Fred Leuchter claims:
"if we would have used just the physical floorspace, assuming those facilities were gas chambers, to execute six million people would have taken 68 years"
The mainstream narrative does not claim that "six million were gassed". Anyone who has heard about the Einsatzgruppen should know that. This seems to be very common mistake also among wannabe Holocaust revisionists and conspiracy theorist types.
According to USHMM: ... ersecution- Approximately 2.7 million Jews were murdered at killing centers. (The Nazi German regime created five killing centers specifically to murder Jewish people using poison gas. These killing centers were called Chełmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau.)
- About 2 million Jews were murdered in mass shooting operations and related massacres. (The Germans and their allies and collaborators carried out mass shooting operations and related massacres of Jews in more than 1,500 cities, towns, and villages across occupied eastern Europe.)
- Between 800,000 and 1,000,000 Jews were murdered in ghettos, labor camps, and concentration camps. (In ghettos, concentration camps, and labor camps created by the Germans and their allies and collaborators, Jews were murdered through deliberate privation, disease, brutal treatment, and arbitrary acts of violence.)
- At least 250,000 Jews were murdered in other acts of violence outside of camps and ghettos. (The Germans and their allies and collaborators killed Jewish people in acts of violence and deprivation that took place outside of sites of detention (camps and ghettos). This includes Jews murdered in antisemitic riots; in individual executions; as partisans; and en route to and between sites of detention (on forced marches, trains, and ships).)