In a small local paper Auschwitz day.

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In a small local paper Auschwitz day.

Post by DavidM »

There is a small circulation newspaper in the county where I live.

Surprisingly the main articles today were two full pages of stories around the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz camp.
One was an interview with Manfred Goldberg of London entitled, Nazis took his brothers life; an Angel saved his.
Mr. Goldberg, was detained at 13 years of age in 1942, spent the rest of the War in German custody and was finally liberated
by British troops.

The other article falsely claimed that Poles, Gays, POWs, Roma and Sinti, and "others" were gassed at Auschwitz. The good news is that the number of Auschwitz deaths dropped to a mere 1,000,000, down from the 4,000,000 of post-War Soviet propaganda. But Believer math is 6,000,000 minus 3,000,000 = 6,000,000

Believers may be bad at math but they are excellent in getting propaganda spread
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Re: In a small local paper Auschwitz day.

Post by TlsMS93 »

When Soviet and Nuremberg propaganda spoke of 4 million, 3 million would be non-Jews

Now the panorama looks like this. Shootings in the occupied USSR 1.4 million, Reinhardt Camps (Chelmno and Majdanek included) 2 million, AB 900 thousand, ghettos and other camps 800 thousand

Total 5.1 million, which is what Hilberg believes.
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Re: In a small local paper Auschwitz day.

Post by Nessie »

DavidM wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:02 pm There is a small circulation newspaper in the county where I live.

Surprisingly the main articles today were two full pages of stories around the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz camp.
One was an interview with Manfred Goldberg of London entitled, Nazis took his brothers life; an Angel saved his.
Mr. Goldberg, was detained at 13 years of age in 1942, spent the rest of the War in German custody and was finally liberated
by British troops.

The other article falsely claimed that Poles, Gays, POWs, Roma and Sinti, and "others" were gassed at Auschwitz. The good news is that the number of Auschwitz deaths dropped to a mere 1,000,000, down from the 4,000,000 of post-War Soviet propaganda. But Believer math is 6,000,000 minus 3,000,000 = 6,000,000

Believers may be bad at math but they are excellent in getting propaganda spread
The maths is due to different death tolls being equated as if there was only one death toll. Historians have always estimated 5 to 6 million dead. The Poles, based on Soviet over estimations, claimed A-B had a death toll of 4m, the plaque remaining until finally it was corrected. The Soviet overestimations have been corrected to the more accurate historical ones. Revisionists like to conflate the two, to make it appear the maths do not make sense.
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Re: In a small local paper Auschwitz day.

Post by DavidM »

In May 2002, Fritjof Meyer, a journalist with the influential German newsmagazine Der Spiegel, published an article titled “Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz. Neue Erkentnisse durch neue Archivfunde” (The Number of Victims of Auschwitz: New Findings in the Light of Newly-Discovered Documents) in the German scholarly journal Osteuropa. Meyer does not deny the existence of the gas chambers, but he lowers the number of people murdered in Auschwitz to approximately 510,000.

While the war was still on, it was already known that Auschwitz, a German concentration camp and a state institution, was one of the largest extermination sites in occupied Europe. ... z,316.html

The Polish government, with its wartime seat in London, took the lead in spreading this information, on the basis of reports from the resistance movement in occupied Poland. First published in Polish government bulletins, the information was later carried by the press around the world.

If the total number of Auschwitz dead was 510,000 how many were Jewish?
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Re: In a small local paper Auschwitz day.

Post by DavidM »

The Number of Victims

It is estimated that a total of 130-140 thousand Poles were sent to Auschwitz in direct or collective transports, and added to the list of prisoner numbers. It is further estimated that approximately 10 thousand Poles (including police prisoners) were killed in Auschwitz without ever being registered as prisoners. At least half of the Poles imprisoned there are estimated to have died as a result of starvation, beating, sickness, excessive labor, failure to receive medical care, and execution by shooting, lethal injection of phenol, or murdered in the gas chambers. Many prisoners died soon after being transferred to other concentration camps.

510,000 minus 130,000 = ?
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