Fair play on the mistaken "York Regional Police Department" (its nearly the same name, I acknowledge this error and have edited-in a disclaimer to my earlier post).Numar Patru wrote: ↑Thu Dec 19, 2024 5:14 pm Couple things
1) Yakubowski is a Polish name: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakubowski
2) Jews generally don’t name their children “John.” There are exceptions, but it’s rare. Judge Fishel is a Lutheran: https://www.districtcourt19301.org/about-the-judge.html
3) Your photo is from Canada. The Canadian flag was the big clue.
4) Try harder.
Your attempts to suggest Germar's immediate area as exempt from this [inter-]national problem fails to consider just how Jewish not only the legal system itself has become but also public opinion in general, to which influential court staff across-the-board are reflective of, and which is derived from narratives in history and in media (which Jews have also overrun). A Holocaust revisionist is therefore already a 'menace to society', even without being caught naked in an isolated area (whether due to changing workout clothes or embracing 'Freikörperkultur').By the 1960s, numbering about two and a half percent of the American population, as two Jewish scholars note:
“One in five lawyers in the United States was of Jewish ancestry. Jews also constituted 12 percent of the faculty of law schools in the United States and, more importantly, 38 percent of the faculty at elite law schools ...
p. 875-6
Callafangers wrote: ↑Fri Dec 20, 2024 4:19 amFair play on the mistaken "York Regional Police Department" (its nearly the same name, I acknowledge this error and have edited-in a disclaimer to my earlier post).Numar Patru wrote: ↑Thu Dec 19, 2024 5:14 pm Couple things
1) Yakubowski is a Polish name: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakubowski
2) Jews generally don’t name their children “John.” There are exceptions, but it’s rare. Judge Fishel is a Lutheran: https://www.districtcourt19301.org/about-the-judge.html
3) Your photo is from Canada. The Canadian flag was the big clue.
4) Try harder.
Aside from that, this is now bombsaway-level bullshitting (hair-splitting). Yakubowski is a Polish-Jewish name, though common among Poles:
Fishel is also a Jewish name:
Whether their families have converted to Lutheranism (or anything else) at some point doesn't change that their names being of Jewish origin suggests a higher probability of some connection to a Jewish community, past or present. It doesn't prove they have Jewish motivations, of course, but that is beside my point. The examples I gave were by no means exhaustive and if my point was to show you an estimated proportion of overall Jewish influence in Germar's immediate jurisdiction, I would have shared a much more comprehensive analysis.
That aside, the current governor of Pennsylvania is Jewish, and he is also the most recent attorney general of the entire state:
More importantly than any of this is the systemic influence Jews have had upon the US legal system as a whole, which was my earlier point. Jews essentially "swim around" unchecked (often even unknown as Jews) throughout the US legal system, with relatively few people being aware that their overall mission as a collective has been subversive.
Your attempts to suggest Germar's immediate area as exempt from this [inter-]national problem fails to consider just how Jewish not only the legalBy the 1960s, numbering about two and a half percent of the American population, as two Jewish scholars note:
“One in five lawyers in the United States was of Jewish ancestry. Jews also constituted 12 percent of the faculty of law schools in the United States and, more importantly, 38 percent of the faculty at elite law schools ...
p. 875-6
https://archive.org/details/when-victims-rule_202212system itself has become but also public opinion in general, to which influential court staff across-the-board are reflective of, and which is derived from narratives in history and in media (which Jews have also overrun). A Holocaust revisionist is therefore already a 'menace to society', even without being caught naked in an isolated area (whether due to changing workout clothes or embracing 'Freikörperkultur').
Separate to Germar Rudolf's legal woes (on which more in another post), you referenced a mid-20th Century overrepresentation of Jews among lawyers which reflected a general shift towards seeking professional careers in pursuit of social mobility. Moreover, in commercial law, Jews were for a generation deflected away from the top law schools and big law firms which remained in WASP and Catholic hands, so they set up their own firms, eventually achieving prominence in New York law by the 1960s. The 1970s-1980s to 1990s were probably the heyday of a post-WASP meritocratic system which certainly meant Jews benefited. But the 21st Century has shifted to a hypercompetitive system especially within law, at the same time as the cost of legal education has soared, making the profession less attractive, while also adding competition from hitherto underrepresented minorities. There are now apparently no distinctively or exclusively Jewish firms left at the top end.Callafangers wrote: ↑Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:03 pmBrilliant.
Do you challenge the notion that the US legal system has been disproportionately targeted by Jews?
I presume you will not "go there", given the evidence is overwhelming. Instead, you attempt fallacy and "splitting hairs" to suggest Germar's immediate jurisdiction is somehow fully insulated from these conditions.
As for Germar Rudolf's current legal woes, there are two possibilities, and until more evidence comes in, it's difficult to choose between them. But you might be surprised that I lean in the more conspiratorial direction on this.Callafangers wrote: ↑Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:03 pmBrilliant.
Do you challenge the notion that the US legal system has been disproportionately targeted by Jews?
I presume you will not "go there", given the evidence is overwhelming. Instead, you attempt fallacy and "splitting hairs" to suggest Germar's immediate jurisdiction is somehow fully insulated from these conditions.
The only difference between a valid position critical toward Jews (as a collective) and "antisemitism" is presumably that the former is driven by fact rather than some deep-seated, illogical animosity. You (or anyone) slapping a defamatory label on something is not actually an argument at all. If anything I have said is not true, you need to make that case (you have not). It is of course much easier for you to slap the widely-propagated label on the matter, so it is understandable how and why you would come to prefer this option.Numar Patru wrote: ↑Fri Dec 20, 2024 7:42 pm It sure is good to know that Holocaust “revisionism” doesn’t have an antisemitism problem.
It's "ok" when the expectation is for political systems to be so perfectly efficient as to seamlessly differentiate one member of an extremely-problematic collective from another (this is impossible). The fact is that Jews - based on hyper-ethnocentric and entitled, vindictive ideology at the core and tribal motivations even on the periphery - consistently, repeatedly replicate the same behaviors in every single nation they come to occupy (but especially Western nations, where their similar appearance to European peoples now enables them to easily infiltrate and occupy any position in that society with limited suspicions/attention raised).Numar Patru wrote: ↑Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:02 pm Blah, blah, blah
When is it ever ok to criticize whole groups of people based on their involuntary group membership?
It has been considered OK in the modern day by the media, academia, ect for a while now when directed at white people and white men in particular.Numar Patru wrote: ↑Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:02 pm Blah, blah, blah
When is it ever ok to criticize whole groups of people based on their involuntary group membership?
Once again, brilliant.
WONT ANYONE THINK OF THE WHITE PEOPLE?!?fireofice wrote: ↑Sat Dec 21, 2024 12:15 amIt has been considered OK in the modern day by the media, academia, ect for a while now when directed at white people and white men in particular.Numar Patru wrote: ↑Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:02 pm Blah, blah, blah
When is it ever ok to criticize whole groups of people based on their involuntary group membership?
https://ideasanddata.wordpress.com/2020 ... hite-left/