TlsMS93 wrote: ↑Mon Mar 10, 2025 5:49 pm
Nessie wrote: ↑Mon Mar 10, 2025 4:39 pm
TlsMS93 wrote: ↑Mon Mar 10, 2025 2:05 pm
The witnesses did not count how many bodies were buried or how many were cremated, much less did they find human ashes in the alleged number of dead. So the Höfle Telegram is the only thing they rely on, and this is interpreted as the names of fields and extrapolating that everyone died.
The death tolls were estimated from transport records, prior to the finding of the Hofle telegram.
Football stadiums only register the arrival of people with their tickets in hand and not their departures, so everyone died in the stadiums.
Football stadiums can evidence the crowd leaving. Revisionists cannot do that with TII.
The death toll is not based on anything, there is no document mentioning deaths.
The death toll is based on documents recording arrivals.
And you will not filter the ashes in these fields, so at most they are people whose whereabouts are unknown but who are dead, none of you can attest to. No modern criminal investigation method has been applied to the Holocaust, in fact it did not even come close to the Katyn investigation by the Germans.
Site surveys prove a huge area of disturbed ground containing cremated human remains. No other mass grave sites come close to its size, except Belzec, Sobibor and Chelmno.
Not all stadiums are able to provide fans leaving them
It is easy to prove a stadium emptied at the end of a game, from witness and other evidence.
If I wanted to incriminate the owners of a stadium, all I had to do was seize their security cameras. Now transfer that to the Holocaust. Did those who liberated the camps have scruples? Before saying that there is no evidence of Jews going elsewhere, one should ask, “Is that really the case?”
You have all the crowd as witnesses, plus being able to search the stadium to prove it is empty. You cannot find any evidence from any source that the hundreds of thousands who arrived at TII, then left.