A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by SanityCheck »

Nazgul wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:35 am
SanityCheck wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:26 am There are no eyewitness testimonies, contemporary reports or other sources noting the offloading of deportees in labour camps en route, contrary to Nazgul and Callafangers' claims.
This is not true. Fplo documents are standard for all rail transport.
After three months, Cohen was transferred to the Skarzysko-Kamienna labor camp (from Majdanek), southwest of Lublin.
Note that Skarzysko is mentioned in the Fplo below. All Jews arrived at these camps by train, an Fplo or schedule for each transport. If the food doctors thinks that Alex Cohen got from Sobibor to Lublin to Skarz-Kam by anothe method apart from train then he is welcome to present it.
None of the Fpos are evidence of offloading. You have no CONFIRMATION or CORROBORATION of your hypothesis, which falls victim to the fallacy of possible proof. It's a coulda-woulda-shoulda. Sorry.
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by Nazgul »

SanityCheck wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:38 am
Nazgul wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 5:20 am There are only four Fahrplananordnung (Fplo) that seem to be available:
There are more than this - nine Fahrplananordungen were saved by Zabecki, one documenting a shuttling transport, and maybe one more

Fahrplananordnung Nr 548: 1 daily transport from Warsaw to Treblinka, 6.8.42 onwards
Fahrplananordnung Nr 562: 2 transports from Międzyrzec Podlaski ‘mit Arbeitern’ on 25-26.8.42
Fahrplananordnung Nr 565: 1 transport from Lukow, 28.8.42
Fahrplananordnung Nr 566: 1 transport from Wloszowa, 1.9.42
Fahrplananordnung Nr 587: 1 transport from Sedziszow, 21.9.42
Fahrplananordnung Nr 587: 1 transport from Szydlowiec, 23.9.42 (same train)
Fahrplananordnung Nr 587: 1 transport from Szydlowiec, 25.9.42 (same train)
Fahrplananordnung Nr 587: 1 transport from Kozienice, 23.9.42 (same train)
Fahrplananordnung Nr 592: 1 transport from Lochow, 24.9.42
Fahrplananordnung Nr 594: 6 transports from Tschenstochau on 22, 25, 28 Sept and 1, 4, 7 Oct

Fahrplananordnung Nr 552: 5 transports from Białystok, 1 transport from Grodno, 9-14.2.43
Fahrplananordnung Nr 290: 3 transports from Białystok on 21-23.8.43

These from the original files in the Ludwig Fischer NTN trial
Thank you please post the content of these Fplo for further investigation. The Fplo are all mentioned in Treblinka Transports but the content is not available.
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by Nazgul »

SanityCheck wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:39 am
Nazgul wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:35 am
SanityCheck wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:26 am There are no eyewitness testimonies, contemporary reports or other sources noting the offloading of deportees in labour camps en route, contrary to Nazgul and Callafangers' claims.
This is not true. Fplo documents are standard for all special rail transport. Transportation of any Jews would not occur on normal timetabling schedules.
After three months, Cohen was transferred to the Skarzysko-Kamienna labor camp (from Majdanek), southwest of Lublin.
Note that Skarzysko is mentioned in the Fplo below. All Jews arrived at these camps by train, an Fplo or schedule for each transport. If anyone thinks that Alex Cohen got from Sobibor to Lublin to Skarz-Kam by another method apart from train then he is welcome to present that evidence; the normal method of transit in those days was train.
None of the Fpos are evidence of offloading. You have no CONFIRMATION or CORROBORATION of your hypothesis, which falls victim to the fallacy of possible proof. It's a coulda-woulda-shoulda. Sorry.
Every railway transport had a schedule. The timetable order (Fplo) is a document with which the timetable information of a special train is communicated to the parties involved in the execution of the train journey on the Deutsche Bahn AG network (e.g. train dispatcher along the route, RU control centre, train driver ).

The timetable arrangement is drawn up by the relevant regional divisions of DB Netz these days and is typically distributed by fax, email or telex. Guess it was phone or radio in those day. Every Jewish labour camp would have had an Fplo to man these camps using the railway network. The camps were near major railway routes for obvious reasons. Fplos were not just for Treblinka but general timetables for special trains. The camps were manned by thousands or hundreds of thousands of Jews and yet some deny the existence of their arrival by train. Asinine. To be frank this stinks of skulduggery for which some eminent people apparently support.

It is amazing that out of all the thousands of Fplo documents that would have existed only a very few select ones have survived which amazingly all mention "Treblinka", and yet even those few surviving documents, ( out of potential thousands) depict significant stops at Jewish Labour Camps.
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by borjastick »

It is amazing that out of all the thousands of Fplo documents that would have existed only a very few select ones have survived which amazingly all mention "Treblinka", and yet even those few surviving documents, ( out of potential thousands) depict significant stops at Jewish Labour Camps.
Indeed much like all those 'survivors' who miraculously met or were treated, or were operated on by Dr Mengele. It's a good ruse to mention Mengele as it somehow confers legitimacy for these people. Thus they all did it. Likelihood is none of them met him.

As for the table shown can you explain what the brackets mean around the times of the train
Treblinka. 11.24/ (15.59). Perhaps it means it left the following day???
Of the four million jews under German control, six million died and five million survived!
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by Nazgul »

borjastick wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 10:37 amAs for the table shown can you explain what the brackets mean around the times of the train
Treblinka. 11.24/ (15.59). Perhaps it means it left the following day???
That is Fplo 587, that uses the 24 hour clock. The brackets show the start of the return journey, sometimes using a different direction. In the case above the transport arrived at the final destination, almost 11.30 am and left at 4pm.
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by PrudentRegret »

SanityCheck wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:26 am The micro-detail of how this unfolded between Malkinia and Treblinka does not need to be documented to your unreasonable levels of precision, since the elephant in the room is all the documents mentioned point to Treblinka II, as the only alternative was Treblinka I if we're discussing *anything* to do with Treblinka, and this is not confirmed by other sources to the scale indicated in the other documents, while the eyewitness testimonies from both camps point to Treblinka II as the prime destination, and also provide enough descriptions of the arrivals, which must be divided also between moments of backlog and smoother transports, to achieve agreement on how the arrivals were shunted and unloaded.

Versus a holey manuscript mentioning a stop at Malkinia, in keeping with other eyewitness accounts from survivors of Treblinka I and II?
It does need to be documented in detail because the train documents do not indicate the train bringing the passengers to the location you are claiming. I am saying that it is more than likely that passengers disembarked where the train stopped at various stations and major junctions which should a priori be a reasonable statement. The train stopped in Malkinia, I am saying they got off there!

YOU- on the other hand, are saying that all the passengers disembarked, not where the train stopped at several stations and major junctions for some time along its route, and not at the destination indicated in the documents, but at a location several km from the documented destination of the train. This is not a minor detail, it is a very strange claim and it does need more support than witness testimony given that the claimed shunting operation is so unusual and seems ripe for misinterpretation by bystanders especially given the exact same type of misinterpretation of the Reinhardt economic use action at other camps.

Revisionists haven't pressed this point because the debate so far has been- "Was T-II a Transit Camp or Extermination Camp?" But that's the wrong question since all parties agree it was a Sorting Camp working as a satellite for the SS-Bekleidungswerk Lublin as part of Operation Reinhardt.

So the question should be "was 'T-II' a Sorting Camp AND an extermination camp, or was it a Sorting Camp AND a transit camp?" To which I would propose a third possibility that it was primarily a sorting camp, that's why it was built, to receive the property carried by deportees that had been confiscated en route. The property would have been left on the train and brought to the Sorting Camp near the Treblinka Station.

Then the Sorting Camp later became the focal point of the extermination claims, just like warehouses at Alter Flugplatz became the prime evidence for the claim Majdanek was an extermination camp.
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by bombsaway »

PrudentRegret wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 4:52 am But if a train stopped at a place, then people getting off the train is a very distinct possibility- to put it lightly.
This is kind of a key point. What you're arguing for is possibility of something happening, not that it did happen. The same thing could be said about resettlement of Reinhardt Jews in the USSR. This is the situation you're in when you have no direct evidence to point to. The mere fact that Malkinia was a stop, does not necessarily mean there was disembarking there, so this is not direct evidence, just as the mere fact of Jews being delivered to "Treblinka" doesn't mean they were killed there. History doesn't work this way-- if you think it does, provide me some examples, from history everybody agrees with: strong claims made in the absence of direct evidence.
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by Nazgul »

bombsaway wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 12:14 am
PrudentRegret wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 4:52 am But if a train stopped at a place, then people getting off the train is a very distinct possibility- to put it lightly.
This is kind of a key point. What you're arguing for is possibility of something happening, not that it did happen. The same thing could be said about resettlement of Reinhardt Jews in the USSR. This is the situation you're in when you have no direct evidence to point to. The mere fact that Malkinia was a stop, does not necessarily mean there was disembarking there, so this is not direct evidence, just as the mere fact of Jews being delivered to "Treblinka" doesn't mean they were killed there. History doesn't work this way-- if you think it does, provide me some examples, from history everybody agrees with: strong claims made in the absence of direct evidence.
All special trains carrying Jews to any camp including labour camps used Fahrplananordnung + Jews went to the labour camps via train. Camps such as Skyz Kam had thousands of people who got there by train. No doubt a Fahrplananordnung schedule would have been written for their transports. There is no reason to suggest that the Fahrplananordnung documents mentioned by Hilberg were out of the ordinary. As Treblinka was the final destination point before the return journey, there is little doubt Jews disimbarked there as they did at the other stops; there was a labour camp and two Judenlagers attached to such a camp. Fahrplananordnung are still used today, it is only in Hilbergs mind and perhaps a few others that such documents are associated with "death" camps. This may be the case but they are also highly correlated with zwangarbeitslager für Juden in general.
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by Callafangers »

I have not finished reading this thread but had to pause and jump-in once I saw bombsaway making a big ado about the reference to Treblinka/Malkinia as a "final destination" (oh my!):
bombsaway wrote:The documents say, regarding mass transit of people (no mention of property) "final destination, Treblinka (the camp)"
I guess bombsaway forgot I had (as Callahan) already put this worry to rest, back at RODOH (https://rodoh.info/post/15842/thread):
Callahan wrote:Treblinka/Malkinia was the "last stop" within the GG, hence justifying an "administrative hand-off" at this point.

This is supported by the fact that these relevant Fahrplanordnung documents are associated to "Generaldirektion der Ostbahn", e.g. see the header on the document, here: www.holocaustresearchproject.org/ar/tre ... 0front.jpg

The "Generaldirektion der Ostbahn" (General Directorate of Eastern Railways) did not include the territories east of the General Government. It ended at Malkinia/Treblinka, and approximately at the other AR camps. We should not expect these documents, therefore, to show destinations beyond this point. On the "Ostbahn": en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostbahn_(General_Government)
In other words, beyond the significance of a well-known natural border (the Bug river) with significant implications (Soviet demarcation line) which alone could explain a concept or reference a "final destination", we know the train schedules themselves ended at this point.

Sharing the full RODOH post here for posterity, also because I think some of it warrants more attention (namely, the explicit evidence for coordination of Jewish evacuation timetables with the army (Wehrmacht) in the East):
bombsaway wrote:
Callahan wrote:Yes, the alleged "death camp" of Treblinka is said to be a half mile or so south of the Malkinia station, since atrocity lies involving a massive spectacle have to be claimed as being done in a concealed area. Do you think this helps your case? The actual train destination on-record, which you claim as a "death camp", shows a location that is precisely where a necessary logistical (narrow to wide gauge rail) and administrative (GG to Eastern-occupied territories, District Bialystok) changes occurred -- exactly where Eichmann's coordination of transports should have ended, by the way, without any homicidal implications.
Google map of Malkinia Gorna to TII

It wasn't that close. IIRC, Treblinka Station was about 3.7 miles from Malkinia junction and T2 was about 2.5 miles from Treblinka Station. If you think gauge disparities existed for very long you need to prove that. The Germans would have converted the gauges quickly enough rather than any other workarounds. Revisionists have not shown this was not done and can't come up with evidence of there having been persistent gauge disparities - quite the opposite.

Show me evidence of this "Eichmann's coordination of transports should have ended". Eichmann was responsible for all transports everywhere. He is the one, for instance, responsible for the Hungarians sent to Auschwitz. Where are you getting this info I've heard you mention on numerous posts? I'm not so much denying it as saying that I am ignorant of this and am skeptical of it since it flies in the face of the Hungarian situation.
Given the scale of distances between stops, in general, that is essentially nothing (which is why I did not care to check before writing "half mile or so"). Given Treblinka is the only point of relevance to Germany at/around Malkinia station (aside from its crucial role as a major transit hub), it makes sense to use the terms interchangeably.

You are correct that Eichmann's department was technically involved at some level with Jewish movement all across Europe. That said, there are some areas where his department had more direct coordination and oversight (e.g. the Reich, the GG), and others where it had less and was typically competing in some way with local administrative structures. Treblinka/Malkinia was the "last stop" within the GG, hence justifying an "administrative hand-off" at this point.

This is supported by the fact that these relevant Fahrplanordnung documents are associated to "Generaldirektion der Ostbahn", e.g. see the header on the document, here: http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org ... 0front.jpg

The "Generaldirektion der Ostbahn" (General Directorate of Eastern Railways) did not include the territories east of the General Government. It ended at Malkinia/Treblinka, and approximately at the other AR camps. We should not expect these documents, therefore, to show destinations beyond this point. On the "Ostbahn": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostbahn_( ... overnment)

While reviewing some of this information, I started to wonder who, if anyone, within Eichmann's department (if not Eichmann, himself) was actually coordinating the precise train schedules such as that of the Fahrplanordnung document linked earlier. As it turns out, there are two particular subordinates of his who were more directly involved: Rolf Günther and Franz Novak.

Günther was Eichmann's deputy (focused more on meeting in-person with various authorities and coordinating/executing deportations on-the-ground), but Novak was Eichmann's main transportation officer, focusing specifically on transportation logistics (scheduling and securing trains, coordinating with Deutsche Reichsbahn, etc.).

In other words, it would seem that Novak is "our guy" -- he is the one, if anyone within the entire Nazi hierarchy and despite its intense levels of fragmentation (separation of duties), who could best answer the question of "where did they (Jews) go?". He is the man working directly under Eichmann, who worked directly on arranging those schedules as shown in the Fahrplanordnung documents.

This makes it strange that Novak, despite being brought to trial several times, has never been considered a "key witness" of the Holocaust (he also only ever served a few years in custody). Some insight, as follows, from the Eichmann trial. (see here: https://www.nizkor.org/franz-novak-01-eichmann-adolf/ , and here: https://www.nizkor.org/franz-novak-02-eichmann-adolf/ )

To the question, "What were your duties (transport matters)?", Novak answers:
As an assistant Specialist Officer, I had to draw up the timetables for the specific train journeys and to organize the manner of reporting. For this purpose, I was provided by Guenther with the stations of departure and destination and the number of persons, and I then had to prepare the requisite documents for the Reichsbahn (Reich Railways) about the means of transport, etc. Guenther or Eichmann would then sign these documents. After the timetables were submitted for each specific train journey, I then had to prepare the reports to the Departments concerned.
To the question, "Did Eichmann give orders on his own for deportations, or did he act only on the basis of orders which he had received?", Novak responds:
I have no way of knowing whether Eichmann himself gave orders for deportations or only carried out orders. I can only say that the RSHA was organized along strict military lines, and everyone knew only what he had to know in order to carry out his duties.
To the question, "With which German government authorities, Reich agencies, SS and Security Service offices and NSDAP authorities were you in constant contact when you worked in the Head Office for Reich Security?", Novak replies:
While I was working in the RSHA, I had dealings only with the Reich Transport Ministry and the Reich Railways Eastern Management [Generaldirektion der Ostbahn].
To the question, "Which was the authority of the Reich Government which was in charge of, and responsible for, providing timetables for the evacuation of Jews?", Novak adds:
Responsibility for drawing up timetables for evacuating Jews belonged to the Reich Ministry of Transport, in conjunction with the Head of Transport Matters in the army.
In case you missed it, this is rather intriguing information. Here is a recap from the above given Novak's statements and general knowledge of the NS organizational structure:
  • Novak served as a Transportation Officer within Eichmann's section, organizing transports and drafting the timetables for Jewish evacuations.
  • Novak's coordination efforts were primarily with the Reich Transport Ministry and the Generaldirektion der Ostbahn regarding logistics for evacuations (especially timetables).
  • Specific requests for trains, including details like dates, times, and destinations, were based on orders from Novak's superiors (Guenther and indirectly Eichmann).
  • Final responsibility for drawing up and implementing official transport timetables went to the Reich Transport Ministry.
  • Despite making clear that timetables for evacuation of Jews regularly involved the Reich Transport Ministry and the head of transport in the army, Novak did not directly coordinate with the army's transport head -- he was limited to the civilian sphere (mainly with the Ostbahn).
Between the above knowledge about Novak and the fact of the Fahrplanordnung documents for AR camps pertaining only to the particular Generaldirektion der Ostbahn, we can conclude:
  • The Fahrplanordnung documents which show "Treblinka/Malkinia" (or any other AR camps) as the last stop do so because these documents pertain to the Ostbahn territory (General Government) which had a border to which the AR camps were the final stop (also having significance or precedent in transit functions, given the rail-gauge changes). These documents, therefore, are no evidence of a deadly "last stop" for Jews.
  • Eichmann's section (by way of Novak, the Transportation Officer) drafted the initial timetables which then had to be finalized, published, and implemented by the Reich Transport Ministry.
  • Jewish evacuations involved timetables coordinated between both the Reich Transport Ministry and the head of transport in the army, suggesting Jewish evacuations regularly involved coordination with territories in the East.
  • In general, as deportations/evacuations moved further east, they involved Novak (hence, Eichmann's section) less, and the military more.
EDIT: Forgot to add, there is no question that Eichmann's section and Novak were involved in the Hungarian evacuations and scheduling thereof but, in Novak's own words, "[f]or me, Auschwitz was just a train station."
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by bombsaway »

Nazgul wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 4:13 am Fahrplananordnung are still used today, it is only in Hilbergs mind and perhaps a few others that such documents are associated with "death" camps. This may be the case but they are also highly correlated with zwangarbeitslager für Juden in general.
It's every mainstream historian as far as I know. Documents show mass transit to these camps, eg at the start of Reinhardt 10,000 per week to Treblinka, 5k each to Belzec and Sobibor. The massive drop in Jewish population in the GG suggests these Jews "left" somehow, and there's no direct evidence of resettlement elsewhere and plenty of direct evidence of mass killing. Even if we throw out all the witness evidence, the case for mass killing is better. The problem is, as always, no direct evidence for your position.

Callafangers wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 5:11 am I have not finished reading this thread but had to pause and jump-in once I saw bombsaway making a big ado about the reference to Treblinka/Malkinia as a "final destination" (oh my!):
bombsaway wrote:
The documents say, regarding mass transit of people (no mention of property) "final destination, Treblinka (the camp)"
I guess bombsaway forgot I had (as Callahan) already put this worry to rest, back at RODOH (https://rodoh.info/post/15842/thread):
That's what the documents say. I'm not sure what the point of your long post is, it's just more speculations, arguing for possibilities of something rather than making assertions grounded in direct evidence, which is how history works. Nothing you bring to light either contradicts orthodoxy or evidences mass resettlement.
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by PrudentRegret »

Another early witness who accused Franz of breathtaking atrocities at
Treblinka was a Warsaw-born Jew turned Israeli citizen, Kalman Tajgmann.
Tajgmann lived with his family in the Warsaw Ghetto after its erection. As a
trained mechanic, he was employed at the Okecie airport in the repair service
of Daimler Benz’s airplane motor division. Along with 150 other Jews from
the Ghetto, he was driven in a Luftwaffe truck each day to his workplace. In
early September 1942, the SS encircled the factory grounds and the workers
were brought under guard to the assembly area (Umschlagplatz), where a large
crowd had already gathered. Sixty boxcars stood empty on a nearby rail spur.
Everyone in the assembly area was loaded into a boxcar, and the train traveled
to Malkinia, where the transport (comprising, according to Tajgmann, around
six thousand people, one hundred per boxcar) was divided into groups of three,
each of which was sent on to the Treblinka camp at staggered intervals. On
arrival at the ramp, Tajgmann and the other Jews in his boxcar were hectored
by the Ukrainian and German guards to an area where the women with chil-
dren were strong-armed into a barracks on the left while the men remained
behind. From this latter group, four hundred healthy, younger men (including
Tajgmann) were ordered to stand aside.


These and other Jewish survivors of Treblinka would be essential to con-
victing and punishing the former camp staff. Less helpful were former railroad
employees of the German Reichsbahn who had operated the trains shipping
Jews to their doom at Treblinka. In the preliminary investigation, former (and
in some cases current) railroad officials informed the examining magistrates
that they had accompanied the Jewish transports to the camp. Now, when
confronted by their earlier testimony, the witnesses claimed that they did not
travel the full distance to the death camp but accompanied the transports only
to the train station in Malkinia, the closest station to Treblinka. (A one-track
line connected Malkinia to the station square in Treblinka I.)89 The witnesses
blamed their memory lapses on the passage of time since the event but also ar-
gued that the examining magistrate had misunderstood them. The court pres-
ident Gottlebe exclaimed impatiently to the former Reichsbahn men, “Have
you coordinated your story?” They denied doing so. One of them, Hans Pitsch,
a retired Bundesbahn chief inspector, presented a medical report certifying his
Reichsbahn officials testified originally that they brought the transports to "the camp." Then later they said they just brought the transports to Malkinia.

The Judge accuses them of changing their story, but I don't think they changed their story, they always meant facilities at the Malkinia Station and that was their notion of "the camp," just like many others described the Malkinia Train Station as the "fake" train station constructed at "the camp." Then later, courts were insisting "the camp" was this Sorting Camp several km from Malkinia and tried to apply their testimony to that camp, so the Reichsbahn officials said they didn't bring the transports there, but they were not changing their story or colluding.

So the Reichsbahn officials should be filed with Hirtreiter under very early witnesses attesting to Malkinia and then courts later on trying to interpret the testimony as pertaining to the Treblinka Sorting Camp 7 kilometers away.

The entire shunting operation is such a weak point in the story. It is obviously meant to pick up and drop these passengers off in the correct place since there are no documents putting them where they were supposed to be according to the extermination narrative. The Frpo is evidence against offloading at "T-II", in any case if you are saying that people got off a train at location X but X is several kilometers away from where the train is documented to have traveled then you have a claim that is very suspect.
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by Callafangers »

bombsaway wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 2:23 pm
Callafangers wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 5:11 am I have not finished reading this thread but had to pause and jump-in once I saw bombsaway making a big ado about the reference to Treblinka/Malkinia as a "final destination" (oh my!):
bombsaway wrote:
The documents say, regarding mass transit of people (no mention of property) "final destination, Treblinka (the camp)"
I guess bombsaway forgot I had (as Callahan) already put this worry to rest, back at RODOH (https://rodoh.info/post/15842/thread):
That's what the documents say. I'm not sure what the point of your long post is, it's just more speculations, arguing for possibilities of something rather than making assertions grounded in direct evidence, which is how history works. Nothing you bring to light either contradicts orthodoxy or evidences mass resettlement.
But that isn't true, bombsaway. My post shows clearly and irrefutably that Malkinia/Treblinka as a "final destination" makes perfect sense, without any connotation of death nor murder.
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by bombsaway »

Callafangers wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 6:17 pm
bombsaway wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 2:23 pm
Callafangers wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 5:11 am I have not finished reading this thread but had to pause and jump-in once I saw bombsaway making a big ado about the reference to Treblinka/Malkinia as a "final destination" (oh my!):
bombsaway wrote:
The documents say, regarding mass transit of people (no mention of property) "final destination, Treblinka (the camp)"
I guess bombsaway forgot I had (as Callahan) already put this worry to rest, back at RODOH (https://rodoh.info/post/15842/thread):
That's what the documents say. I'm not sure what the point of your long post is, it's just more speculations, arguing for possibilities of something rather than making assertions grounded in direct evidence, which is how history works. Nothing you bring to light either contradicts orthodoxy or evidences mass resettlement.
But that isn't true, bombsaway. My post shows clearly and irrefutably that Malkinia/Treblinka as a "final destination" makes perfect sense, without any connotation of death nor murder.
What I'm saying is history shouldn't be conducted in terms of "what makes sense", but rather be grounded in direct evidence. History is something that can always be interpreted in many different ways, but this is a problem because it is a science of sorts, in that there is a push for getting closer to the truth. "What makes sense" is open to interpretation much more than direct evidence, which is why I find what you're doing to be closer to speculative fiction. If you want to be convincing to a person like me, and the mainstream historical establishment (which as far as I can tell isn't in the habit of making assertions about mass events absent of direct evidence) you're going to have to argue that your approach, in a theoretical sense, is better or at least on par with the traditional one. This is a theoretical argument which likely deserves its own thread.
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by PrudentRegret »

Bombsaway, you abuse the term "direct evidence" so let me correct you here. "Direct evidence" means the evidence is so strong it is standalone and doesn't require corroboration from other evidence. Sparse and inconsistent witness testimony describing a bizarre, undocumented shunting operation of 800,000 people several km from where the train is documented to have stopped is not direct evidence as there is a strong likelihood that the witnesses are wrong or lying.

This hypothesis heavily weighs on the dubious credibility of those like Zabecki. Zabecki and his coworkers saying in no amount of great detail that he saw such a thing is not direct evidence. It is only evidence you can consider in light of other evidence, meaning it is not direct evidence.

The Frpo showing that the train stopped at Malkinia like we are saying is direct evidence. There is, in fact, no direct evidence that ~700,000 people were brought to the camp you are calling "T-II".
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Re: A New Revisionist Interpretation of Operation Reinhardt

Post by bombsaway »

PrudentRegret wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:29 pm Bombsaway, you abuse the term "direct evidence" so let me correct you here. "Direct evidence" means the evidence is so strong it is standalone and doesn't require corroboration from other evidence. Sparse and inconsistent witness testimony describing a bizarre, undocumented shunting operation of 800,000 people several km from where the train is documented to have stopped is not direct evidence as there is a strong likelihood that the witnesses are wrong or lying.

This hypothesis heavily weighs on the dubious credibility of those like Zabecki. Zabecki and his coworkers saying in no amount of great detail that he saw such a thing is not direct evidence. It is only evidence you can consider in light of other evidence, meaning it is not direct evidence.

The Frpo showing that the train stopped at Malkinia like we are saying is direct evidence. There is, in fact, no direct evidence that ~700,000 people were brought to the camp you are calling "T-II".
It's direct evidence of the train stopping at Malkinia yes. I don't think anyone can say it's evidence of anything else. Similarly, the Frpo's in my mind do not directly evidence a killing operation at Treblinka, or even that Jews were mass delivered there.

If we're talking just about arrivals to Treblinka camp (wherever you may imagine it to be), the Hoefle telegram specifies "recoded arrivals" to Treblinka, 700k.

Now I know you have a different interpretation of this document; the problem is you don't have direct evidence for any other interpretation, whereas orthodoxy has witness statements from dozens of rail way workers, perpetrators, as well as reports from the Polish underground. The post-war archeological reports of Treblinka also directly evidence that mass body destruction took place at the site, which also would mean people would have to be mass transited there. Lastly the Korherr report links the figures specified in Hoefle to those Jews, subtracted from the population of Poland, which would mean they were either transited out or killed.
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