Leuchter on gas chamber capacity vs Mainstream Narrative [retitled]

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Leuchter on gas chamber capacity vs Mainstream Narrative [retitled]

Post by Revision »

Fred Leuchter claims:
"if we would have used just the physical floorspace, assuming those facilities were gas chambers, to execute six million people would have taken 68 years"

The mainstream narrative does not claim that "six million were gassed". Anyone who has heard about the Einsatzgruppen should know that. This seems to be very common mistake also among wannabe Holocaust revisionists and conspiracy theorist types.

According to USHMM:
- Approximately 2.7 million Jews were murdered at killing centers. (The Nazi German regime created five killing centers specifically to murder Jewish people using poison gas. These killing centers were called Chełmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau.)

- About 2 million Jews were murdered in mass shooting operations and related massacres. (The Germans and their allies and collaborators carried out mass shooting operations and related massacres of Jews in more than 1,500 cities, towns, and villages across occupied eastern Europe.)

- Between 800,000 and 1,000,000 Jews were murdered in ghettos, labor camps, and concentration camps. (In ghettos, concentration camps, and labor camps created by the Germans and their allies and collaborators, Jews were murdered through deliberate privation, disease, brutal treatment, and arbitrary acts of violence.)

- At least 250,000 Jews were murdered in other acts of violence outside of camps and ghettos. (The Germans and their allies and collaborators killed Jewish people in acts of violence and deprivation that took place outside of sites of detention (camps and ghettos). This includes Jews murdered in antisemitic riots; in individual executions; as partisans; and en route to and between sites of detention (on forced marches, trains, and ships).)
https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/ ... ersecution
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Re: Fred Leuchter's Ignorance of the Mainstream Narrative

Post by fireofice »

It's an understandable mistake among laymen, but someone that's investigating it should know better.

Although even taking the actual number of people said to be gassed (I think around 3 million), according to Leuchter's logic it should be around 34 years. That said, this claim of his that it would take that long to gas 3 million Jews doesn't seem correct to me.
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Re: Fred Leuchter's Ignorance of the Mainstream Narrative

Post by Archie »

He said 1,700/wk.

6,000,000/1,700 = 3,529 weeks = 67.9 weeks

That's how he's getting his numbers.

LK1 of Krema II was 210 sq meters. Hard to say what packing density to assume, but for say 4 bodies per sq meter, that's 840 per gassing. So then you'd only have to do 2 gassings per week to hit his 1,700 figure. And then you have Kremas III-V, the bunkers, the gas chambers at Majdanek, etc. He says that's ignoring the body disposal problem, but if you ignore that then you could do many gassings per week.

The main problems are body disposal and the fact that the "gas chambers" show no sign of intelligent design. Limited gas chamber area isn't really the issue.
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Re: Fred Leuchter's Ignorance of the Mainstream Narrative

Post by Fred Ziffel »

Not just the disposal itself, but the necessary replacement of the refractory lining in each oven and flue systems
A camp called Gusen also used Topf model ovens, and Mattogno did a comparison or case study of the wear and tear on the refractory. I summed it up in this attachment here for easy comprehension.
As a lot of you know, there were no documented refractory activity except at the main camp in Spring Summer of 1942, and a delivery of spare bricks on December 9, 1941.
gu 39393ri.JPG
gu 39393ri.JPG (174.98 KiB) Viewed 428 times
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Re: Fred Leuchter's Ignorance of the Mainstream Narrative

Post by TlsMS93 »

So they have already ruled out Majdanek?

They cannot distinguish between Jewish casualties and deaths in the Holocaust as Hilberg proposed. So gassing and shooting would be the smoking guns of such genocide. According to the numbers currently maintained, there would be 2 million in the Reinhard, Chelmno and Majdanek camps included, but they seem to rule out the latter, so it would be 58 thousand less + 990 thousand in AB, together with the 1.4 million shot on the Eastern Front we would reach 4.3 million people murdered, a number similar to what Gerald Reitlinger believed, I put not even Jews because even they do not know how to define themselves

The bottleneck in the extermination process and its dismissal as a cover-up already makes everything completely absurd. Some argue that up to 2000 people could fit in the largest Kremas, this ignoring the absurdity of these people having to accumulate in perfect order and there never being riot and revolt. 2000 people would take 1 week to be cremated according to the best technical approach of these ovens, that is, there would be no successive gassings as there would be nowhere to throw these 2000 corpses for another extermination cycle, maintaining that they would fit on the oven floor supposes that it would create a bottleneck even so.
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Re: Fred Leuchter's Ignorance of the Mainstream Narrative

Post by Stubble »

For me, the entire holocaust can be summed up looking at majdanek. Once claimed to be a death camp in which 2,000,000 perished, it is now simply considered a concentration and labor camp.

And yet still, the grotesque 'art' of the Soviets stands as a testament to a LIE.

The 'gas chambers' were hygienic, not homicidal. Jews were cared for in the camps just as everyone else. Their 'special treatment' was the deprivation of their 'civil rights' during a war, as they waged guerrilla warfare on the German Authorities.

The international element of the jewish people waged a total war on the German people. As a result, the jews of Europe were put in a 'predicament'. Shoah is a much better term than holocaust.

There was no intention to commit a genocide of the jewish people. Germany simply sought to restore herself, and she spent 12 years not a slave.
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: Fred Leuchter's Ignorance of the Mainstream Narrative

Post by Shane St John »

I don't know what the mainstream narrative was at that time, it has shifted a lot throughout the years. When i was in school, we were taught that 6 million jews were killed primarily by gas chamber. If you ask the common person on the street if they believe that 6 million were killed in the gas chambers, they would probably say yes.
Even the part about 6 million was made up and only made canon because people repeated it enough. The main point of Leuchter's work is to demonstrate that nobody could have died the way it is reported.
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Re: Fred Leuchter's Ignorance of the Mainstream Narrative

Post by TlsMS93 »

Shane St John wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 9:32 pm I don't know what the mainstream narrative was at that time, it has shifted a lot throughout the years. When i was in school, we were taught that 6 million jews were killed primarily by gas chamber. If you ask the common person on the street if they believe that 6 million were killed in the gas chambers, they would probably say yes.
Even the part about 6 million was made up and only made canon because people repeated it enough. The main point of Leuchter's work is to demonstrate that nobody could have died the way it is reported.
The Holocaust is like that myth that 70 souls, in 210 years, generated 2 million people who left Egypt. Besides, the number 6 has a negative connotation for them, so they play with numbers to give symbolism to their story.

Note that there was no in-depth investigation into the veracity of this number; rather, during the war it was already established and so the Allies supported it with a lot of Jewish funding behind it.

Ordinary people only know about the Holocaust through American films; they hardly know what is canonical and the gaps in this event. People are too busy and full of problems to solve, they will not take the little rest they have to delve deeper into it, so they take what is pushed at face value.
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Re: Fred Leuchter's Ignorance of the Mainstream Narrative

Post by HansHill »

Leucther admittedly is being less than clear here, however I'm more interested in the host's response and lack thereof.

Firstly the host doesn't correct Leuchter that not all 6 million were attributable to Auschwitz, and secondly and more importantly, responds with inane arguments about people in cattle cars as proof of genocide and appeals to "why would they lie". These sort of arguments from emotion are far worse than anything Leucther said here, but of course the standard for Revisionists is so much higher than the standard for Orthodoxy proponents.
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