The second one ( ... dfd11.webp) however, seems to a be a lot clearer, since it states that emigration of children must be rejected. Translation from the post:Group Inland II
Inl. II A
On May 2, 1944, Envoy Feldscher once again raised the issue of the emigration of 5,000 Jewish children with the head of the Legal Department. On this occasion, he expressed a new clarification of the British position, stating that the British government was willing to accept these Jewish children “within the British Empire, excluding Palestine and the Near East.” The question for the German government now was whether it would be prepared to hand over the children on this basis without any compensation.
On the German side, the request had been made that they be taken to England itself, as this could lead to a positive resolution of the matter by fostering growing anti-Semitism in England through the influx of Jews.
It was confidentially communicated by the Reich Security Main Office that the 5,000 Jewish children eligible for emigration are now only available in the ghetto of Litzmannstadt. However, this ghetto would soon be dissolved by order of the Reichsführer-SS.
Herewith submitted through the State Secretary to the RAM Office, with the request to inform Inland II in due course of the decision by Mr. RAM regarding the submission made by the State Secretary in the Feldscher matter.
Berlin, May 5, 1944.
[Initials v. Thadden]
Not sure if a revisionist has responded to these documents already, but thoughts?[...]
SS-Obersturmbannführer Eichmann - Office IV of the Reich Security Main Office - informs us that his leadership has made the following statement regarding the Allied wish to remove Jewish children from Romania and the occupied eastern territories:
1) The emigration of Jewish children must be rejected in principle.
2) The emigration of 5,000 Jewish children from the occupied eastern territories would be approved if this meant that Germans interned abroad on an exchange basis at a ratio of 4:1, a total of 20,000, were authorised to return to the Reich. However, it was important to ensure that these were not 20,000 old Germans, but Germans under the age of 40 who were capable of reproducing. Otherwise, however, the negotiations would have to be conducted quickly, as the time was approaching when, due to the implementation of our Jewish measures, the departure of 5,000 Jewish children from the eastern territories would no longer be technically feasible. [...]
EDIT: Fixed formatting.