Stubble wrote: ↑Sat Feb 22, 2025 1:05 am
I understand that, and from a logistical standpoint it makes sense to consolidate the population. To prevent partisan actions, it makes sense to put this population into the camp system. Where you lose me is 'mass murder is expedient'.
Why camps in Russia as opposed to Poland? There they will be closer to partisans and supplying these people is going to be more of a strain on supply lines.
FTR mass consolidation occurred within the ghetto system already. Warsaw ghetto held like 400k.
A revisionist narrative that might make sense is that a reservation of sorts was set up in occupied USSR, very near to Poland, into which millions of Jews were funneled. Still don't know why it wouldn't be in Poland. Revisionists point out even now that the long term plan was total expulsion past the Urals or to Madagascar, so such reservations were going temporary anyway.
Stubble wrote: ↑Sat Feb 22, 2025 1:05 am
If 'mass murder is expedient' is the driver, why bother the charade of transportation to a 'central murder facility'. What, lack of concrete and no lakes between 'here' and 'there'?
I'm not sure what your concern is here exactly but we can start looking at this aspect now.
I think we've seen so far in the witness testimony and the documents about Holocaust by shooting is that the killings caused issues in terms of discreteness (the Jews had to be deceived to some extent), PR problems for the Nazis (in the Stahlecker report he talks about inciting pogroms without letting out knowledge that the EG were initiating them). In the Bruns testimony he speaks of getting notification that the killings will henceforth be done more discreetly.
We also see in the documents and witness testimony the killings were also difficult for the perpetrators (eg they could only be carried out under the influence of alcohol at times)
The method of killing therefore has to be discrete and it would have to psychologically tolerable for the perpetrators. You can see the discreteness concern laid out in a document like this. Such a document is, in my opinion, evidence of homicidal intent but for now we don't need to concentrate on that aspect, rather the reasons behind this for now hypothetical method of killing
https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... html#_doc1
1. To the Reich Commissar for the East
Re: Your report of October 4, 1941 in respect to the Solution of the Jewish Question
With reference to my letter of October 18, 1941, this is to inform you that Oberdienstleiter Brack of the Führer Chancellery has agreed to collaborate in the production of the required shelters and gassing devices. At this time, the envisaged devices are not available in sufficient quantity; they will first have to be manufactured. Since in Brack's opinion, the manufacture of the devices in the Reich will cause much greater difficulties than doing it on the spot, Brack considers it most expedient to send his people to Riga, especially his chemist Dr. Kallmeyer, who will effect all further steps there. Oberdienstleiter Brack points out that the procedure in question is not without danger, so that special protective measures are necessary. In these circumstances, I request that you address yourself to Oberdienstleiter Brack in the Führer Chancellery through your Higher SS and Police Leader and request the dispatch of the chemist Kallmeyer and other assistants. I should inform you that Sturmbannführer Eichmann, the expert for the Jewish Question in the RSHA is entirely in agreement with this process. According to information from Sturmbannführer Eichmann, camps for Jews are to be set up in Riga and Minsk, to which Jews from the Old Reich territory may also come. At this time, Jews are being evacuated out of the Old Reich to Litzmannstadt (Lodz), and also other camps, to then later be used for labour in the east insofar as they are capable of work.
As things now are, there are no objections if the Jews who are not capable of work, are eliminated with the Brackian remedy. In this way, events such as those that, according to a report in front of me, took place on the occasion of the shootings of the Jews in Vilna, and which, considering that the shootings were carried out in public, can hardly be excused, will no longer be possible. On the other hand, those capable of work will be transported for labour in the east. It goes without saying that the male and female Jews capable of work will be kept apart.
I request a report on your further measures.
A follow up point from here is Brack - I think we should turn our attention now to T4 . This is again necessary in understanding the orthodox interpretation of history and the choice of poison gas as the killing method.