Revisionists are reluctant to deal with their lack of training and expertise. ... inationism
"Selective Expertise: There's an accusation that only expert opinions that align with the exterminationist view are given credence, while contributions from experts like Rudolf are marginalized or altogether ignored."
That is a misrepresentation of why some experts and accepted with a greater credence than others, probably brought about, ironically, by the author of the article's lack of training and expertise.
The selectiveness of expertise opinion is based on what is evidenced. If an expert's opinion aligns with other evidence, it has greater credence over an expert whose opinion is contrary to the evidence. Gassings are evidenced to have taken place. Deniers cannot evidence something else took place, let alone agree on what happened. That means an expert such as Rudolf is marginalised, because he has no supporting contemporaneous evidence. He does not even attempt to try and evidence what happened instead of gassings.
That is not an "exterminationist view", it is a commonly held one. Expert opinion that is backed up by other contemporaneous evidence gets greater credence than opinion which is contrary to what is evidence, and, or not supported by contemporaneous evidence.
"Inconsistencies and Falsifications: Eyewitness testimonies are criticized for being rife with inconsistencies, exaggerations, and outright falsehoods (e.g., tales of Jews surviving multiple gassings, or elevators leading to ovens). Revisionists argue that these inaccuracies should call into question the reliability of such accounts."
Revisionists actually use inconsistencies etc to call into question 100% of the witnesses, to then dismiss them all as liars, who relate falsehoods. To only find liars in relation to events that lasted years, at multiple sites, which millions of people, from numerous different countries went to and saw, is remarkable. It is coordinated lying on an industrial scale that has been perfect. No one has ever come forward with the "truth", despite it being very much in many people's, government's and country's interests to do so.
Revisionists display an ignorance of the subject of witness evidence, and the multiple studies and experiments on how memory fades and people recollect events and their use of hyperbole, figures of speech, mixing hearsay with what they saw and estimations of time, distance and sizes. Anything and everything a witness states is seized upon with an excuse to disbelieve it. When that becomes harder, as it does with the less emotive, more matter of fact Nazi testimony...
"Coercion and Motive: It's suggested that testimonies might have been given under coercion or for motives like receiving benefits, gaining immigration or asylum, or as part of a broader narrative to demonize the Germans."
Revisionists suggest they have been coerced and invariably show Hoess as an example, ignoring that the majority of A-B camp staff were tried by German courts, in Frankfurt, with no evidence of any form of coercion.