Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

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Numar Patru
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Numar Patru »

Couple things
1) Yakubowski is a Polish name:

2) Jews generally don’t name their children “John.” There are exceptions, but it’s rare. Judge Fishel is a Lutheran:

3) Your photo is from Canada. The Canadian flag was the big clue.

4) Try harder.
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Callafangers »

Numar Patru wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 5:14 pm Couple things
1) Yakubowski is a Polish name:

2) Jews generally don’t name their children “John.” There are exceptions, but it’s rare. Judge Fishel is a Lutheran:

3) Your photo is from Canada. The Canadian flag was the big clue.

4) Try harder.
Fair play on the mistaken "York Regional Police Department" (its nearly the same name, I acknowledge this error and have edited-in a disclaimer to my earlier post).

Aside from that, this is now bombsaway-level bullshitting (hair-splitting). Yakubowski is a Polish-Jewish name, though common among Poles:

Fishel is also a Jewish name:

Whether their families have converted to Lutheranism (or anything else) at some point doesn't change that their names being of Jewish origin suggests a higher probability of some connection to a Jewish community, past or present. It doesn't prove they have Jewish motivations, of course, but that is beside my point. The examples I gave were by no means exhaustive and if my point was to show you an estimated proportion of overall Jewish influence in Germar's immediate jurisdiction, I would have shared a much more comprehensive analysis.

That aside, the current governor of Pennsylvania is Jewish, and he is also the most recent attorney general of the entire state:

More importantly than any of this is the systemic influence Jews have had upon the US legal system as a whole, which was my earlier point. Jews essentially "swim around" unchecked (often even unknown as Jews) throughout the US legal system, with relatively few people being aware that their overall mission as a collective has been subversive.
By the 1960s, numbering about two and a half percent of the American population, as two Jewish scholars note:

One in five lawyers in the United States was of Jewish ancestry. Jews also constituted 12 percent of the faculty of law schools in the United States and, more importantly, 38 percent of the faculty at elite law schools ...

p. 875-6
Your attempts to suggest Germar's immediate area as exempt from this [inter-]national problem fails to consider just how Jewish not only the legal system itself has become but also public opinion in general, to which influential court staff across-the-board are reflective of, and which is derived from narratives in history and in media (which Jews have also overrun). A Holocaust revisionist is therefore already a 'menace to society', even without being caught naked in an isolated area (whether due to changing workout clothes or embracing 'Freikörperkultur').
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Hektor »

It is relatively irrelevant whether the individuals whose name have been named are Jewish or not. Although I admit that this got a ring to it. But there is the sort of cultic behavior to go against individuals that are perceived as 'antisemitic', while acting in a way people think 'the Jews will like'... Now I get that there is rather vehement denial of that phenomenon, but well. Here we are.

The denial of 'philosemitism' (for lack of a better word here) - ironically more among conservative Americans - is strange behavior among me. And it seems to be a phenomenon in most Western Countries. Especially since the 1980s.
Numar Patru
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Numar Patru »

Callafangers wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 4:19 am
Numar Patru wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 5:14 pm Couple things
1) Yakubowski is a Polish name:

2) Jews generally don’t name their children “John.” There are exceptions, but it’s rare. Judge Fishel is a Lutheran:

3) Your photo is from Canada. The Canadian flag was the big clue.

4) Try harder.
Fair play on the mistaken "York Regional Police Department" (its nearly the same name, I acknowledge this error and have edited-in a disclaimer to my earlier post).

Aside from that, this is now bombsaway-level bullshitting (hair-splitting). Yakubowski is a Polish-Jewish name, though common among Poles:

Fishel is also a Jewish name:

Whether their families have converted to Lutheranism (or anything else) at some point doesn't change that their names being of Jewish origin suggests a higher probability of some connection to a Jewish community, past or present. It doesn't prove they have Jewish motivations, of course, but that is beside my point. The examples I gave were by no means exhaustive and if my point was to show you an estimated proportion of overall Jewish influence in Germar's immediate jurisdiction, I would have shared a much more comprehensive analysis.

That aside, the current governor of Pennsylvania is Jewish, and he is also the most recent attorney general of the entire state:

More importantly than any of this is the systemic influence Jews have had upon the US legal system as a whole, which was my earlier point. Jews essentially "swim around" unchecked (often even unknown as Jews) throughout the US legal system, with relatively few people being aware that their overall mission as a collective has been subversive.
By the 1960s, numbering about two and a half percent of the American population, as two Jewish scholars note:

One in five lawyers in the United States was of Jewish ancestry. Jews also constituted 12 percent of the faculty of law schools in the United States and, more importantly, 38 percent of the faculty at elite law schools ...

p. 875-6
Your attempts to suggest Germar's immediate area as exempt from this [inter-]national problem fails to consider just how Jewish not only the legal :D system itself has become but also public opinion in general, to which influential court staff across-the-board are reflective of, and which is derived from narratives in history and in media (which Jews have also overrun). A Holocaust revisionist is therefore already a 'menace to society', even without being caught naked in an isolated area (whether due to changing workout clothes or embracing 'Freikörperkultur').
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Callafangers »

Numar Patru wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 1:33 pm :roll:

Do you challenge the notion that the US legal system has been disproportionately targeted by Jews?

I presume you will not "go there", given the evidence is overwhelming. Instead, you attempt fallacy and "splitting hairs" to suggest Germar's immediate jurisdiction is somehow fully insulated from these conditions.
Numar Patru
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Numar Patru »

It sure is good to know that Holocaust “revisionism” doesn’t have an antisemitism problem.
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by SanityCheck »

Callafangers wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:03 pm
Numar Patru wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 1:33 pm :roll:

Do you challenge the notion that the US legal system has been disproportionately targeted by Jews?

I presume you will not "go there", given the evidence is overwhelming. Instead, you attempt fallacy and "splitting hairs" to suggest Germar's immediate jurisdiction is somehow fully insulated from these conditions.
Separate to Germar Rudolf's legal woes (on which more in another post), you referenced a mid-20th Century overrepresentation of Jews among lawyers which reflected a general shift towards seeking professional careers in pursuit of social mobility. Moreover, in commercial law, Jews were for a generation deflected away from the top law schools and big law firms which remained in WASP and Catholic hands, so they set up their own firms, eventually achieving prominence in New York law by the 1960s. The 1970s-1980s to 1990s were probably the heyday of a post-WASP meritocratic system which certainly meant Jews benefited. But the 21st Century has shifted to a hypercompetitive system especially within law, at the same time as the cost of legal education has soared, making the profession less attractive, while also adding competition from hitherto underrepresented minorities. There are now apparently no distinctively or exclusively Jewish firms left at the top end.

It was not hard to find accounts of this rise and fall of the Jewish lawyer (and the white shoe WASP lawyer before them) ... 4/Wald.pdf ... =lawreview

As the second article (from 2020) points out, the US legal system at the top end (judges) has trended more conservative from the 1970s, which follows the briefer confluence of liberal Jewish activism and Civil Rights in the 1950s-1960s. The liberal/Civil Rights oriented lawyers are still there, but less influential, especially when key measures of the Civil Rights and post-Civil Rights world are being shot down by the current Roberts Supreme Court with its conservative majority. Catholics are now significantly overrepresented on SCOTUS.

The articles are focused primarily on commercial law, which is a good reminder that a lot of the law is relentlessly technical and serves business. It's also this sector which is saturated making law school potentially less attractive. The 2020 American Bar Association survey of the legal profession counted 1.3 million lawyers in the US then, with 168,000 in California, 185,000 in New York, and about 600 in York County, PA. ... lp2020.pdf

One can stipulate to overrepresentation within a profession without this necessarily translating into anything beyond professional achievements, since Jews were and have been also overrepresented in other professions such as medicine, and in both cases within an American society that is relentlessly individualist and focused on individuals (as consumers and as business owners). In the professions, there is much more competition both from other high-achieving minorities such as Asian Americans as well as from the effects of DEI. The ABA didn't record what percentage of the surveyed lawyers were Jews, they would be lumped in with whites, and the legal profession still skewed very white in 2020 with 80-85% by various measurements. Nonwhite minorities tended to work more in government and the public sector, whites in the private sector.

It does not require overrepresentation to form activist networks: that is one lesson of the current DEI-woke wars. American Jews had their organisations long before the major mid-20th Century surge in Jewish professionals, and they still do today. The ADL had only 501 staff in 2021, along with 3500 volunteers; a tiny fraction of whatever comparator metric you might point to. Revenue was a relatively paltry $101 million in the same year.

Activists seeking to combat antisemitism in the US will know that the Constitution prevents the criminalisation of hate speech along European lines. Nonetheless there have been repeated wish-fantasies for this and a lot more pressure from a wider coalition on especially the right as seen with reactions to the post-October 7, 2023 campus protests. Republican politicians claimed some scalps there.

But this hasn't seemingly snowballed into lawfare targeting of critics of Israel in a conspicuous way. Yet these critics are far more consequential in US politics and society right now than Holocaust revisionists, who are few and far between.

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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by SanityCheck »

Callafangers wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:03 pm
Numar Patru wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 1:33 pm :roll:

Do you challenge the notion that the US legal system has been disproportionately targeted by Jews?

I presume you will not "go there", given the evidence is overwhelming. Instead, you attempt fallacy and "splitting hairs" to suggest Germar's immediate jurisdiction is somehow fully insulated from these conditions.
As for Germar Rudolf's current legal woes, there are two possibilities, and until more evidence comes in, it's difficult to choose between them. But you might be surprised that I lean in the more conspiratorial direction on this.

The first is that this is indeed entirely local. While you are 100% right that Germar Rudolf was acting like a typical German in not seeing anything wrong with very temporary nudity while changing in public, one would think that he might have learned the lesson from the 2019 case that US society really is that much more disapproving of such things, much more moralistic and also contains a lot of tell-tales especially in provincial areas. So rather than adjust his behaviour he fell victim to the same problem as before, namely unthinkingly changing while out exercising, only this time it was close to a school. Nice catch by the way on the date of the alleged incident falling on the weekend.

Having crossed the radar of the authorities already and earned a conviction for a misdemeanour, then it should not be a surprise if local interests - neighbours who are shocked, SHOCKED at free-body-culture European ways, and police forces and courts in a generally conservative area - might not give the crazy German the benefit of the doubt. So Germar's response was apparently to move, also because he had to with his divorce, and he thus walked away from Red Lion, York County, PA, with or without realising he was facing yet more misdemeanour charges for this.

The second possibility is that someone put their thumb on the scale. The original case from 2019 was entirely real (by Germar Rudolf's own admission - he described his workout routines and habits at inordinate length) but a bit of a stretch from many angles. It seems likely Germar Rudolf did not get the benefit of the doubt due to the area's conservatism - after all, someone had denounced him. But, once he was on everyone's radar thanks to the case, then sure, it's quite possible someone decided to keep an eye out or even that someone was primed to do so now they realised it was THE Germar Rudolf.

I actually lean a little more to the latter right now, because of what I picked up from Germar Rudolf's accounts of his struggles with citizenship and residency. Rudolf's application to become a naturalised US citizen was repeatedly declined, while at some point he also experienced the lapsing of his green card. He has since said everything is fine, but he's now divorced from the US citizen with whom he had children.

The citizenship/residency issues are going to be more vulnerable to inside pressure by their very nature. There's not been a lot of explanation for why Rudolf's application for naturalisation as a US citizen was declined, but doing so seems quite serious. Maybe someone can look up the regulations on this and see how abnormal that might be.

At some point more news will be forthcoming, whether about an extradition to Pennsylvania or any other potential consequences such as deportation to Germany. I would not currently rule out the latter if his residency status is not entirely bulletproof, or if avoiding the 2022 charges has more serious consequences. I don't think it would have made much difference who had been elected in November 2024, but the incoming Trump administration is very anti-immigration and many of its bureaucrats will be happy to let someone like Rudolf be crushed in the system if it means the metrics increase. A deportation is a deportation.

To sum up
- I think the 2019 charges were chickenshit. The previous accounts suggest indignant conservative neighbour rather than the ADL or whoever; the latter would surely have gone with something more spectacular, no?
- the 2022 charges look like chickenshit as well, but either Germar Rudolf was forgetful enough not to learn the lesson of 2019 and avoid any hint of impropriety, or the 2020 conviction left him vulnerable to more denunciations. Whether the denunciations came because he was now the crazy German to conservative locals, or because he is the most prominent Holocaust revisionist in the US, remains to be seen.
- currently leaning past the balance of probabilities towards the view that someone realised there was a window of opportunity to make life miserable for the most prominent Holocaust revisionist in the US. But that's 55-45 or 60-40 for me at most, *for now*.
- if there are further consequences for his residency status or talk of deportation the probabilities will skyrocket in favour of this being 'deliberate'.
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Callafangers »

Numar Patru wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 7:42 pm It sure is good to know that Holocaust “revisionism” doesn’t have an antisemitism problem.
The only difference between a valid position critical toward Jews (as a collective) and "antisemitism" is presumably that the former is driven by fact rather than some deep-seated, illogical animosity. You (or anyone) slapping a defamatory label on something is not actually an argument at all. If anything I have said is not true, you need to make that case (you have not). It is of course much easier for you to slap the widely-propagated label on the matter, so it is understandable how and why you would come to prefer this option.
Numar Patru
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Numar Patru »

Blah, blah, blah

When is it ever ok to criticize whole groups of people based on their involuntary group membership?
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Callafangers »

Numar Patru wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:02 pm Blah, blah, blah

When is it ever ok to criticize whole groups of people based on their involuntary group membership?
It's "ok" when the expectation is for political systems to be so perfectly efficient as to seamlessly differentiate one member of an extremely-problematic collective from another (this is impossible). The fact is that Jews - based on hyper-ethnocentric and entitled, vindictive ideology at the core and tribal motivations even on the periphery - consistently, repeatedly replicate the same behaviors in every single nation they come to occupy (but especially Western nations, where their similar appearance to European peoples now enables them to easily infiltrate and occupy any position in that society with limited suspicions/attention raised).

The issue is not only that many (if not most) Jews overwhelmingly participate in subversive organizing and initiative at some capacity, but also the fact that there are zero comparable counter-initiatives by Jewish organizations on the areas of highest priority among Jews. There are no Jewish organizations specifically working against mass immigration into Western nations, for example, just like there are no major Jewish organizations heavily promoting the same third world mass immigration into Israel. This is just like how there are no major Jewish organizations which seek to work against Jewish over-representation (both in key position-holding and in initiatives and prioritization thereof) in sectors like media, finance, law, politics, elite academia, medicine, and any other area which is most critical and effective for subversive purposes aligning with the Jewish vision of a global future.

If there are truly so many Jewish outliers who radically oppose these collective Jewish ambitions, why are they not utilizing their vast resources (given Jews have for many generations remained the wealthiest ethnic group) to counter these initiatives of the more corrupt, representative Jews?

The notion of "individualism-first" allows Jews to remain a strong collective while their 'enemies' (that is, their non-Jewish countrymen in any nation they occupy) open themselves up completely to subversion by seeing every person (and every Jew) solely as an individual and, thus, being entirely vulnerable to collective [covert, subversive] assaults upon the nation.

The truth is, I was a passionate advocate for individualism before I recognized this matter. Individualism only works if everybody agrees to it, sincerely. If this isn't the case, then the last remaining collectives become stronger than all of the rest.
Numar Patru
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Numar Patru »

You are a whooping loon.
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by fireofice »

Numar Patru wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:02 pm Blah, blah, blah

When is it ever ok to criticize whole groups of people based on their involuntary group membership?
It has been considered OK in the modern day by the media, academia, ect for a while now when directed at white people and white men in particular. ... hite-left/
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Callafangers »

Numar Patru wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 12:14 am You are a whooping loon.
Once again, brilliant.
Numar Patru
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Re: Germar Arrest (Dec 2024)

Post by Numar Patru »

fireofice wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 12:15 am
Numar Patru wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:02 pm Blah, blah, blah

When is it ever ok to criticize whole groups of people based on their involuntary group membership?
It has been considered OK in the modern day by the media, academia, ect for a while now when directed at white people and white men in particular. ... hite-left/
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