The murder mill Treblinka II

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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by TlsMS93 »

Small numbers for you, Jewish organizations are already worried about the rapid advance of revisionism, 15% of Italians do not believe in the Holocaust, that's why they do surveys from time to time, after all their business needs to continue, how can they feel moral superiority without the Holocaust? How can they exterminate Palestinians without this bribe?
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by Stubble »

Nessie wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 11:45 am Why are you thinking that 27, the approach to the gas chambers, would be visible from 15 and 17, the station square and platform where selections took place?
What are your thoughts on this map?

One of the first maps, drawn by survivors in 1945. One of the only survivor maps which - regarding the shape - corresponds with the site as it appears today as well as aerial photo evidence.
Source: Zdzislaw Lukaszkiewicz. Oboz stracen w Treblince. PIW, Warszawa 1946.
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by borjastick »

To understand Treblinka, as per normal one only needs to look at the simple facts or lack thereof. A tiny camp (20 acres?) in which it is claimed that 800,000 odd people were gassed on arrival or very soon afterwards in maybe a diesel engine driven set of gas chambers, who were then buried on site, a site which was visible from all sides by the local peasants, and when the killing was done was destroyed. At this point the clever Germans decided that 800,000 bodies would be a bit of a 'woops' moment, so they exhumed them and burned them all outdoors with thousands of tons of wood etc that we know was never delivered and all traces disappeared into the air...

Pure fantasy.

For extra spice and joviality, for those who are new here and have yet to watch the laugh of the year, please find and watch the Caroline Sturdy Colls documentary in which she claimed she could and would prove the claims of Treblinka. The reality is that she did the exact opposite. It was a massive own goal for the holocaust industry because we can now see quite clearly that 800k people were never murdered there and it was, what we have been saying for years, a short term overspill holding centre for those people being exited from German controlled Europe into the Hammer & Sickle wilderness of Stalin and his jolly mates. For those who claimed that once in Treblinka your time was extremely limited we know that many train loads of people went into and er ooh this is difficult, out of T2 and back to Malkinia Junction before leaving for Stalinland.
Of the four million jews under German control, six million died and five million survived!
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by TlsMS93 »

borjastick wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 6:07 pm To understand Treblinka, as per normal one only needs to look at the simple facts or lack thereof. A tiny camp (20 acres?) in which it is claimed that 800,000 odd people were gassed on arrival or very soon afterwards in maybe a diesel engine driven set of gas chambers, who were then buried on site, a site which was visible from all sides by the local peasants, and when the killing was done was destroyed. At this point the clever Germans decided that 800,000 bodies would be a bit of a 'woops' moment, so they exhumed them and burned them all outdoors with thousands of tons of wood etc that we know was never delivered and all traces disappeared into the air...

Pure fantasy.

For extra spice and joviality, for those who are new here and have yet to watch the laugh of the year, please find and watch the Caroline Sturdy Colls documentary in which she claimed she could and would prove the claims of Treblinka. The reality is that she did the exact opposite. It was a massive own goal for the holocaust industry because we can now see quite clearly that 800k people were never murdered there and it was, what we have been saying for years, a short term overspill holding centre for those people being exited from German controlled Europe into the Hammer & Sickle wilderness of Stalin and his jolly mates. For those who claimed that once in Treblinka your time was extremely limited we know that many train loads of people went into and er ooh this is difficult, out of T2 and back to Malkinia Junction before leaving for Stalinland.
She found a shark tooth, a jawbone and was irritated by finding this and burnt remains of what looked like ribs or twisted bones and declared that this was enough. She is an expert in archaeology that respects Jewish law. In Israel apartments are built having to inject a pipe from underground so that the souls have a free passage. ;)
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by Nazgul »

Stubble wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 4:35 pm
Nessie wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 11:45 am Why are you thinking that 27, the approach to the gas chambers, would be visible from 15 and 17, the station square and platform where selections took place?
What are your thoughts on this map?

One of the first maps, drawn by survivors in 1945. One of the only survivor maps which - regarding the shape - corresponds with the site as it appears today as well as aerial photo evidence.
Source: Zdzislaw Lukaszkiewicz. Oboz stracen w Treblince. PIW, Warszawa 1946.
The map provided has north at 90 degrees to the following map.

Those browsing the link provided will notice that Wiernik has placed the camp next to the Warsaw-Bialystok railway line and not the Malkinia-Siedlce line as it was back then.
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by Stubble »

For posterity I will also post the 'survey' map;

were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by Numar Patru »

Stubble wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 3:54 pm
Numar Patru wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 1:38 pm
Stubble wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 10:08 am Apparently a million people were run up a tube to a gas chamber while being beaten and chased by dogs without anyone who was being transited through noticing.

This seems like a topic of discussion, since at this point the 'Operation Reinhardt t4 connection' thread has been derailed.

Maybe we can discuss that here.
You’re begging the question, assuming people were transited.
No, Dr Patru. I'm assuming nothing.

I'm remarking that it is rather odd that none of the transited jews brought up the naked jews being chased into the tube with rifle butt, club and dog.

Now, call me what you will, that's not my concern, but please do explain how the transited jews wouldn't notice?
I’m concerned more at this moment with who these transited Jews are.
Another question I have is how do you convince someone to run up the tube to get a shower in the shower room (gas chambers) after they already took a shower in the shower room?
They had guns and dogs. Wirth apparently regularly employed a whip.
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by Numar Patru »

TlsMS93 wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 4:28 pm
Numar Patru wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 2:59 pm
It’s a tiny number of fanatics who question what happened at Treblinka. No one is going to excavate the site to satisfy them.
A crime that happened here in São Paulo, where an entire family was killed by a child and then killed themselves. To this day, foreign organizations, including those from the United States, doubt the investigation by local police officers here, asking for the case to be reopened. This is because it involved the best advances in criminal investigation. Even the boy's mind was studied based on colleagues and school principals.

Now, an event from 80 years ago that took on religious and even antisocial overtones is being questioned. Do we have to accept it because of the so-called consensus? :lol:
I have no idea how these two things are related
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by Stubble »

Numar Patru wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 12:36 am
Stubble wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 3:54 pm
Numar Patru wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 1:38 pm
You’re begging the question, assuming people were transited.
No, Dr Patru. I'm assuming nothing.

I'm remarking that it is rather odd that none of the transited jews brought up the naked jews being chased into the tube with rifle butt, club and dog.

Now, call me what you will, that's not my concern, but please do explain how the transited jews wouldn't notice?
I’m concerned more at this moment with who these transited Jews are.
Another question I have is how do you convince someone to run up the tube to get a shower in the shower room (gas chambers) after they already took a shower in the shower room?
They had guns and dogs. Wirth apparently regularly employed a whip.
And 'Frankenstein' shot thousands of jews and threw them into a 50 foot flaming pit...

I'll go grab you an article about the jews transited through treblinka. ... treblinka/ ... -survivor/

You will need an account at 'survivors of the shoah foundation' to watch their interviews.
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by Numar Patru »

Guns and dogs hardly strain credulity. Regarding Wirth, several SS men and survivors recounted this detail.
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by TlsMS93 »

Numar Patru wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 12:37 am
I have no idea how these two things are related
That your degree of law and how justice works may be distorted. Anyone accused of murder would demand the body and that the injuries were caused by him. But you don't need to. In fact, I don't even know what you're doing on this forum because you're not capable and you don't think you should satisfy our doubts, you just claim that it's all doubts from fanatical minds.
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by Stubble »

Numar Patru wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 1:32 am Guns and dogs hardly strain credulity. Regarding Wirth, several SS men and survivors recounted this detail.
My question was, assuming a group of detainees (A) and a group of detainees (B), how would one group or the other be run up the tube, at pace, being clubbed and beaten, and being corralled by dogs, often being bitten specifically on the breast apparently, without the other group noticing?

If they did notice, why not mention it when interviewed?

Another question I had was, if the barber, shower, interview office etc were in the two buildings identified simply as 'barracks' on the maps, how would you go about convincing a group of detainees that they were going to go get their shower etc up the road to heaven?

No, rifle butts and dogs aren't the feature that breaks the mind here.

If no one noticed, it had to be super quiet, super sneaky. If it was super quiet, super sneaky, then the trial testimonies are atrocity propaganda in the written record. It can't be super quiet, super sneaky and as described in the atrocity propaganda pamphlets and court testimony.

were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by Stubble »

Some reading and aerial reconnaissance photographs;
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by Nazgul »

Stubble wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 4:13 am Some reading and aerial reconnaissance photographs;
The railway evidence is not evidence of Jews arriving at Treblinka, just the train. Train Schedule documents show that the train stopped at many places. In nearly all instances these extended stops were places where Jewish labour camps existed, or railway junctions where passengers could catch other transports to other labour camps. Indeed some Sobibor Jews ended up by train to the same labour camps mentioned in the documents.
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Re: The murder mill Treblinka II

Post by Nessie »

TlsMS93 wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 4:22 pm
Nessie wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 4:04 pm
It is not going to be done again, to satisfy those who deny the existing archaeological evidence. The Polish authorities have already completed their duty and excavated the site in 1945. They have then allowed additional site surveys, which have included more limited excavations, the limits being due to the memorial. This is the latest.
It's never been done, you're making up all sorts of things here. Perfume archaeologist Caroline herself wondered what kind of hell we would find if the entire area was exhumed.
In 1945, there were extensive excavations at TII, uncovering cremated and identifiable human remains. The main area of remains, was an area of 2 hectares and one excavation went down 7m before undisturbed ground was found.
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