In common knowledge crimes, it was unacceptable to claim innocence. Most of them were committed by Speer's tactics. I did it on orders from above. I take responsibility for my line of action in commanding these common knowledge crimes. None of them testified as if they knew everything about the event, which is why their testimonies are contradictory.Nessie wrote: ↑Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:44 amThe Nuremberg trials were war crime trials of senior Nazis, who had no direct links to the death camps and could claim no knowledge or responsibility. The camp staff trials were of the Nazis who were directly responsible for the deaths.TlsMS93 wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:44 pmWe know about these “confession” methods. In fact, don’t you find it strange that confessions are made when all the defendants in Nuremberg declared themselves innocent? In subsequent trials in Germany, they realized that this would not help them and opted for Speer’s tactic to reduce their sentences.Nessie wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:16 am
The majority of the narratives come from the SS who worked there, Germans and Ukrainians. All the witnesses are consistent about the main events and process inside the camp. Mass transports arrive, people undress and their property stolen, they are killed inside chambers, there are mass graves and pyres.
It is very strange that you do not find it odd that not one single Nazi claimed to know what really happened and where the millions of Jews they had arrested and supposedly had not killed, were in 1944-5.
Their confessions are corroborated and there is no evidence anything else happened.And why should I believe in Nazi confessions? Those who claimed to be innocent say that they were proven wrong, so what?
That just proves the Allies investigated everything, to ensure claims were correct.The narrative that the SS told was preconceived by the Allies, or is it true or false that the narrative of undressing, receiving a towel and soap under the pretext of taking a shower to go to the Dachau gas chamber did not happen? Do you believe that today?
Corroborated by what? Don't talk as if the evidence were overwhelming.
And why did they lie in Dachau?