Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 10:15 pm
I rarely use the word Nïgger in polite company. Usually I say Blacks or simply Negro. In German, they say Neger for Negro but now more commonly Schwarze (Blacks).
Nobody says that Negroes are literally black instead of brown. I personally don't like the term "African-American," and even less so, "Afro-American," and rarely use those forms. If I am trying to be cheeky, I might say "Gabon."
I capitalize Black and White if I am talking about races rather than perceived skin color or absolute colors.
Anyway, nobody is saying that NSDAP does not mean the "National Socialist German Workers Party," but I explained the orgin of the colloquial word "Nazi" for the National in National Socialist.
Goebbels also sometimes said "Sozi" for Socialist, but that never really caught on.
The important thing for Hitler was to differentiate the national-socialism of the NSDAP as a Right-wing ideology with the inherent inter-nationalism of Marxist socialism and Jewish "cosmopolitanism."
That is why one says National Socialism or NS, or else the term that the German Minister of Propaganda, Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels preferred, i.e., "Nazi."
I already gave the citations for the Goebbels diaries, which you can find in a large academic or public library, or procure from a smaller library via Inter-library Loan.
The popular historian and prolific WWII writer, David Irving has also seen the versions of the Goebbels diaries in the Russian archives that were photographed on glass microfiche for preservation by the good doctor himself, and were subsequently captured by the Soviets at the end of the war.

Nobody says that Negroes are literally black instead of brown. I personally don't like the term "African-American," and even less so, "Afro-American," and rarely use those forms. If I am trying to be cheeky, I might say "Gabon."
I capitalize Black and White if I am talking about races rather than perceived skin color or absolute colors.
Anyway, nobody is saying that NSDAP does not mean the "National Socialist German Workers Party," but I explained the orgin of the colloquial word "Nazi" for the National in National Socialist.
Goebbels also sometimes said "Sozi" for Socialist, but that never really caught on.
The important thing for Hitler was to differentiate the national-socialism of the NSDAP as a Right-wing ideology with the inherent inter-nationalism of Marxist socialism and Jewish "cosmopolitanism."
That is why one says National Socialism or NS, or else the term that the German Minister of Propaganda, Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels preferred, i.e., "Nazi."
I already gave the citations for the Goebbels diaries, which you can find in a large academic or public library, or procure from a smaller library via Inter-library Loan.
The popular historian and prolific WWII writer, David Irving has also seen the versions of the Goebbels diaries in the Russian archives that were photographed on glass microfiche for preservation by the good doctor himself, and were subsequently captured by the Soviets at the end of the war.