Look at it this way, I'll give you some statements which we can fact check, but this is the affirmer perspective (I think that's a better term, and shorter)Stubble wrote: ↑Sun Feb 16, 2025 4:39 am
So far as actually going through the documents one by one, like I had to do with some of the Auschwitz criminal traces from the HCBlog it is just so fucking tiresome. All I want is truth and fidelity, but no, always, and I stress this, always I get some janky contrived narrative driven misrepresentation of reality. I never just get the facts such as they were, in a non bias way.
Non-employable Jews from the Warthe district were sent to Chelmno, many tens of thousands all of this documented https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... l#_ftnref6 There's no record of those Jews being transported anywhere, no witness statements or records of them ending up anywhere else
Chelmno was staffed extensively by Germans who had participated in T4 (SK Lange), with documented history of euthanizing patients from mental hospitals https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... erman.html
Dozens of witness statements from Jews, Germans, Poles that a mass killing operation was being conducted there with gas vans https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... #_ftnref22
Document (Just memo) explicitly tying use of homicidal gas vans to Chelmno, with death toll of 100,000 given by June 1942
Remember Chelmno processed Jews from the Warthe? There's a letter from the Governor of the Warthe, Arthur Grieser which states euthanizing of 100,000 Jews from his district was ongoing
Mass graves found , matching the description of witnesses at forest near Chelmno (the dead were brought here), with descriptions similar to what you saw at Belzec.
Now we get to the documents that are being interpreted in such a way to cause you frustration. They speak of mass deliveries of concrete, chlorinated lime, and yes a ball mills / bone mill for use at Chelmno. There's this guy Blobel who was an Einsatzgruppen leader associated with mass shootings of Jews in USSR, here as well. British intercepts show him requisitioning fuel and a flame thrower. Witness testimonies (eg from Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz) have him using that flamethrower in body destruction experiments. Hoess's visit to Blobel is documented, with the conclusion being the requisition of the ball mill used there to go to Auschwitz for use of "grinding substances". Their tour also included an inspection of the "experimental site of field ovens Aktion Reinhard" https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot ... tml#_doc62
From an orthodox perspective what should we make of these "frustrating" documents? They don't prove extermination in and of themselves, they have to be contextualized with all other pieces of data. Earlier you pointed out that looking at documents individually you can miss out on the big picture. I think if you take that perspective now, it will be easier for you to understand our viewpoint on the matter.
It would be my preference for us to put a pause in this particular subject and go back to mid 1941 when all this started. Extermination didn't happen overnight, it was a process that developed over the course of a few months in USSR, and then moved over to Poland. If you understand that, then all this may make more sense for you. Like I said, better to go through the subject sequentially, for purposes of understanding.