AreYouSirius wrote: ↑Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:14 am
Nessie wrote: ↑Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:19 am
What revisionists call evidence, is their
opinion on the technical feasibility of gassings and cremations.
What historians, lawyers, journalists and other investigators call evidence, are contemporaneous witnesses, documents, physical items, archaeology, forensics, imagery and circumstances.
I applaud this dizzying display of pilpul — it must be exhausting to so acrobatically contort oneself to prop up a dying narrative spun from WWII-era atrocity propaganda. Analysis of “technical feasibility" is not the way to go about propping up opinions, it is far easier to prop up a pre-set opinion by clinging to grandiose witness statements instead of objectively examining forensics.
“Technical feasibility” is an important aspect of forensic analysis when studying past atrocities. It involves examining whether the alleged wrongdoing could have been carried out with the tools, technologies, resources, and methods available at the time.
Germans certainly had the design and engineering capability to build gas chambers that used CO from an engine, or modify buildings so that Zyklon B could be dropped in and then cremate bodies in ovens and on mass pyres. The way revisionists behave, German technical ability was still back in the stone age.
If a crime is described in a way that surpasses the technical capabilities available, then such an incongruity raises questions about the validity of the narrative.
Since what is described is within German design and engineering capabilities, that is not an issue. Revisionists try to make it an issue, as if a witness's ability to describe what they saw, is an accurate way to assess their truthfulness. That fails to take into account well known and studied issues with memory and recollection.
Witness testimonies or historical accounts are not edicts from prophets—they are accounts that should be cross-referenced with what was technically feasible. Serious researchers work to ensure that atrocity claims are consistent with local physical and historical realities.
If, from what I understand, you value anecdotes over the analysis of “technical feasibility,” then perhaps the pursuit of religion might align more closely with your interests—rather than academia or historical research.
Revisionist assessment of technical feasibility starts from the biased position of not believing gassings and mass cremations happened. They then use normal witness errors and gaps in knowledge caused by the Nazi destruction of evidence, as excuses to claim the witnesses are all lying, 100% of them. Revisionist witness assessment is designed to cause all witnesses to fail. If a witness cannot be disputed over the technicalities of their claims, then it is suggested, with no evidence, that they were subject to coercion.
As revisionists, with no relevant experience, nitpick over surviving documents, ruined buildings and witness descriptions given years after the event, they erroneously give themselves the wrong impression about the evidence and so fall for the Holocaust denial hoax.