bombsaway wrote: ↑Tue Feb 18, 2025 7:29 pm
Before I respond in depth, what is your hypothesis about what really happened based on best interpretation of the evidence and data?
As i wrote previously, I had written a much longer effort post last night but my laptop died. I spent a bit of time re-writing most of my comments but rather than regurgitate everything I lost i felt it better to just post this anyway, to give you a chance to respond, rather than keep waiting for me.
>Jeckeln was wrong, lying or coerced (take your pick) in his confession.
>He claims he was ordered by Himmler in person in Berlin to carry out the massacre on 10/11th November 1941
>The reality is Himmler was in Munich on these dates.
Since you’ve asked my belief, I believe it was the latter, since he was interrogated by the NKVD.
>To compound this, we have a document from merely 9 or 10 days after the non-existent Himmler Order (20th Nov 1941), who’s purpose in Riga is “to handle Jewish labor more systematically, i.e., to deploy the Jews in such a way that their labor is exploited exhaustively for German purposes”
>Orthodoxy must explain how massacred Jews can be expected to work
>>>>Conclusion: we don’t have a direct order to massacre Jews, the logistics and documentary record prove otherwise.
>Eyewitness Selma Anderson (or Selda Šebšelovicz), who is arguably your most important source for this, gives an account which is completely at odds with the Orthodox account
>”About 15,000 Jews were killed in the first wholesale massacre in Riga, in the courtyard of the Qadrat [sic] Rubber Co. factory outside the city, on November 27, 1941”
>Incorrect location
>Incorrect date (3 days?)
>>>>Conclusion: Orthodoxy must account for why the primary eyewitness is getting basic details wrong about this event. Or are we to add the 15,000 casualties to the grand total and count it as the first of three massacres? No of course not: her account doesn’t align simply because she is lying.
>Mattogno HH v39 section 4.3
>This section is a detailed accounting of Jews present in Riga in February 1942, some months after the alleged shootings. In this section he is analysing the Stahlecker Report, along with quoting from another secondary sources (Angrick/Klein) and gives a thorough account as to why these figures are unreliable.
>>>>Conclusion: Orthodoxy’s figures are unreliable
>British newspaper’s non-reporting of the massacres
>This is a complete non-issue, it was alleged in this thread that the The Manchester Guardian failed to report on this massacre October 1942 (almost a full year later) due to being deceived by German propaganda.
>All of this despite the article otherwise documenting “Nazi Savagery”, “Acute Danger”, “herded into labour camps”, reprisals against singular families in isolated instances, evictions, “ghetto overcrowding”, “physical conditions deteriorating”
>"But that’s just one news article and it cannot be relied upon for accuracy or completeness", i hear you saying. Fair enough, but it’s evidently reliable enough for the Jewish Telegrapic Agency to source for its Daily Bulletin, where it documents the hardships of Jews. So which is it?
>>>>Conclusion: The reporting contained above is wholly consistent with the Revisionist account, and any attempt by Orthodoxy to explain away reasons as to the lack of credible reporting on this is cope.
>Sardine method
>The link you provided to prove the sardine method contains another supporting link which appears to be broken: ... ctPage=976 . If you had a full intact version of this link I would appreciate it.
>Not being able to verify this, I only have preliminary observations: This seems to be describing a different event with 1/4 of the killing of the alleged Rumbula killings.
>Therefore this doesn’t seem to address the issue of throughput, which is what Revisionists (and laymen, if they were to ever become aware of this) find so suspect.
>The Orthodox narrative was the the bodies were buried, then in 1944 exhumed and burnt by Einz Grup 1005 B, however we immediately hit a problem. Our friend Jeckeln was again coerced into giving incorrect information, tellings us Blobel was in charge of this operation, however Blobel himself claims to only have operated in Estonia.
>Logistics. We’ve spoken before about the logistics of burning this many bodies (remains, waterlogging, wood requirements, smell etc) so I will not repeat those arguments here, other than to say it’s entirely unfeasible.
>Evidence: Very little! In 1944, a Soviet commission examined 6 alleged execution sites (where over 100,000 bodies were claimed to have been buried) and they found 549, orders of magnitude off what Orthodoxy has promised to us.
>>>>Conclusion: The lack of bodies and remains undermine the Orthodox story even further.