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Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 2:45 pm
by HansHill
Numar Patru wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:50 pm
Jesus, you moron. Go read the Nuremberg Laws again and get back to me.
First of all, I'm not suggesting this is "solving the Jewish problem (sic) by outbreeding." Second, "completely backwards" is your "interpretation." It's clear the authors mean that it's important not to posit a one-to-one relationship between tolerance and intermarriage and that the relationship is less clear the smaller the population under analysis.

You are not nearly as smart as you think you are.

Who's reluctant? It's a simple fact. You people seem to want to put some cosmic and Jewish-specific spin on it.
What exactly are you arguing? I'll summarise this thread and you put a tick where you have an issue:

Jews were a [ ] despised ethnic minority in Central / Eastern Europe and Russia because of their:

[ ] incredibly insular nature by any metric including appeals to marriage statistics and interbreeding
[ ] alien culture and customs including but not limited to prolonged allegations of child sacrifice and other perceived incompatible religious practices (kapparot?)
[ ] antisocial practices including but not limited to usury, money lending, purveying of alcohol
[ ] cozying up to power at the perceived expense and disenfranchisement of local peasantry

All of which led to not only [ ] ethnic conflict but [ ] flare ups of intergroup violence

Considering this thread was started for your benefit as you had asked about the Jewish Question / Problem (and as a sort of containment thread for you having disrupted a previous thread), which part of the above requires continual explanation to you?

Depending how you respond, ad hominems and insults included, I may just consider this thread as derailed / concern trolling and will caution the good natured Mr Stubble against wasting any more of his valuable time discussing it with you.

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 9:08 pm
by Numar Patru
Amazing you don’t even include the charge of deicide, not even as an aside.

Seriously, fuck off and die. My patience for Nazi bullshit is very low.

ETA: Lest it be thought I’m just being hyperbolic in my language, I genuinely believe that the world is better without people like you in it. I would celebrate your death.

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 9:58 pm
by Archie
At this point I can only assume Numar is trying to get banned on purpose. Presumably so he can complain about how we are censoring him.

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 11:34 pm
by Numar Patru
No, I’m just pointing out my intolerance for Nazi bullshit

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 1:03 pm
by HansHill
For the interests of those reading in future: Numar Patru is a Jew.

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 3:14 pm
by Stubble
If we call a vote, put my stone in the pot to keep Numar.

I advocate for this in the name of the spirit of our movement, the commitment to OPEN debate.

While some of his posts are offensive and constitute personal attacks, I feel it is important for him to be allowed to continue to illustrate his position. We have not yet sufficiently let him undermine his position with vitriol.

This is also a very sensitive subject, and the chip Mr Numar carries on his shoulder reflects that.

I do not agree with what he says, but, it is my opinion that he should be allowed to say it. He should be allowed to advocate, at the top of his lungs, that which I would spend my life opposing at the top of mine.

Perhaps at some point, this fella will come around and start to look at the situation critically where his people are concerned and recognize the other side of the coin, although, my faith that such a transformation can occur is quite low.

Numar is representative of a not insignificant portion of people. He is also actually surprisingly knowledgeable concerning the 'Holocaust' or 'Shoah'. The, kerfuffle.

It is unfortunate that he doesn't chose to engage honestly and to share his knowledge freely, but, ultimately, such is his prerogative.

To sum it up, I can think of no better way to illustrate the point of this thread than to let him stay around until the number of voices that bay for his expulsion becomes so loud and constant that it inevitably happens.

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 4:01 pm
by HansHill
Stubble wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 3:14 pm
Numar is representative of a not insignificant portion of people. He is also actually surprisingly knowledgeable concerning the 'Holocaust' or 'Shoah'. The, kerfuffle.
He's not knowledgeable, as he regurgitates impossible exterminationist claims, that for all we know are copied from any LLM of your choosing.

I also don't think he should be banned despite the death wishes, perhaps simply this thread should be locked as i mentioned above in my effort post, the thread was intended entirely for his benefit, has thoroughly run its course, and ends neatly with a modern day blood libel!

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 4:15 pm
by Stubble
HansHill wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 4:01 pm
Stubble wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 3:14 pm
Numar is representative of a not insignificant portion of people. He is also actually surprisingly knowledgeable concerning the 'Holocaust' or 'Shoah'. The, kerfuffle.
He's not knowledgeable, as he regurgitates impossible exterminationist claims, that for all we know are copied from any LLM of your choosing.

I also don't think he should be banned despite the death wishes, perhaps simply this thread should be locked as i mentioned above in my effort post, the thread was intended entirely for his benefit, has thoroughly run its course, and ends neatly with a modern day blood libel!
On your first point, I'm going to have to disagree. He seems quite abreast of research into deportation to the east. Unfortunately, it is all entirely mainstream, however, it is useful, as he does know the bleeding edge of the orthodox narrative in this regard, which I found surprising.

I also don't find his claim of being a historian dubious and consider it to be offered in ernest. He legitimately does seem to know his history, albeit history from and by the book.

As for a thread lock, I see your point and I can't disagree there.

As for his comment that he would celebrate your death, that too I have no doubt was offered honestly and in ernest and it also applies to me. It is my opinion that Mr Numar may, at purim specifically, wish for my destruction as 'amalek'. A charge he dismissed as preposterous earlier in this very thread and yet he illustrated with his own words.

The duplicitous nature of such an engagement as that, for me, highlights the dishonesty one will encounter in such conversations as this as he engages in apologetics while also spitting intolerance and hate from the other side of his mouth.

I may need to reconsider my assessment earlier that he is not a jewish supremacist. He may well be one, although he painted himself quite differently earlier. ... n-at-All:6

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 4:43 pm
by HansHill
The only Holocaust knowledge worthy of praise is the knowledge it didn't happen. Anything else is fantasy and fanfiction at best, and at worst, actively makes my life and the lives of my children increasingly more dangerous, as this thread itself shows.

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 4:47 pm
by Stubble
Being able to show the evolution of the orthodox narrative and to illustrate the various revisions it has undergone thus far is in my opinion invaluable for our efforts to seek and to expose the truth.

Without the admissions of mainline historians of facts like the origin of the 5,000,000 non jew death count, the task before us, while still herculean, would be much, much harder.

Being able to point at majdanek is incredibly valuable in removing the wool from the eyes and getting folks to look critically at the claims. ... %2C-2024:d

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 5:02 pm
by Archie
Numar seems to be fairly knowledgeable. I won't "dox" him, but he posts on Twitter under the same name and he has a Phd. We want the PhD guys on here, but unfortunately his posts are very low effort and he just can't keep his cool. A serious forum can't allow people to be freely posting stuff like "I hope you fucking die and I'm 100% serious." Try posting that on any random forum. Gardening, cars, whatever, and you would get banned. And just to be clear this is not me being prudish or puritanical. It's more about maintaining the right sort of atmosphere for productive discussions.

1) The topics we discuss here are highly controversial and if people start posting "you fucking idiot Nazi scum," things will tend to degenerate from there. (Note that the revisionist side here on the forum has taken the high road and largely ignored Numar's provocations.)

2) If we want to maintain some intellectual standards it's better to use more serious language since it's then more about ideas and concepts rather than polemics and rhetoric.

The problems with Numar are not limited to his language. If you notice, he tends to do a lot of argumentative one-liner posts and when he participates the thread tends to get derailed and get longer without much additional substance. Similar to the problem with Nessie. Look at this thread which was itself split from another thread he derailed (lol). We'll probably need to start another thread for the pogroms at some point since this one is such a mess.

It's really quite simple. If he wants to post here, he will need to stop being so rude. If he persists like this, he will get a temporary ban of say one week (there is a built-in feature for this in the forum software). If he comes back and it's more of the same, he will eventually be banned permanently. It's his choice.

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 5:13 pm
by Stubble
While it would be more effort on the admin end, perhaps a stint of moderation may be in order.

I apologize for my brief aside in this thread engaging in a drift in subject, perhaps the last half a dozen or so posts between Hans and I should be split.

It's not just Numar and Nessie that use the tactic of derailment, notice bombs too exhibits that behavior, although to a lesser extent, for example.

I also feel personally that the earlier interaction in this thread between Numar and I constitute a contribution to the forum and are useful for illustrative purposes. I don't consider them to be a derailment. Perhaps I'm wrong.

Ultimately sir, this is your house and it is your call, of course, and I greatly appreciate you having an open door policy here and allowing me the opportunity to share my perspective with others, even if sometimes that leads to friction and perhaps even animus with some people.

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 5:34 pm
by Numar Patru
Archie wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 5:02 pm
1) The topics we discuss here are highly controversial and if people start posting "you fucking idiot Nazi scum," things will tend to degenerate from there.
One of the most amusing things about you guys is the extent to which you are just blind to the offensiveness of your own positions — and I’m not even talking about the Holocaust.

You’ve got someone here who thought it was totally cool to just make a post placing 100% of the blame on Jews that there has been ethnic conflict between Jewish and non-Jewish people.

When I, as a Jew, respond to such a position, the objection comes on the basis of the language I used to express my position, when the thrust of the other person’s position is not fundamentally different. I’m just willing to say it out loud.

It would seem you value politeness more than you value truth or common decency. Where I come from, if you express hatred for me politely, I’m under no responsibility to express it back while minding my Ps and Qs. Unless and until my comment is read within thar context, it’s worthless to appeal my case any further.

This is why it’s ridiculous to have openly inveterate antisemites moderating the forum. At least have the good sense to express your loathsome opinions from some other avatar other than a mod. It’s obscene.

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 5:36 pm
by Numar Patru
HansHill wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 1:03 pm For the interests of those reading in future: Numar Patru is a Jew.
Explain how this post is anything but a further provocation.

HH: Hey, Jews totally suck.

NP: As a Jew, I think you totally suck.

HH: There goes the Jew again, crying out as he strikes you.

Re: On Pogroms

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 5:38 pm
by Numar Patru
HansHill wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 4:01 pm
Stubble wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 3:14 pm
Numar is representative of a not insignificant portion of people. He is also actually surprisingly knowledgeable concerning the 'Holocaust' or 'Shoah'. The, kerfuffle.
He's not knowledgeable, as he regurgitates impossible exterminationist claims, that for all we know are copied from any LLM of your choosing.

I also don't think he should be banned despite the death wishes, perhaps simply this thread should be locked as i mentioned above in my effort post, the thread was intended entirely for his benefit, has thoroughly run its course, and ends neatly with a modern day blood libel!
Wishing harm upon those who wish you harm isn’t “blood libel.” It’s normal human behavior.