Auschwitz Crematorium 4 & 5 model in Chicago museum

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Fred Ziffel
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Auschwitz Crematorium 4 & 5 model in Chicago museum

Post by Fred Ziffel »

Here is a model of the cremation facilities 4 & 5 at Birkenau located at the Holobunga Museum in Chicago, IL.
There is something wrong with the way the museum set this up. Can you see it?
If you look at the two figures representing people who are getting set to pour some Zyklon B into the hole in the wall, they are on the left. Do you see the screw up? That is if they pour the Zyklon pellets into these two holes, the pellets would have fallen into the hallway or corridor leading to the two alleged gas chambers. So much for accuracy, but in the museum’s defense, I do not think anyone will ever notice. For those no familiar with 4 & 5, follow the process as I have marked.
I will leave a blank, so to speak, version of the photo for those who want a copy without my notes. Observe the ridiculous kill process in this building. I hope someday someone will point that out in a video. So far no one has. I asked the catholic priest Father Mawdsley that made a recent video on Auschwitz as to why he did not mention it, I was told the video was already too long.
rt377.JPG (180.25 KiB) Viewed 287 times
Crem 4 and 5.JPG
Crem 4 and 5.JPG (134.94 KiB) Viewed 288 times
process in crem 4 and 5.JPG
process in crem 4 and 5.JPG (161.48 KiB) Viewed 288 times
I do not believe anything one is not allowed to question
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Re: Auschwitz Crematorium 4 & 5 model in Chicago museum

Post by Archie »

A clip from an Auschwitz field trip

Fred Ziffel
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Re: Auschwitz Crematorium 4 & 5 model in Chicago museum

Post by Fred Ziffel »

Yes, that is certainly a classic
I do not believe anything one is not allowed to question
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Re: Auschwitz Crematorium 4 & 5 model in Chicago museum

Post by DavidM »

Fred Ziffel wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2025 1:46 pm Yes, that is certainly a classic
Here is a cite to the as built Krema in Pressac. ... 0399.shtml

and ... 0401.shtml

Two pictures of the almost complete crematorium/morgue 4 and 5 ... 0416.shtml

The drawing by Kate Mullin labels the rooms per the latest Believer theory* on how the Krema IV and V could have been
used to murder tens of thousands of people.
Integrating the model and Ms. Mullin's drawing...

The model shows about 50 victims (in bathrobes?) going in the north door (1) into a vestibule with five doors in it, then into a corridor with 3 doors and windows. (only one window is shown)
Then the victims had to make a choice between gas chamber (4) or gas chamber (5) How did that work?
And where did the victims loose their bathrobes?
Each of the gas chamber had exit doors to the outside...Not show for gas chamber (5). Imagine a gas chamber with
an escape door!

Please note that the Believer theory is that people standing on ladders (as shown) opened the windows
and handed cans of Zyklon through the windows into the "gas chambers."
The executioners on the ladders would be at eye level with the victims in the the "gas chambers" 4 and 5.

The zyklon just fell on the floor with no system to extract the outgassing zyklon or to spread the zyklon for quicker outgassing

Importantly was there was no ventilation system to remove the cyanide gas from the gas chambers.
Warmed cyanide gas would have tended to rise toward the ceiling.
To describe the functional arrangement as "simple and straightforward" is dishonest of the Chicago Museum

*Believer experts have suggested that 3 or four rooms in each of Krema IV and V were gas chambers and
that the "gas" was dropped in through the roof.
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