Jews and Mental Stability
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:26 am
HBD researcher and blogger Emil Kirkegaard wrote an article on Jewish intelligence and their mental stability: ... telligence
Much of the article is irrelevant for my purposes here. The thing I want to focus on is research dealing with the mental stability of Jews and its relevance to the holocaust. Emil presents some research on various disorders of European gentiles and Jews and then says the following:
HBD researcher and blogger Seb Jensen comments on Emil's findings and agrees with his conclusions:
Given this data, this appears to be obviously relevant to the holocaust claims. When looking at the more ridiculous claims from Jewish witnesses, the research above seems to have good explanatory value in this. Now do I think elevated Jewish mental instability explains every eyewitness claim or that this by itself "disproves the holocaust"? No. But it is a relevant factor to take into consideration when evaluating this testimony nonetheless. ... telligence
Much of the article is irrelevant for my purposes here. The thing I want to focus on is research dealing with the mental stability of Jews and its relevance to the holocaust. Emil presents some research on various disorders of European gentiles and Jews and then says the following:
He also presents other research showing Jews see therapists more often than European gentiles. This would be more evidence of elevated rates of mental instability for Jews.Here we see: eating disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety, phobic, dissociative orders, and psychogenic disorder. On the other hand, normal Europeans have more alcoholism seen as alcoholic liver damage and alcohol-related disorders. This exactly fits my stereotype. None of my Jewish friends are heavy drinkers, but many of them are kinda crazy.
HBD researcher and blogger Seb Jensen comments on Emil's findings and agrees with his conclusions: ... gy-explainJews are more mentally unstable than White gentiles, though the difference between them in mental stability isn’t clear from Kirkegaard’s analysis. Assuming that mental instability is roughly normally distributed, and that after a certain threshold people will see a therapist, Jews are about 0.47 SD more mentally ill than White gentiles. This is roughly equivalent to the Jewish advantage in general factor of personality and IQ, which leads me to believe the estimate is accurate.
Given this data, this appears to be obviously relevant to the holocaust claims. When looking at the more ridiculous claims from Jewish witnesses, the research above seems to have good explanatory value in this. Now do I think elevated Jewish mental instability explains every eyewitness claim or that this by itself "disproves the holocaust"? No. But it is a relevant factor to take into consideration when evaluating this testimony nonetheless.