Of J0, a minority accept Soviet citizenship, perhaps for ideological reasons, ie they were pro-Bolshevik.
Ok, I don’t see any proof in what you’ve posted so far that this assertion is true. In fact, it seems to me unlikely that a majority would have refused Soviet citizenship given the possible alternatives. As noted, some Jews tried to re-enter the General Gouvernement. But a majority? That hasn’t been shown.
Let’s call this minority J1, who were subsequently sent directly to the Russian interior, and by all accounts, never seen again. This is also one of the numbers I challenged you to find, as I will refer to again later as i flesh out my point, so please keep this challenge in mind. Its difficult, right? I posited that these were Gulaged, and lived out the remainder of their days under great misery, but that's just my opinion.
Here, it might be helpful to go back to what Mattogno wrote.
Towards the end of June 1940 the Soviet government ordered them to be deported into the inner regions of the Soviet Union, where the conditions are reported to have been extremely harsh.
Your claim is that “them” refers to the group that accepted Soviet citizenship. But I think he’s referring to the group that refused citizenship. I believe this for a few reasons:
1) The previous sentence in the Mattogno quote refers to those who refused citizenship: “ According to the Yearbook "many" of the refugees opted for the latter alternative, but Germany refused categorically to let these Jews return.”
2) It makes much more sense for the Soviets to deport disloyal people than loyal ones. Indeed, loyalty vs disloyalty was the overall logic driving Soviet deportations before and during the war.
3) Nowhere else in the Mattogno passage does he number the deported group at 500,000.
4) The number deported — 64,000 per Hryciuk and confirmed by Pohl — would refer to a disloyal minority.
The remainder of your argument rests on the number remaining in the Kresy upon the German invasion, but I think we need to iron out what comes before that.
I am genuinely trying here and would appreciate your indulgence.