USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

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USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

Post by Archie »

To my surprise and delight, I saw that "USS Liberty" was trending on X. This recent interest seems to have been sparked by a Candance Owens video. She has a big audience, so this is great news.

Devon Stack has a good, concise intro video for those who want a bit of background.

The cover story was the Israelis "accidentally" attacked the ship, but this is totally absurd. It was obviously an American ship. And you cannot "accidentally" launch a sustained air and sea assault on a ship, take out their comms, jam their distress frequencies, machine-gun their lifeboats, etc.

Here is some commentary on the incident from George Ball who was Undersecretary of State for Kennedy and Johnson. This is from his book The Passionate Attachment. Ball in some ways doesn't go far enough, but he was a quite mainstream figure and an insider which gives his comments some weight.
During the war, Israel attacked the U.S.S. Liberty. The Liberty was an American intelligence-gathering vessel, then cruising in international waters near Egypt and reading the radio transmissions of both sides. It flew the American flag and was painted in U.S. Navy colors, complete with number and name.

On the fourth day of the war, with both Jordan and Egypt routed, the Israelis turned their attention to Syria, the original cause of all this trouble. Guns mounted on the Golan Heights had subjected Galilee to sporadic bombardment for years and the Israelis had every intention of capturing those Heights before hostilities were over. Meanwhile, the United Nations had adopted a cease-fire resolution and they feared there might not be enough time to accomplish this objective without, as it were, going into overtime.

The Liberty’s presence and function were known to Israel’s leaders. They presumably thought it vital that the Liberty be prevented from informing Washington of their intentions to violate any cease-fire before they had completed their occupation of the Golan. Their solution was brutal and direct. Israeli aircraft determined the exact location of the ship and undertook a combined air-naval attack. Apprised of Israel’s plans from various sources, the U.S. Navy Department faced a delicate problem. Due regard for the lives of America’s naval personnel should have impelled the Navy to urge the State Department to warn off Israel in no uncertain terms; meanwhile, the Navy should have alerted the Liberty to its danger and dispatched ships or planes for its protection. But none of these actions was taken in time.

There has, for years, been a continuing argument about this tragic lapse. Some say that a warning to Israel might have exposed the U.S. sources of secret intelligence. Whatever the motive, the President or one of his aides took the decision to risk the ship and its crew, and merely ordered them, without explanation, to steam west at top speed. Unhappily, that notice was too little and taken too late. Israeli ships and planes attacked, killing 34 American sailors, wounding 75, and leaving 821 rocket and machine-gun holes in the Liberty. It was only when the Israelis were preparing to board the ship that American planes belatedly appeared from the west and forced them to retire.

The sequel was unedifying. The administration tried vigorously to downplay the whole matter. Although it silenced the crew, casualties to the sailors and damage to the ship could not possibly be concealed. Thus, an elaborate charade was performed. The United States complained pro forma to Israel, which reacted by blaming the victims. The ship, they rejoined, had not been clearly marked but looked like an Arab ship--which was definitely untrue. Nor did the Israelis even pretend that they had queried the American Embassy in Tel Aviv regarding the status of the well-marked ship. In the end, the Israelis tendered a reluctant and graceless apology; indemnities for the victims and damaged ship were both parsimonious and slow in coming. The sordid affair has still not been erased form the history books; an organization of devoted survivors has kept the cause alive over the years by publishing a newsletter and holding well-advertised meetings.
Yet the ultimate lesson of the Liberty attack had far more effect on policy in Israel than America. Israel’s leaders concluded that nothing they might do would offend the Americans to the point of reprisal. If America’s leaders did not have the courage to punish Israel for the blatant murder of American citizens, it seemed clear that their American friends would let them get away with almost anything. permitting the cover-up of Israel’s attack on the Liberty, President Johnson told the Israelis in effect that nothing they did would induce American politicians to refuse their bidding. From that time forth, the Israelis began to act as if they had an inalienable right to American aid and backing.
Here is an article from Chicago Tribune, another mainstream source. ... -spy-ship/

Another important source here is the USS Liberty Veterans Association. They were silenced for years as part of the cover-up.

And here is a good article from Ron Unz. He gives a good overview of the basics but also goes further and summarizes several longer books on the subject, including some that venture into more speculative territory (including over the role of President Johnson). This would be a great place to start for a deep dive. ... e-liberty/

I do not see how any can believe the "mistaken identity" story. That it was a deliberate attack is settled as far as I am concerned. Yet there do remain some mysteries about it such as what exactly the plans and motives were and whether Johnson had foreknowledge and was complicit (vs simply doing the cover-up afterwards).
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Re: USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

Post by Archie »

Get a load of this conservative who's shilling hard for Israel on this.

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Re: USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

Post by IsaacB »

Archie wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2024 3:41 am To my surprise and delight, I saw that "USS Liberty" was trending on X. This recent interest seems to have been sparked by a Candance Owens video. She has a big audience, so this is great news.

Devon Stack has a good, concise intro video for those who want a bit of background.

The cover story was the Israelis "accidentally" attacked the ship, but this is totally absurd. It was obviously an American ship. And you cannot "accidentally" launch a sustained air and sea assault on a ship, take out their comms, jam their distress frequencies, machine-gun their lifeboats, etc.

Here is some commentary on the incident from George Ball who was Undersecretary of State for Kennedy and Johnson. This is from his book The Passionate Attachment. Ball in some ways doesn't go far enough, but he was a quite mainstream figure and an insider which gives his comments some weight.
During the war, Israel attacked the U.S.S. Liberty. The Liberty was an American intelligence-gathering vessel, then cruising in international waters near Egypt and reading the radio transmissions of both sides. It flew the American flag and was painted in U.S. Navy colors, complete with number and name.

On the fourth day of the war, with both Jordan and Egypt routed, the Israelis turned their attention to Syria, the original cause of all this trouble. Guns mounted on the Golan Heights had subjected Galilee to sporadic bombardment for years and the Israelis had every intention of capturing those Heights before hostilities were over. Meanwhile, the United Nations had adopted a cease-fire resolution and they feared there might not be enough time to accomplish this objective without, as it were, going into overtime.

The Liberty’s presence and function were known to Israel’s leaders. They presumably thought it vital that the Liberty be prevented from informing Washington of their intentions to violate any cease-fire before they had completed their occupation of the Golan. Their solution was brutal and direct. Israeli aircraft determined the exact location of the ship and undertook a combined air-naval attack. Apprised of Israel’s plans from various sources, the U.S. Navy Department faced a delicate problem. Due regard for the lives of America’s naval personnel should have impelled the Navy to urge the State Department to warn off Israel in no uncertain terms; meanwhile, the Navy should have alerted the Liberty to its danger and dispatched ships or planes for its protection. But none of these actions was taken in time.

There has, for years, been a continuing argument about this tragic lapse. Some say that a warning to Israel might have exposed the U.S. sources of secret intelligence. Whatever the motive, the President or one of his aides took the decision to risk the ship and its crew, and merely ordered them, without explanation, to steam west at top speed. Unhappily, that notice was too little and taken too late. Israeli ships and planes attacked, killing 34 American sailors, wounding 75, and leaving 821 rocket and machine-gun holes in the Liberty. It was only when the Israelis were preparing to board the ship that American planes belatedly appeared from the west and forced them to retire.

The sequel was unedifying. The administration tried vigorously to downplay the whole matter. Although it silenced the crew, casualties to the sailors and damage to the ship could not possibly be concealed. Thus, an elaborate charade was performed. The United States complained pro forma to Israel, which reacted by blaming the victims. The ship, they rejoined, had not been clearly marked but looked like an Arab ship--which was definitely untrue. Nor did the Israelis even pretend that they had queried the American Embassy in Tel Aviv regarding the status of the well-marked ship. In the end, the Israelis tendered a reluctant and graceless apology; indemnities for the victims and damaged ship were both parsimonious and slow in coming. The sordid affair has still not been erased form the history books; an organization of devoted survivors has kept the cause alive over the years by publishing a newsletter and holding well-advertised meetings.
Yet the ultimate lesson of the Liberty attack had far more effect on policy in Israel than America. Israel’s leaders concluded that nothing they might do would offend the Americans to the point of reprisal. If America’s leaders did not have the courage to punish Israel for the blatant murder of American citizens, it seemed clear that their American friends would let them get away with almost anything. permitting the cover-up of Israel’s attack on the Liberty, President Johnson told the Israelis in effect that nothing they did would induce American politicians to refuse their bidding. From that time forth, the Israelis began to act as if they had an inalienable right to American aid and backing.
Here is an article from Chicago Tribune, another mainstream source. ... -spy-ship/

Another important source here is the USS Liberty Veterans Association. They were silenced for years as part of the cover-up.

And here is a good article from Ron Unz. He gives a good overview of the basics but also goes further and summarizes several longer books on the subject, including some that venture into more speculative territory (including over the role of President Johnson). This would be a great place to start for a deep dive. ... e-liberty/

I do not see how any can believe the "mistaken identity" story. That it was a deliberate attack is settled as far as I am concerned. Yet there do remain some mysteries about it such as what exactly the plans and motives were and whether Johnson had foreknowledge and was complicit (vs simply doing the cover-up afterwards).
This is my first post here, this thread here interested me.

What reason would Israel have to attack an American ship? Plenty of theories exist such as “they were massacring egyptian POWs” but I’ve seen no evidence for the matter.

Unlike most of Wikipedia, the page on the Liberty is a certainly interesting read:

“ According to Israeli sources, at the start of the war on 5 June, General Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Air Force (IAF) chief of staff informed Commander Ernest Carl Castle, the American naval attaché in Tel Aviv, that Israel would defend its coast with every means at its disposal, including sinking unidentified ships. He asked the U.S. to keep its ships away from Israel's shore or at least inform Israel of their exact positions.[16][a]”

Now, I’m going to continue by saying that Israeli claims of mistaken identity were certainly disingenuous. Israel did in fact warn that unidentified ships would be fired upon if not proactively identified. Liberty being a spy ship, considering its requests for escort too, most likely did not do such thing.

Another common claim is that the Liberty had a clearly visible flag. If you actually look at photos, the flag is very small and not very visible especially if you’re doing a quick flyover in a plane.

You can read the wikipedia article and make your own consensus, I won’t go into too much detail because i’m not very knowledgeable.

IMHO, Israel likely got jumpy over shelling reports off of Arish, lazily tried identifying a nearby ship, them with their recklessness and poor maritime capabilities went ape and started the attack until later interference to end the attack over the lack of return fire and signs that the ship was American. By no means do I love Israel, i believe their military is reckless and has no moral order, but the situation certainly could’ve been handled better by both sides. Thoughts?
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Re: USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

Post by Archie »

IsaacB wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:23 pm What reason would Israel have to attack an American ship? Plenty of theories exist such as “they were massacring egyptian POWs” but I’ve seen no evidence for the matter.
The precise plan and motive are not completely settled. That part of it is still an open question.

What you hear a lot is that the plan was to sink the ship and blame it on Egypt.

It was an intel gathering ship, so another angle would be that they wanted to prevent the Americans from learning certain things. Some have suggested it was related to the planned invasion of Golan Heights in Syria. That they wished to cover up war-crimes against Egyptian POWs comes from James Bamford's book Body of Secrets.

We aren't likely to get explicit documentation from the Israelis explaining exactly what their sinister plan was. The evidence for it being deliberate rather than accidental is overwhelming, yet that raises major questions about why the Israelis would do something so insane and risky. Johnson ended up doing a cover-up, but how could they have counted on that? My guess is Johnson was involved and had foreknowledge, thus limiting the risk to the Israelis. But this remains speculative.
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Re: USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

Post by Archie »

Common sense arguments can tell you the attack was deliberate. But it's worth noting there's additional, corroborating evidence, including the comments of many insiders (like Dean Rusk and George Ball) and some declassified documents.


And from the Ron Unz article,
From the very first, the NSA had been absolutely certain that the Israeli attack on the Liberty was deliberate, and the death or grievous injury of so many of its communication technicians and other employees together with an American cover-up deeply rankled the top leadership. So Bamford’s book included more than a dozen pages on the Liberty incident, revealing some of the secret intelligence evidence that had demonstrated Israel’s clear intent.
At that time, the Evans & Novak column by conservatives Rowland Evans and Robert Novak was among the most widely syndicated and influential in America, running in many hundreds of newspapers, and with Novak also having a large presence on the weekly political television shows. Their November 6, 1991 column dropped a major bombshell, reporting that radio transmissions proved the Israeli pilots had been fully aware that they were attacking an American ship and despite their frantic protestations had been ordered to go ahead and sink the Liberty regardless. These communications had been intercepted and decrypted by the intelligence staff at our Beirut Embassy, and the shocking transcripts were immediately provided to our ambassador, Dwight Porter, a highly esteemed diplomat, who had finally broken his self-imposed silence after 24 years. Moreover, these same facts were also confirmed by an American-born Israeli military officer who had been present at IDF headquarters that day, and who said that all the commanders there were sure that the ship being attacked was American.
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Re: USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

Post by IsaacB »

Archie wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:51 am Common sense arguments can tell you the attack was deliberate. But it's worth noting there's additional, corroborating evidence, including the comments of many insiders (like Dean Rusk and George Ball) and some declassified documents.


And from the Ron Unz article,
From the very first, the NSA had been absolutely certain that the Israeli attack on the Liberty was deliberate, and the death or grievous injury of so many of its communication technicians and other employees together with an American cover-up deeply rankled the top leadership. So Bamford’s book included more than a dozen pages on the Liberty incident, revealing some of the secret intelligence evidence that had demonstrated Israel’s clear intent.
At that time, the Evans & Novak column by conservatives Rowland Evans and Robert Novak was among the most widely syndicated and influential in America, running in many hundreds of newspapers, and with Novak also having a large presence on the weekly political television shows. Their November 6, 1991 column dropped a major bombshell, reporting that radio transmissions proved the Israeli pilots had been fully aware that they were attacking an American ship and despite their frantic protestations had been ordered to go ahead and sink the Liberty regardless. These communications had been intercepted and decrypted by the intelligence staff at our Beirut Embassy, and the shocking transcripts were immediately provided to our ambassador, Dwight Porter, a highly esteemed diplomat, who had finally broken his self-imposed silence after 24 years. Moreover, these same facts were also confirmed by an American-born Israeli military officer who had been present at IDF headquarters that day, and who said that all the commanders there were sure that the ship being attacked was American.
Haaretz always has this nuisance paywall/email signup ultimatum, shame the only somewhat honest Israeli news service is an ad-plastered hellscape.

The article itself i'll copy and paste here:

Amid the jubilee celebrations for the Six-Day War, the tragic story of the American spy ship USS Liberty – which was bombed by an Israeli fighter jet and torpedo boats on June 8, 1967 in the eastern Mediterranean – was somewhat overlooked. Thirty-four American sailors were killed in the Israeli attack and many others were wounded.

Israel apologized and paid compensation to the victims’ families. Israeli and American commissions of inquiry found that the attack was a mistake. But naturally, as often happens in such events, to this day there are some who believe Israel attacked the ship with malicious intent

A conspiracy? Healthy suspicion? Call it what you will. A new book published in May in the United States (its authors include several survivors of the attack) promises that “the truth is being told as never before and the real story revealed.” The 302 pages of “Remember the Liberty!: Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas” include quite a number of documents, testimonies, arguments and information that were gathered in the subsequent 50 years.

The book includes, among other things, a CIA document from November 1967 that is still partially censored. In the document, which is also on the official CIA website, an anonymous source is quoted as saying: “They said that [then-Israeli Defense Minister Moshe] Dayan personally ordered the attack on the ship, and that one of his generals adamantly opposed the action and said, ‘This is pure murder.’” There is no dispute about the authenticity of the document, but clearly not every sentence written in an intelligence document is the unvarnished truth.

On the other hand, the new book quotes a story reported by former U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter, who recounted a conversation between an Israeli pilot and the Israel Air Force war room, which was allegedly picked up by an NSA aircraft and inadvertently cabled to CIA offices around the world:

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Yes, follow orders.

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: But sir, it’s an American ship - I can see the flag!

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Never mind; hit it.

Both the CIA document and the quote have already been published in the past. The book revives them as part of its attempt to prove its thesis.

Historian (and current Kulanu lawmaker) Dr. Michael Oren, who researched the affair in depth, rejects out of hand attempts to claim Israel attacked the USS Liberty deliberately.

Haaretz asked Oren last week if he has any doubts about his assertion that Israel didn’t deliberately attack the spy ship.

“There is no doubt," he says. "Not even the smallest percentage. I’ve taken part in wars. I know what ‘friendly fire’ is. There’s a lot of chaos. It was a classic screw up.

A classic screw up, especially in wartime, has more than one reason. It’s a sequence, a chain of screw ups.”

Oren adds: “I’m a historian. I have to stick with the facts. I can’t get into conspiracies and theories. A historian must proceed on the basis of the data before him. Today, almost all the papers have been publicized, including the texts of the recordings of the U.S. spy plane and spy submarine.

“Attempts to explain why Israel was interested in attacking the Liberty have failed thus far," he continues. "They’re trying to answer the question ‘Why?’ and they’re having difficulty. It began with the claim that the Liberty discovered the Israel Defense Forces' intentions or preparations to occupy the Golan Heights. And then they said it had homed in on some preparations in Dimona [the site of Israel’s nuclear reactor]. And finally, that it had listened in on the slaughter of Egyptian prisoners of war – I don’t know how slaughter sounds on the communications network. All kinds of bizarre theories.

"If we start with the assumption that the attack was deliberate and planned in advance, the question is why. And nobody answers this question. The answer is that it wasn’t planned.

"What continues to fuel these conspiracy theories?" Oren asks. "The subject is revived every few years. It is part of a 'theory' that Israel, together with Russia and China, spies on the United States. As Israel’s ambassador to the United States I saw this undercurrent, which is also sometimes anti-Semitic.”

In response to a recent request by historian Adam Raz (“The Battle Over the Bomb,” 2015, Hebrew), the Israel State Archives posted hundreds of documents on its website related to the USS Liberty affair.

Raz perused the material and pulled out several fascinating documents that are likely to add more questions to those already in existence – or, if you will, provide some convincing material for conspiracy theorists.

Raz, who wrote a fascinating article about Israel’s nuclear secrets in last week's Hebrew Haaretz supplement, doesn’t like the C-word: “conspiracy.” He stresses that, as a historian, he finds the word unacceptable. “Was the so-called ‘rotten business’ [a failed Israeli sabotage operation in Egypt in 1954] also a conspiracy? So what’s a conspiracy?” he wonders.

He believes the documents arouse enough questions to ensure historians won’t be filing the affair away in the archives. He’s fully aware of the fact that the “smoking gun” won’t be found in the papers in the State Archives, because if Israel really had intended to hit the ship, that would have been known only to a handful of people. But he refuses to accept the assertion that the claims Israel hit the ship deliberately are a conspiracy.

One of the documents Raz found among the hundreds of papers published by the State Archives is the Israeli Foreign Ministry correspondence that was sent from New York to Jerusalem.

“Menashe informed us we had better be very careful. He doesn’t have complete information but he knows that Issaschar is very angry about our letter. The reason is apparently that the Americans have findings that show our pilots were in fact aware the ship was American,” according to the document.

And later: “Menashe believes there is a recording on the ship of the conversations between the ship and our pilots, in which the ship’s crew said the ship is American. Menashe says that, in his opinion, our only chance of getting out of the crisis is to punish someone for negligence.”

In another document, which is also now posted online by the State Archives, the Israeli Embassy in Washington writes to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem under the heading “Urgent.”

“We must change the abovementioned letter, because we certainly won’t be able to say there is no basis for the accusation that the identity of the ship was determined by Israeli planes prior to the attack,” it declares.

In other documents, which are fascinating in themselves, there is documentation of Israeli preparations for the U.S. investigation and the demands for compensation that were to follow.

“The issue has turned into a malignant wound, which involves serious dangers for all of our relationships on all levels here, whose friendship was ours until now and which are crucial to our status in the United States. In other words, the president, the Pentagon, public opinion and the intelligence community. Do you realize that the president is also the supreme commander of the U.S. armed forces?” wonders the Israeli Embassy in Washington, in a telegram to the Foreign Ministry.

“In the grave situation that has been created, the only way to soften the result is for us to be able to announce to the U.S. government already today that we intend to prosecute people for this disaster. We have to publicize that in Israel already tonight,” according to a Foreign Ministry letter. “This activity is the only way to create the impression, both to the U.S. government and the public here, that the attack on the ship was not the result of malicious intent by the Israeli government – I repeat, the Israeli government – or authorized groups in the IDF. For obvious reasons, it is crucial that our announcement about prosecuting those who are to blame be publicized before – I repeat, before – the publication of the American report here.”

The papers also contain several “amusing” anecdotes, such as the description of a U.S. Independence Day party that was held at the U.S. Embassy in Israel after the disaster.

“I was presented to the commander of the USS Liberty, which is here for repairs. He spoke freely about what happened and expressed his full confidence that it was a tragic mistake,” according to one of the Foreign Ministry documents. “When asked in my presence, how long the ship’s trip to the United States would take, he replied with a smile, ‘About two weeks – unless we encounter Israeli planes again.’”

Much ink has been spilled in the past 50 years about the Liberty. In 2015, Amir Oren wrote a fascinating Haaretz Hebrew article that tried to eliminate all the conspiracy theories. “Senior American officials bequeathed a large number of incriminating quotes, but the plain and consensual truth is that a series of mistakes and screw ups caused the IDF to land a lethal blow against a vessel belonging to Israel’s most important ally,” he wrote.

Tom Segev, in an equally interesting 2012 article, also came out against the various theories. “None of the four people who could have ordered an attack on an American ship - Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, Mossad chief Meir Amit, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan and Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin - was daring and crazy to that extent,” he wrote.

However, he concludes with a slight note of doubt: “Over the years, various pieces of evidence have emerged that seem to support Israel's claim that the ship was fired on by mistake. However, a number of questions still hover over the affair, and these nourish the conspiracy theories.”
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Re: USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

Post by IsaacB »

Archie wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:40 am The precise plan and motive are not completely settled. That part of it is still an open question.
This is exactly the problem and easily the biggest hole in the swiss cheese of USS Liberty CTs. And another reason why I don't buy a lot of the theories around the Liberty.
Some have suggested it was related to the planned invasion of Golan Heights in Syria.
Who suggested this? Syria and Israel were already involved in minor skirmishes since the 5th. Such an invasion would be inevitable considering the Syria's incessant artillery coming from the heights, no? Besides, although America and Israel were not entirely full allies like they are today, it is almost without a doubt that America would've supported an invasion and likely would've kept Israel's plans confidential if intercepted.

(I'm probably going to be called an Israel shill for this, I am Jewish/American but I am a firm believer in the philosophy that Israel sucks especially when it comes to foreign politics and military operations. Currently, Gaza is just another example of the Israeli recklessness and corruption that plagues a country that has a motherload of potential to be respected and successful)
That they wished to cover up war-crimes against Egyptian POWs
I have not seen any evidence for such a claim, and I am yet to read Bamford's book. Do any of the Liberty vets claim this? They are quite vocal and (rightfully) pissed off from what I hear.

Any motive claimed, such as the POW massacre, seem extremely disingenuous. Food for thought, if Israel had discovered an interception of talk about a POW massacre, why would they cease fire and not sink the ship? Disgusting to do, absolutely, but all they gained was more controversy and all the more reason for them to be condemned on top of this POW massacre. Imagine that, Israel killing innocent prisoners and attacking neutral research ships belonging to an acquaintance country to shred the evidence.

The best and least hole-filled motive would likely be mine. As I would like to call it "accidentally on purpose". Did it happen? Yes. Will people turn a blind eye and act like nothing happened? Also yes. As we've seen in nearly all of Israel's military involvements, they are ruthless, cunning, and immature. I believe the same will always apply to the Liberty. They saw a ship, identified it (i also remember seeing a source a few months ago that American sailors waved to IAF pilots during initial identification but i need to confirm this), El-Arish gets shelled, Israel gets jumpy, most likely loses identification of American ship. Also during the attack, Captain McGonagle reportedly used a lamp to signal "identify yourself", Oren's walnut brain compares it to a similar action from an Egyptian ship during the Suez Crisis and was "convinced he was seeing an enemy ship". (this is more in detail because i read more about what happened since then)

The entire incident could've been handled infinitely better by Israel (as always), and partially USA by maintaining communication.

(Edit: Lol, the [/quote] things didn't work and now i look like a fool. That's fun. Anyway, anything directly above those little brackets is Archie's words)
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Re: USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

Post by Archie »

The first question is whether the attack was deliberate or accidental.

Do you concede that it was a deliberate attack rather than a case of mistaken identity?


Re: the quote tags, there needs to be a tag before and after the quoted text.

Code: Select all

[quote]Here are some words[/quote]
If you have a bunch of nested quotes, it's easy to miss a tag.
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Re: USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

Post by Archie »

IsaacB wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:07 am Any motive claimed, such as the POW massacre, seem extremely disingenuous. Food for thought, if Israel had discovered an interception of talk about a POW massacre, why would they cease fire and not sink the ship?
They tried to sink the ship. It was an extended attack that left the ship full of holes. It was only by sheer luck that it stayed afloat. The Israelis retreated probably because the Liberty crew managed to repair their communications well enough to get out a distress signal.
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Re: USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

Post by Stubble »

A few hours with the crew if anyone is interested. ... 8FULL%29:5

Sorry, it won't embed as a media link.
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: USS Liberty - Israeli Treachery against America

Post by Archie »

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