The issue of what exactly counts as "genocide" is an issue that pertains to what happened to the Jews during WW2. Germar Rudolf in his recent debate as well as in the encyclopedia concedes that what happened to the Jews during this period counts as genocide even on the revisionist view. ... cide/4354/
But then at the same time, you could also say that the allied bombing campaign against Germans was genocidal. Mike Peinovich goes over a lengthy list of examples in his debate with Matthew Cockerill.
He says he got many of his examples from Masters of the Air by Donald Miller.
Mentioned by Peinovich is a letter written by Churchill where he says: "But there is one thing that will bring him back and bring him down, and that is an absolutely devastating, exterminating attack by very heavy bombers from this country upon the Nazi homeland." ... ng-policy/
Here he uses the word "extermination". Genocide proved, right?
But what makes the Nazis special is that they supposedly did something that goes above and beyond this. So this is just merely an argument that you are going to have to do more than finding Nazi leaders saying harsh things that sound genocidal since statements like that can be found on both sides. It's also interesting, as Mike points out, that the volume of evidence he provides for mass killings from bombs by the Allies is way more than what we have for Auschwitz and the various "extermination camps".
I also came across these interesting videos:
Here the history of genocide as a concept is gone over and the problems with it. The most interesting is the second video, which goes over the Bosnian genocide or the lack thereof as ruled by the courts. Various tribunals apparently only labeled Srebrenica a genocide, but the rest were considered mere massacres with no genocidal intent. This kind of shows that "genocide" is not an objective term, but used for political purposes. By the same standard, I'm sure I could say that everything the Nazis did to the Jews wasn't "genocide" because I don't interpret their motivations to be actually genocidal. It's all word games.