Medical records from Auschwitz

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Medical records from Auschwitz

Post by Zeno »

I watched the debate between Germar Rudolf and the other guy, hosted by Jake Shields.

Germar Rudolf spoke about the thousands of medical records showing that old and young people were taken care of.

Can these documents be found online?
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Re: Medical records from Auschwitz

Post by Archie »

Check out Holocaust Handbooks #33, Healthcare in Auschwitz by Mattogno. ... auschwitz/

See the encyclopedia for a summary. ... hcare/324/

See also Juergen Graf's comments here:
6) On 27 July 1944 the administration of the Auschwitz camp compiled a statistics about the prisoners “temporarily quartered in the camp of the Hungarian Jews.” The document shows that until that date 3,138 Hungarian Jews had received medical treatment at the camp hospital. 1,426 of them had undergone surgical operation.[12] According to the “Holocaust” story, a huge number of Hungarian Jews were gassed at Auschwitz between 15 May and 9 July 1944. While not a single of these alleged gas chamber murders is confirmed by a German document, the medical treatment of 3,138 Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz until 27 July is indeed documented. What conclusions will a logically thinking person draw from these bare facts?

7) As Polish historian Henryk Swiebocki has documented, 11,246 prisoners underwent surgical operations at Auschwitz between 10 September 1942 and 23 February 1944.[13] What kind of “extermination camp” was this where more than 11,000 prisoners were not only not exterminated, but operated on in a period of just 18 months?
A lot of Holocaust memoirs actually confirm this since they will often mention getting medical treatment, though sometimes they will give it some sinister interpretation (Mengele experiments, etc). Rudolf Vrba for example says that he got surgery at Auschwitz. Jankel Wiernik curiously enough says he was treated for pneumonia at Treblinka of all places. Elie Wiesel says he was in the hospital at Auschwitz.

See Pressac's concession below that the plans for a health camp in Birkenau and are indeed incongruous with the traditional story.
The drawing on Photo 20 is a real godsend for the revisionists. Concerning the initial arrangement for the third construction stage at Birkenau [KGL Bauabschnitt III, it formally states that this was to serve only as a mixed quarantine and hospital camp. There is INCOMPATIBILITY in the creation of a health camp a few hundred yards from four Krematorien where, according to official history, people were exterminated on a large scale. Drawing 2471 of a barracks for sick prisoners planned for BA.III [Photo 21] showing in detail the arrangement of the bunks, supports this demonstration. The two drawings date from June 1943. when the Bauleitung was completing the construction of the four new Krematorien, and it is obvious that KGL Birkenau cannot have had at one and the same time two opposing functions: health care and extermination. The plan for building a very large hospital section in BA.III thus shows that the Krematorien were built purely for incineration, without any homicidal gassings, because the SS wanted to “maintain” its concentration camp labor force.

This argument seems logical and is not easy to counter. The drawings exist, and what is more they come from the SS Economic Administration Head Office in Berlin, so it was no local humanitarian initiative. (Pressac, Technique and Operation, 512) ... 0512.shtml

The usual way this sort of evidence is reconciled with the "gassed on arrival" narrative is to claim that this healthcare was provided only to squeeze every drop of labor out of the inmates. But this just-so story falls apart once we consider other documents indicating many non-employable inmates were registered at Auschwitz.

NO-021, document dated Apr 1944 (see NMT Vol 5, pg 384)
It says Camp II (i.e., Birkenau) had 36,000 inmates, 15,000 unable to work, 21,000 women, and 18,000 hospitalized and disabled.

The "death books" of Auschwitz which were not released until the 1990s also indicate old and young people were registered in the camp.

See Weber, "Pages From The Auschwitz Death Registry Volumes: Long-Hidden Death Certificates Discredit Extermination Claims"

Graf also makes a point about this in the same source linked above.
4) According to the “Holocaust” story, from spring 1942 at Auschwitz all Jews unable to work were gassed upon arrival without previous registration. If this assertion were true, no names of old Jews or Jewish children would figure in the Sterbebücher of Auschwitz. But a study of these documents, which were published in printed form in 1995,[9] reveals that many old Jews and Jewish children were registered at Auschwitz:

– 2 Jews over 90 years of age;

– 73 Jews from 80 to 90 years of age;

– 482 Jews from 70 to 80 years of age;

– 2,083 Jews from 60 to 70 years of age;

– 2,584 Jews from 0 to 10 years of age.[10]

Considering these statistics, how can one seriously claim that Jews unfit to work were gassed without registration at Auschwitz?
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Re: Medical records from Auschwitz

Post by TlsMS93 »

Archie wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:54 pm Check out Holocaust Handbooks #33, Healthcare in Auschwitz by Mattogno. ... auschwitz/

See the encyclopedia for a summary. ... hcare/324/
They will counter that these numbers are a drop in the ocean given the amount of transport to the camp, or that they were privileged Jews like those from Terezin, which is said to have been a propaganda camp for the Red Cross.

Was Anne Frank fit for the job? :roll:
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Re: Medical records from Auschwitz

Post by Stubble »

TlsMS93 wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:49 pm
Archie wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:54 pm Check out Holocaust Handbooks #33, Healthcare in Auschwitz by Mattogno. ... auschwitz/

See the encyclopedia for a summary. ... hcare/324/
They will counter that these numbers are a drop in the ocean given the amount of transport to the camp, or that they were privileged Jews like those from Terezin, which is said to have been a propaganda camp for the Red Cross.

Was Anne Frank fit for the job? :roll:
How about Eli Wiesel's dad?

Also, didn't both Anne Frank and Mr Weisel choose to be salvation marched into Germany proper rather than fall into Soviet hands?
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: Medical records from Auschwitz

Post by Hektor »

Stubble wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2024 3:22 am
TlsMS93 wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:49 pm
Archie wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:54 pm Check out Holocaust Handbooks #33, Healthcare in Auschwitz by Mattogno.
They will counter that these numbers are a drop in the ocean given the amount of transport to the camp, or that they were privileged Jews like those from Terezin, which is said to have been a propaganda camp for the Red Cross.

Was Anne Frank fit for the job? :roll:
How about Eli Wiesel's dad?

Also, didn't both Anne Frank and Mr Weisel choose to be salvation marched into Germany proper rather than fall into Soviet hands?

Otto Frank remained in Auschwitz as he became sick. He did expect to see his daughters again at a later stage.
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