later Holocaust historians branch out from this? Sure. But the Holocaust was already established by then.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 4:20 pm
by Archie
Nazgul wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 9:22 am
Archie wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2024 3:35 pm An SS man making a statement in private in 1943 is very different from a SS man in 1946 signing a statement written by an Allied prosecutor.
Archie can you explain why SS might take statements from anyone, they were not a police force. The RSHA had ampt IV or Gestapo to do this, but they were not necessarily SS.
I meant statement in a broad sense, not necessarily an affidavit. Documents from 1943 would probably be in the form of a memo, letter, diary, whatever.

The point is that the context of the postwar statements has to be considered. They had just lost the war and were under military occupation and denazification and were being threatened with execution for war crimes. If you're a guy like Hoettl, for example, you tell the Allies what they want to hear.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 4:38 pm
by Archie
PrudentRegret wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:01 am It should also be noted the Auschwitz Museum made the claim that the restoration of the Zyklon chimneys was made possible by outlines remaining in the ceiling from when they were filled in by concrete in the conversion to an Air Raid shelter. The "reconstructed" Zyklon holes are neatly arranged crosswise, equidistant from opposite walls:


But they botched the "restoration" and knocked down one wall tooo many from the time this room was a morgue. So if these holes had existed in the room at the time it was a morgue they would have been arranged like this:


So the Auschwitz Museum lied about the restoration in an attempt to explain their other lie about this being a real gas chamber, when it is in fact a fake gas chamber.
Just to add, there is actually a photo of the roof of Krema I from 1945 (perhaps May), before the "reconstruction."

Image ... 0149.shtml

Pressac claims that "it is possible to see THREE places where the former traps for introducing Zyklon B have been filled in, thus indicating that the morgue had been used as a gas chamber." But I don't see it. At any rate, if you could see the holes, they could have taken better pictures of them. And they should have known the correct location of the holes.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 6:18 pm
by SanityCheck
Archie wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 4:20 pm I meant statement in a broad sense, not necessarily an affidavit. Documents from 1943 would probably be in the form of a memo, letter, diary, whatever.

The point is that the context of the postwar statements has to be considered. They had just lost the war and were under military occupation and denazification and were being threatened with execution for war crimes. If you're a guy like Hoettl, for example, you tell the Allies what they want to hear.
But this is where you're assuming the consequent. How do we know the Allies wanted to hear about the extermination of the Jews? They were busily interrogating thousands of captured German officials and military personnel, who were telling their interrogators about all kinds of things.

From a military intelligence perspective, reconstructing how the SS intelligence service worked and hearing about its operations was for sure a higher priority than all the stuff about war crimes. Moreover, there were many other SD and RSHA officers who impressed the Allies, especially the Americans, with insights about the oncoming new enemy, the Soviet Union, to the point where they were recruited like Hoettl to work for US intelligence. Others like Karl Wolff were negotiating with US intelligence to bring about an end to the war and being less than forthcoming about their involvement in or knowledge of the Final Solution; this was often being overlooked for utilitarian ends. There certainly were 'quid pro quos' where leading Nazis like Wolff were allowed to slither through and be unprosecuted, in exchange for favours rendered (like bringing about surrender in Italy), useful intelligence or other insights.

Hoettl like Schellenberg and others in SS intelligence need not have feared closer scrutiny if they could claim and soon enough prove they'd been SD only and not Gestapo or Security Police. One can argue that at least some of this class of SS officer may have realised it was a good idea to point the fingers at Amt IV officials like Eichmann to throw the scent off Amt VI officials like Hoettl. But this is fairly weak tea.

One could make a better case for saying that Allied interrogators may have had pro forma questions about war crimes in a general fishing expedition, but it's not really plausible to think that interrogators automatically knew who Eichmann was when Hoettl first made his statement. 'Oh, you were in Hungary?' 'Yes, doing intelligence stuff, not like that Eichmann'. For sure, they would have known about the Hungarian action and persecutions of Jews in Hungary since that was common knowledge, widely reported in the media (and also substantiated by ever increasing amounts of hard evidence, contra Butz).

If one was going to get a Nazi to confirm 6M as a figure, then someone else would have been a much better bet. Wisliceny happily confirmed 5M and was hardly marginalised. Someone like Ohlendorf or Kaltenbrunner would have been better still: more senior. Bach-Zelewsi and other SS generals could also have filled the role, if anyone wants to consider arm-twisting instead of this inane 'tell the Allies what they want to hear' telepathy.

In the end, Hoettl wasn't that much of a fount of detail, unlike Wisliceny, who was an actual 'Eichmann man' and true insider, with a genuine grasp of the numbers the SS operated with across different countries, as he had spent time in at least three of them. His interrogations distinguish very clearly between what he knew personally and what he had heard. Wisliceny was heard at IMT as well, Hoettl's affidavit thrown in as a kind of exclamation mark, and offered the number which stuck, because it was also being reported elsewhere, and the other evidence heard at IMT seemed to support it (try adding up the claims for different camps for deaths of 'people' and then realise how 6M Jews would have seemed reasonable as a fraction).

The problem with 'tell the Allies what they want to hear' is this breaks down with the more direct eyewitnesses. Did the French really want to hear about Globocnik, Operation Reinhard and Belzec from Kurt Gerstein? That was information he had basically volunteered, since his SS role did not necessarily connect him with any of that. French interrogators would not have been looking for such stories, if they would have had a preference it might be to hear more about Auschwitz since that was where French Jews were more typically deported. The French in any case knew next to nothing about camps that far into Poland, so they cannot have 'coached' Gerstein. Where he got these stories from is still 100% unclear from a 'revisionist' perspective - there isn't any reconstruction of how he could have known about the Reinhard camps, Wirth, and so on.

So as soon as one moves beyond the headlines - and it's still unclear what headlines were in circulation in occupied Germany, Stars and Stripes, etc, in mid-1945 when some of the SS start spilling their guts - 'tell them what they want to hear' ceases to be a credible explanation.

Re: The Question of Conspiracy

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 6:38 pm
by fireofice
This is all silly supposition on Nick's part. On what basis does he say the French had no knowledge of eastern camps or cared about them? The Polish Undergound was in contact with the western Allies and feeding them information.
Polish intelligence operatives supplied valuable intelligence information to the Allies; 43 percent of all reports received by British secret services from continental Europe in 1939–45 came from Polish sources.

No doubt the British shared their Polish intelligence with the French and other allied powers.

Nick, please provide hard evidence that the Allies didn't know or care about these camps.