Darryl Cooper is probably best known for his interview with Tucker Carlson presenting a view of World War 2 that is somewhat revisionist and causing a lot of controversy. For the interview itself and reviews of it, you can read about them here:
https://codoh.com/library/document/tuck ... holocaust/
https://codoh.com/library/document/tuck ... st-denial/
Well Cooper also has a history podcast, and he said he is going to present the war from the German point of view:
He says it is a series that should run around 7 episodes, although that isn't yet set in stone. I listened to the first episode and it was very interesting. I highly doubt he is going to deny the holocaust. It's more likely although I still consider it rather unlikely that he will present a revisionist view of WW2 in the vein of David Hoggan, Udo Walendy, and Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof. He may rely some on AJP Taylor, Pat Buchanan, and David Irving though, that wouldn't surprise me. Regardless, it seems he is going to be even handed and present the German view as honestly as he can, which should be of some use to us.
For example, in the first episode goes over various statements by the Allies and the Allied press that if came from Nazis would be used as evidence of the "holocaust" and how this played into the fears of the Germans.