Rabbi Adler
Lying Rabbi Arron Adler? Maybe some of you remember him and my email activity a few years ago? I will give credit to him since he was brave enough to reply to my emails. I can post our interaction here if anyone is interested.
This lying old bag
Not a Rabbi, but here is her quote. Another interesting lie she told as she pointed at the air intake hole for the heater in this room is that she claimed this hole was so Germans could watch Jewish people die in this room while being gassed. I sure most bought it too!! Yes, I can supply proof of this.
Crying Girls (One of my favorite shots in my Majdanek collection)
These girls shown here are leaving the B41 gas chamber and Chamber “A” and B1 in the bunker. Note their emotional state and one of the windows in the claimed gas chambers at Majdanek. The contrast of this to me shows how emotion is used to sell the story. I hope Hector can chime in on what he sees here. His insights to this and the Rabbi Josh photo would be most welcomed.
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I do not believe anything one is not allowed to question
Fun Facts about this article
I recently got this from Father Mawdsley in his very recent video on Rumble. He does great work, check him out.
The first cremation facility actually went into service in June 1942 and was located in Field 1. The two nearby gas chambers were close by. However, these two rooms are no longer claimed to be gas chambers. Remember the Soviet soldier on the top of the roof next to an alleged hole to drop in Zyklon B?
This first cremation facility had two sets of oil fueled ovens as you can see here. They were more efficient than the current coke fueled ovens but more expensive to run and fuel supply was an issue for the Germans. 8,000? Who counted? These ovens together were at best able to do 100 bodies in a 24-hour period
There are peepholes in all the doors at the gas chamber bunker adjacent to Barrack 41. “A”, B1 had lighting so you can see inside, however B2 did not have lighting so the peephole would be useless here.
Here is a Wow
“Prominent guest were present at the inauguration” ……….”The guest, both officers and civilians were extremely satisfied with the results”
AND the Majdanek staff served beer, wiener schnitzel, sour kraut, sauerbraten, and pretzels’ And gave out souvenir skulls of jews who died in the process for their fireplace mantel. Yes, I am kidding. This satire is not in the article but it may as well be. Think of the absurd nature of guest being invited to watch a Jewish gas’n burn of 8,000 people. I am certain there are people out there that would believe this BS!! Recall the “Specially trained dogs” who carried kids to the crematorium article?
It seemed the first museum at Majdanek use real human skulls in the museum as you can see here.
And people wonder why I am a holocaust denier
See reply because I have two more attachments to present to this main body
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I do not believe anything one is not allowed to question