Exactly. It has a lot to do with the clash of mentalities between Jews and gentile nations. Some do not care how Jews get rich, while others may see this as an accumulation of influence that will not necessarily be for the collective good or will be used to subvert such collective good.Callafangers wrote: ↑Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:38 amAre you going to leave out nepotism, ethnocentrism, and ideology completely? Duly noted. Your position might have some weight to it if it weren't for the evidence of Jewish collective ambitions, which is absolutely overwhelming.Numar Patru wrote: ↑Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:17 amAs I said, it’s possible that Jews are overrepresented in academia for reasons that are “Jewish,” i.e., the traditional Jewish emphasis on education. Certainly, the large Jewish presence in the legal profession is even more related to specifically Jewish causes, mainly the very high value that the study of law has had within Jewish culture for centuries. This is something even someone as wrongheaded (IMO) as KMac understands.If there were no distinction at all, then what we observe would be statistically impossible. It has to be something about "Jewishness" (which is the "anti-Semtic" explanation) or it has to be factors correlated with being Jewish (Cofnas-style apologetics).
This strikes me as neither antisemitic nor reliant upon a belief that Jews are inherently intellectually exceptional for whatever reason, genetic or otherwise.
Jews sought to obtain 'whiteness' in order to subvert white society. It's that simple.My larger point, however, remains, which is that you wouldn’t see Jewish overrepresentation in certain fields had Jews not accomplished/obtained/whatever “whiteness” first. That’s particularly true about academia, since even places like Harvard used to have a numerus clasus.
Thank you for explaining why you have a subjective bias on this matter. The data and history speaks to much more than your own anecdotal experiences do. We agree Jews do not have some inherent, genetic superiority over anyone and I would even agree they are raised to emphasize certain practices which can be beneficial in areas like law (given their practices in argumentation, including deceptive practices like 'pilpul'). What you leave out is their collective power-driven ambitions which motivate them to gravitate to not just law but to every major institution in society which can be leveraged to subvert the best interests of that nation (in favor of exclusively-Jewish interests).My mother’s family is Italian American. She has two first cousins who were vice presidents at Exxon Mobil — highly successful, very wealthy execs. That doesn’t happen if their parents hadn’t been made white at some point.
My father, who’s half Jewish, is a PhD and has two first cousins who are also PhDs. This is on the Jewish side of his family, where there were only eight grandchildren overall. I can’t explain why that happened but that those PhD are all half Jewish (lot of intermarriage in my grandmother’s family — they were very Germanized Jews) and that none were raised Jewish or particularly identified as Jewish (one non-PhD cousin on that side is a Methodist clergyman) would seem to indicate that the Jewish half of their ancestry wasn’t particularly decisive. Rather, that my father and one of his cousins don’t have Jewish surnames and that none of the three was raised Jewish was probably an advantage for them at the time (all were born in the 1940s).
If Jews simply acquired power then used it to improve the lives of the other people of that host nation, people would fucking love the Jews (myself included). But we know through thousands of instances throughout history (well-documented, indisputable), that this is 100% not the case at all. Jews have always used their power exclusively for Jewish interests and in ways that cause immense harm to the host population - certainly on a macro scale. The isolated exceptions are so isolated and exceptional as to be meaningless, when discussing the Jewish collective as a whole.
Jews run the media - our media lies. Jews run finance - inflation explodes. Jews run foreign policy - we kill and die for Israel. The list goes on and on, wherever they rule.
Take the German case, for example. Germans gave and give great importance to their productive creations, especially if it benefits their collective. In this case, what did the Jews as a collective do about this? What brand of engine, tire or other sophisticated item passed through Jewish hands? Perhaps one or another unnoticed invention, such as the creator of Ziklon B? But it is a needle in a haystack. They usually get rich through unconventional means of production, such as bank loans or middlemen, with the flimsy excuse that their countries have always denied them the right to work in productive roles. The State of Israel is modern largely thanks to the import of Western technology.
Germans, on the other hand, are almost never harassed wherever they go; on the contrary, they gain a prominent position in the intelligentsia because their gifts of adding productive value for the common good give them this right. Countries where money counts more than what is produced are generally where Jews gain influence and spread subversive values, since if such a nation reflects on how to accumulate savings, they will lose power and influence.