On Pogroms

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Numar Patru
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Numar Patru »

Stubble wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 4:25 pm Going back specifically to before 1492, as you had called at earlier, I pointed at ritual jewish murder and the disputation of Paris, as well as the gates of Toledo and some other things, because those were the main drivers in those times. Usury and usurpation were certainly on the list, they were not chief however.
And my contention is twofold: first, that these charges are largely bullshit and were driven by Christian religious opinions about Jews; and second, that Jewish economic behavior was no different other middleman minority groups.
Broadening the timescale to today, when looked at in retrospect, this excerpt from Mr Hitler rings the bell of truth, over and over again. None of the words ring hollow. Every bit of it the truth.
What's funny is that most scholars don't really believe what Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf and we can actually prove at least some of it as false. First, Hitler was raised in Linz, which is the third largest city in Austria. It had plenty of Jews living there, including in Hitler's own Realschule, which was attended by Ludwig Wittgenstein around the same time, although it's unclear whether they knew each other. Second, Hitler served on the honor guard at the funeral of Kurt Eisner in early 1919. Given that Eisner was a Jewish socialist, it's unlikely Hitler would not have objected to participating if his "noticing" had truly emerged by then. Third and finally, Hitler made rather large concessions to people of Jewish ancestry whom he felt had made appropriate political or personal contributions to his benefit: Erhard Milch, Emil Maurice, and Eduard Bloch to name just a few.

It's more likely, IMO, that what really sold Hitler on antisemitism was the Bolshevik Revolution.
Surely you are not so blind as to miss the parallels.
As I stated elsewhere, I'm an historian of 19th century Europe, so of course I know what the Jewish question is -- or at least what it was in the 19th century. The question as it applied at that time concerned whether Jews could ever be full participants in the societies in which they lived while simultaneously remaining Jews. Racial antisemitism takes a rather "Gordian knot" approach to the question by classifying Jews racially, but the plain fact of the matter is that Germany had been negotiating more or less successfully this question for several decades before Hitler came along.

Most ironically, the answer that Germany was coming up with for the Jewish question was essentially that Jews could not fully participate while remaining Jewish beyond more than a vague sense of distant ancestry. And German Jews seemed pretty much find with that. In 1932, the rate of intermarriage of German Jews with non-Jews was north of 50%. That is not a country that's struggling with a Jewish question so much as one solving it in favor of a larger German family where people of Jewish ancestry are seen no differently than those of Polish or Slovenian ancestry from border areas -- i.e., just as German as everyone else.

But you guys had to blow it. Typical hwite behavior.
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Stubble »

Remind me again, why did the jews choose to pick up and leave their home country?

(Don't worry, we will get back to what you just said, we just have to take a few steps first).
Numar Patru
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Numar Patru »

They were expelled by the occupying force because they refused to stop fighting back.

You know this so why are you asking?
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Stubble »

We are going somewhere with it.

So, do you think there was any animus about that? Maybe enough animus that a sect of jews may have sacrificed European children to perform occult rites they thought would bring them back to zion?

Or enough animus that they may have poisoned some wells?

See, you say these are lies. You completely disregard the evidence. Hell, when an Israeli historian published a book with an investigation of Simon of Trent, he had to do a retraction because of the backlash, because he concluded it rested in truth.


Now, you won't make this concession, and I'm aware of this, but, I'm also aware that deep down, you know.

So far as the gates of Toledo, this is demonstrable. Jews owe Spain an apology, sincerely.

Regarding the tract from Mien Kampf, you never engaged the content. You probably won't.

So far as Wittgenstein goes, I would not argue philosophy with that man, as it would likely end with him brandishing a hot poker in my face to express the rightness of his point of view about words and their definitions.
Numar Patru
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Numar Patru »

Stubble wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:19 am So, do you think there was any animus about that? Maybe enough animus that a sect of jews may have sacrificed European children to perform occult rites they thought would bring them back to zion?

Or enough animus that they may have poisoned some wells?
No. Here’s why.

Judaism teaches that the Jewish people’s dispossession from their land was their own fault, not that of the Romans.

Plus, you can’t just extrapolate from Romans to the English or French or whoever and also wait a thousand years for revenge to be taken. It’s ludicrous.
You completely disregard the evidence.
There is no evidence.
Hell, when an Israeli historian published a book with an investigation of Simon of Trent, he had to do a retraction because of the backlash, because he concluded it rested in truth.
He got a raw deal by people who never read his book.
Now, you won't make this concession, and I'm aware of this, but, I'm also aware that deep down, you know.
Get over yourself. This is moronic bullshit.
So far as the gates of Toledo, this is demonstrable. Jews owe Spain an apology, sincerely.
Jews in Toledo acted according to their best interest. Christians had persecuted them. Muslims had not.

And an apology? Spain expelled its Jews in 1492, so no apology is necessary.
Regarding the tract from Mien Kampf, you never engaged the content. You probably won't.
I certainly did engage it.
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Stubble »

Dude, come off it, we are almost 2,000 years past and there are jews who think I am amalek because of it, and I'm not even in Europe.

Act incredulously all you like. You know you know.
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Hektor »

Numar Patru wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:40 pm They were expelled by the occupying force because they refused to stop fighting back.

You know this so why are you asking?

Is this about the expulsion by the Romans 70 AD?

It's a bit of a different ball game than what we call nowadays Jews, since that started some sort of ethnogenesis and also a new religion was designed....

The Judeans weren't fighting back anyway. They were cooperating with the Romans mostly. But they were fighting each other and that is why the Romans were intervening in that territory to keep the Pax Romana.

Christian perspective is that they were kicked out and smashed, because they rejected Christ and also rejected repentance. But this isn't really a contradiction.
Numar Patru
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Numar Patru »

Hektor wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:48 pm
Numar Patru wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:40 pm They were expelled by the occupying force because they refused to stop fighting back.

You know this so why are you asking?

Is this about the expulsion by the Romans 70 AD?
Yes, and a surprisingly lucid analysis from you.
It's a bit of a different ball game than what we call nowadays Jews, since that started some sort of ethnogenesis and also a new religion was designed....
Sort of. Certainly the ethnogenesis of Jews takes a radical turn after expulsion from Palestine, but there's also a school of thought maintaining that Jewish national identity finds its roots in the Exodus, or at least in the Solomonic Kingdom, and therefore anything happening thereafter is a change rather than a new beginning. Also, the religion wasn't new so much that a particular sect, i.e., Pharisaism, emerged victorious because most other sects required an operational center of worship (Temple) to function. Pharisaism had been theorizing a "portable" Judaism for at least a few decades, perhaps longer.
The Judeans weren't fighting back anyway. They were cooperating with the Romans mostly. But they were fighting each other and that is why the Romans were intervening in that territory to keep the Pax Romana.

Some were resisting, e.g., the Bar Kochba revolt. But again, your analysis is basically correct. Judaism teaches that the expulsion by the Romans and the destruction of the Temple of Herod was due to sinat chinom, i.e., "baseless hatred" of one's fellow Jew.
Christian perspective is that they were kicked out and smashed, because they rejected Christ and also rejected repentance. But this isn't really a contradiction.
No, just a different take on the same events.
Numar Patru
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Numar Patru »

Stubble wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:39 am Dude, come off it, we are almost 2,000 years past and there are jews who think I am amalek because of it, and I'm not even in Europe.
Most Jews don't think about Amalek to any significant extent. That Netanyahu evoked the term in the past year probably pushed it up to the top of the queue for some, but it's not something people talk about a lot.

As to whether you are Amalek, that's really up to you, now, isn't it?
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Stubble »

Numar Patru wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 3:24 pm
Stubble wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:39 am Dude, come off it, we are almost 2,000 years past and there are jews who think I am amalek because of it, and I'm not even in Europe.
Most Jews don't think about Amalek to any significant extent. That Netanyahu evoked the term in the past year probably pushed it up to the top of the queue for some, but it's not something people talk about a lot.

As to whether you are Amalek, that's really up to you, now, isn't it?
Never forget the 4,000,000,000 eh?

Numar Patru
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Numar Patru »

You're a very unserious person.
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Stubble »

I'm just reciting history.

Gittin 57b.

There's also Gittin 58a.

You aren't implying these might be exaggerations, are you?

My tongue my be in my cheek, but, the words are there man.
Numar Patru
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Numar Patru »

Again, unserious. You've already indicated that you understand what the Talmud is and that not nearly every statement therein is meant to be taken seriously or applied as law.

Just to drill down into how irrelevant to the actual topic at hand some statements in the Talmud are, you're citting Gittin, which is a tractate specifically related to divorce contracts. The whole discussion that even mentions this inflated number of deaths stems from a six-page-long digression having to do with the disposition of land ownership during the Jewish revolt. This digression itself is a digression from the larger main topic of divorce and is relevant only because the status of land ownership during the revolt might determine who received the land in a divorce settlement. This whole subtopic itself seems to have been inserted in the middle of a conversation about the rights of deaf-mutes in divorces.

This is typical of how antisemites "read the Talmud."

Talmud: makes offhand remark about Jesus in the context of a discussion about how long after a meat meal one can drink milk
Antisemite: "The Talmud is obsessed with Jesus!"
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by HansHill »

Numar Patru wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:17 pm
Most ironically, the answer that Germany was coming up with for the Jewish question was essentially that Jews could not fully participate while remaining Jewish beyond more than a vague sense of distant ancestry. And German Jews seemed pretty much find with that. In 1932, the rate of intermarriage of German Jews with non-Jews was north of 50%. That is not a country that's struggling with a Jewish question so much as one solving it in favor of a larger German family where people of Jewish ancestry are seen no differently than those of Polish or Slovenian ancestry from border areas -- i.e., just as German as everyone else.

But you guys had to blow it. Typical hwite behavior.
Going to need a source for that 50% there Numar. The closest I can find is from this source, which puts it at 30% (table 1)

https://www.nber.org/system/files/worki ... w18813.pdf

You wouldn't be lying to us Numar would you? Additionally upon reading this paper, I have found the following, emphasis mine:

We find strong evidence for the persistence of tolerant attitudes. However, our empirical
analysis also cautions against using intermarriage as a simple proxy for tolerance: The size of Jewish
communities in the early 20th century is an important confounding factor. In smaller communities,
where in-group matches were difficult to find, intermarriage was more frequent. At the same time,
small Jewish communities were typically located in smaller towns with less tolerant attitudes.
Therefore, smaller communities show both more intermarriage and less tolerance; raw correlations
suggest a negative relationship between intermarriage and tolerance today
To identify the historical
tolerance component in intermarriage, we use detailed data on elections for anti-Semitic parties
between 1890 and 1912. Where people voted less for the anti-Jewish parties, intermarriage was more
common; this component of historical intermarriage shows a positive association with present-day
attitudes towards marrying Jews.
That means, using marriage as a proxy for tolerance (vis a vis, solving it's Jewish Problem by outbreeding) is completely backwards as that has not been found to be the case.

In any case, all of this is completely redundant anyway, because you seem to be reluctantly accepting that inter-group competition leads to ethnic tension and violence anyway.
Numar Patru
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Re: On Pogroms

Post by Numar Patru »

HansHill wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:07 pm Going to need a source for that 50% there Numar. The closest I can find is from this source, which puts it at 30% (table 1)

https://www.nber.org/system/files/worki ... w18813.pdf

You wouldn't be lying to us Numar would you?
Jesus, you moron. Go read the Nuremberg Laws again and get back to me.
Additionally upon reading this paper, I have found the following, emphasis mine:

We find strong evidence for the persistence of tolerant attitudes. However, our empirical
analysis also cautions against using intermarriage as a simple proxy for tolerance: The size of Jewish
communities in the early 20th century is an important confounding factor. In smaller communities,
where in-group matches were difficult to find, intermarriage was more frequent. At the same time,
small Jewish communities were typically located in smaller towns with less tolerant attitudes.
Therefore, smaller communities show both more intermarriage and less tolerance; raw correlations
suggest a negative relationship between intermarriage and tolerance today
To identify the historical
tolerance component in intermarriage, we use detailed data on elections for anti-Semitic parties
between 1890 and 1912. Where people voted less for the anti-Jewish parties, intermarriage was more
common; this component of historical intermarriage shows a positive association with present-day
attitudes towards marrying Jews.
That means, using marriage as a proxy for tolerance (vis a vis, solving it's Jewish Problem by outbreeding) is completely backwards as that has not been found to be the case.
First of all, I'm not suggesting this is "solving the Jewish problem (sic) by outbreeding." Second, "completely backwards" is your "interpretation." It's clear the authors mean that it's important not to posit a one-to-one relationship between tolerance and intermarriage and that the relationship is less clear the smaller the population under analysis.

You are not nearly as smart as you think you are.
In any case, all of this is completely redundant anyway, because you seem to be reluctantly accepting that inter-group competition leads to ethnic tension and violence anyway.
Who's reluctant? It's a simple fact. You people seem to want to put some cosmic and Jewish-specific spin on it.