Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

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Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by HansHill »

Inspired by a recent thread with Nessie, i'm uploading here for anyone interested, a spreadsheet detailing over 100 studies where human participants were exposed to diesel exhaust. These studies show that diesel exhaust does not emit CO in the quantities required to kill and can exposure to such emissions are non-lethal.

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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by Stubble »

I keep telling you, it's because those rooms didn't use carbon monoxide. They used steam.

They, legitimately did use steam though, for clothing disinfection. That's part of why the steam chamber myth was so pervasive.

Of course, that's just my opinion. Feel free to look in to it yourself. As to where the legitimate, working shower room was, I'm not sure. I'm sure it had one though. Edit: they were in the undressing room. If I were to guess, it would be down at the station, because that is where interviews were conducted, not up the tube.

The Operation Reinhardt camps didn't get any zyklon b when they opened. There were some deliveries late in their operation. They had to delouse clothing somehow. I don't buy that they shipped it to majdanek for delousing. Think of the burden that would have put on that camps facilities given the numbers we are talking about.

In chelmno, gas vans, the real ones for delousing were probably used.not to gas detainees, but to delouse clothing.

http://www.kfzderwehrmacht.de/Hauptseit ... __kw_.html

It's important that inside all the lies about the camps, you are going to find a single grain of truth.

https://odysee.com/@AvaWolfe:d/Vertigo- ... -History:c
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by TlsMS93 »

Stubble wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 4:13 pm I keep telling you, it's because those rooms didn't use carbon monoxide. They used steam.

They, legitimately did use steam though, for clothing disinfection. That's part of why the steam chamber myth was so pervasive.

Of course, that's just my opinion. Feel free to look in to it yourself. As to where the legitimate, working shower room was, I'm not sure. I'm sure it had one though. Edit: they were in the undressing room. If I were to guess, it would be down at the station, because that is where interviews were conducted, not up the tube.

The Operation Reinhardt camps didn't get any zyklon b when they opened. There were some deliveries late in their operation. They had to delouse clothing somehow. I don't buy that they shipped it to majdanek for delousing. Think of the burden that would have put on that camps facilities given the numbers we are talking about.

In chelmno, gas vans, the real ones for delousing were probably used.not to gas detainees, but to delouse clothing.

http://www.kfzderwehrmacht.de/Hauptseit ... __kw_.html

It's important that inside all the lies about the camps, you are going to find a single grain of truth.

https://odysee.com/@AvaWolfe:d/Vertigo- ... -History:c
Gas chambers are like UFOs, someone feeds the hysteria with stories of slaughter and remote locations like Area 51 and the masses believe they are aliens. Ignorant people from Central Europe seeing a delousing chamber and bodies of people who died in transport is the perfect mix to create this narrative. The Germans were able to shock the world with many things, their industrial ethos created this image that if they hated a group then they would kill them on an industrial scale.
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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by Stubble »

TlsMS93 wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 9:44 pm
Stubble wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 4:13 pm I keep telling you, it's because those rooms didn't use carbon monoxide. They used steam.

They, legitimately did use steam though, for clothing disinfection. That's part of why the steam chamber myth was so pervasive.

Of course, that's just my opinion. Feel free to look in to it yourself. As to where the legitimate, working shower room was, I'm not sure. I'm sure it had one though. Edit: they were in the undressing room. If I were to guess, it would be down at the station, because that is where interviews were conducted, not up the tube.

The Operation Reinhardt camps didn't get any zyklon b when they opened. There were some deliveries late in their operation. They had to delouse clothing somehow. I don't buy that they shipped it to majdanek for delousing. Think of the burden that would have put on that camps facilities given the numbers we are talking about.

In chelmno, gas vans, the real ones for delousing were probably used.not to gas detainees, but to delouse clothing.

http://www.kfzderwehrmacht.de/Hauptseit ... __kw_.html

It's important that inside all the lies about the camps, you are going to find a single grain of truth.

https://odysee.com/@AvaWolfe:d/Vertigo- ... -History:c
Gas chambers are like UFOs, someone feeds the hysteria with stories of slaughter and remote locations like Area 51 and the masses believe they are aliens. Ignorant people from Central Europe seeing a delousing chamber and bodies of people who died in transport is the perfect mix to create this narrative. The Germans were able to shock the world with many things, their industrial ethos created this image that if they hated a group then they would kill them on an industrial scale.
Add black propaganda to this, and you end up with a narrative. Then, you get people who say, well, the witnesses! They saw it!...

Yea, they saw something. They saw trucks, people asked, what is that truck, and somebody said, that's the gas wagon....

Hey, on the other side of the camp, through the tube, what do they do there?

Oh, those are the gas chambers...

Oh my god! They're killing everybody!!!
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by TlsMS93 »

Stubble wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 10:03 pm
TlsMS93 wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 9:44 pm
Stubble wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 4:13 pm I keep telling you, it's because those rooms didn't use carbon monoxide. They used steam.

They, legitimately did use steam though, for clothing disinfection. That's part of why the steam chamber myth was so pervasive.

Of course, that's just my opinion. Feel free to look in to it yourself. As to where the legitimate, working shower room was, I'm not sure. I'm sure it had one though. Edit: they were in the undressing room. If I were to guess, it would be down at the station, because that is where interviews were conducted, not up the tube.

The Operation Reinhardt camps didn't get any zyklon b when they opened. There were some deliveries late in their operation. They had to delouse clothing somehow. I don't buy that they shipped it to majdanek for delousing. Think of the burden that would have put on that camps facilities given the numbers we are talking about.

In chelmno, gas vans, the real ones for delousing were probably used.not to gas detainees, but to delouse clothing.

http://www.kfzderwehrmacht.de/Hauptseit ... __kw_.html

It's important that inside all the lies about the camps, you are going to find a single grain of truth.

https://odysee.com/@AvaWolfe:d/Vertigo- ... -History:c
Gas chambers are like UFOs, someone feeds the hysteria with stories of slaughter and remote locations like Area 51 and the masses believe they are aliens. Ignorant people from Central Europe seeing a delousing chamber and bodies of people who died in transport is the perfect mix to create this narrative. The Germans were able to shock the world with many things, their industrial ethos created this image that if they hated a group then they would kill them on an industrial scale.
Add black propaganda to this, and you end up with a narrative. Then, you get people who say, well, the witnesses! They saw it!...

Yea, they saw something. They saw trucks, people asked, what is that truck, and somebody said, that's the gas wagon....

Hey, on the other side of the camp, through the tube, what do they do there?

Oh, those are the gas chambers...

Oh my god! They're killing everybody!!!
And the memories of the atrocities of the First World War were still fresh in the collective unconscious, but the Kaiser's Germany did not have the aura of evil that Hitler's regime had to endure, and the media in the Second World War was much more advanced and widespread, and psychological warfare divisions were already established.

Anything, rumors to fuel the war effort were welcome, they had to justify hundreds of thousands of deaths in that war.

In the modern era, we have the Bucha massacre, the 40 Israeli babies, the extermination of the Uighurs, all with the same characteristics, but the victor will not be asked if he told the truth.
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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by Hektor »

TlsMS93 wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 11:12 pm....

And the memories of the atrocities of the First World War were still fresh in the collective unconscious, but the Kaiser's Germany did not have the aura of evil that Hitler's regime had to endure, and the media in the Second World War was much more advanced and widespread, and psychological warfare divisions were already established.

Anything, rumors to fuel the war effort were welcome, they had to justify hundreds of thousands of deaths in that war.

In the modern era, we have the Bucha massacre, the 40 Israeli babies, the extermination of the Uighurs, all with the same characteristics, but the victor will not be asked if he told the truth.
Indeed a differences. People must bear in mind that the modes of communication drastically changed during the 20th century.
It starts with communication being widely interpersonal. Mean X tells it Y and they also form opinion about each other. But the printing press and books were already a big thing around 1900. More so than today I suspect. It becomes more of a mass phenomenon with literacy becoming more general during the first decades of the century. Add to this the development of movies and radio and one does have a revolution of communication there. Films were first silent and later with audible dialogues synchronal to acting.

After WW2 movies as well as TV became a big thing. And it was mostly concentrated in the hands of corporation, so were the large print media. Since the 1990s the internet became a thing... Although video-tapes already demonopolized those corporation.

Large social media platforms are again a thing to uniformize the medium.

So it wasn't too easy to demonize the Kaiser in his time as it was to demonize Hitler. Means of communication were different. And after WW1 there was still a national publishing scene in Germany. That was different after WW2. National Publishers were persecuted as 'Nazis' and for all practical purposes national-minded journalists and academics were systematically marginalized and displaced. They were also far more intimidated than the Germans after WW1.

But this is a study in historical social anthropology. Lethality of exhaust gasses is another matter. A technical one.
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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by HansHill »

Stubble wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 4:13 pm I keep telling you, it's because those rooms didn't use carbon monoxide.
Yes i understand CO wasn't used to murder hundreds of thousands of people. The purpose of this post, and spreadsheet, is to explain the technical reasons why, to perhaps a new reader. Or as a repository of studies for an experienced debater who perhaps didn't have the material to hand, or know quite how voluminous this body of literature is.

What these studies show, is that the methods as described are not feasible, forcing the exterminationists into a tactical retreat. This retreat may be:

- Pivot to petrol engines
- Invoke a juryrigged diesel engine
- Quibble about the CO concentration of the exhaust
- Cite oxygen depletion as the murder weapon.
- Etc

This retreat in and of itself is a victory for revisionists, showing the story as told, requires attention. Additionally each of those retreats i mentioned, only introduces further issues for the revisionists to play Holocaust Whack-A-Mole.
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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by Stubble »

Exterminationist say there is no pivot and the diesel engines is a revisionist hoax.

Look at nessie's responses, that's the official position.

Damn the documentation, muddy the waters and throw everything against the wall.

Motors were used, to generate electricity, to create steam, to delouse clothing. From thus it evolved in to steam execution chambers of death.

These were not Soviet tank engines or submarine engines, these were purpose built steam generators used by the German Military to produce steam for various uses. The US had such equipment as well, as did the British.

Now, we are stuck with 'well, they didn't like jews and I know they killed them, because you can't tell me where every jew went, so, 6,000,000 jews died because the nazis murdered them'.
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by HansHill »

Yes, however the issue that Nessie and co have, is that it's not a Revisionist hoax. Its simply a reading of the claims directly from the horse's mouth.

Nessie and co will likely say, the witnesses are making simple errors and thats ok, but that's not ok. Here for example, is the verbatim verdict of Kurt Franz, who spent almost 30 years imprisoned.


As we can see, his verdict hinged on the executions being performed by diesel engine.

1) This is clearly not a Revisionist hoax, and the crimes, as charged are crystal clear for all to read in the historical record. For them to come along after Revisionists point out the impossibility of these "crimes", and change key details simply to maintain a "guilty" verdict should alarm a normal person only hearing this for the first time.

2) Nessie will tell you, well sometimes eyewitnesses make mistakes. Then he has to explain how entire judicial systems will not only support but amplify, and prosecute these mistakes!
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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by Stubble »

HansHill wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 2:24 pm Yes, however the issue that Nessie and co have, is that it's not a Revisionist hoax. Its simply a reading of the claims directly from the horse's mouth.

Nessie and co will likely say, the witnesses are making simple errors and thats ok, but that's not ok. Here for example, is the verbatim verdict of Kurt Franz, who spent almost 30 years imprisoned.


As we can see, his verdict hinged on the executions being performed by diesel engine.

1) This is clearly not a Revisionist hoax, and the crimes, as charged are crystal clear for all to read in the historical record. For them to come along after Revisionists point out the impossibility of these "crimes", and change key details simply to maintain a "guilty" verdict should alarm a normal person only hearing this for the first time.

2) Nessie will tell you, well sometimes eyewitnesses make mistakes. Then he has to explain how entire judicial systems will not only support but amplify, and prosecute these mistakes!
His conviction hinged on, warped testimony, extracted confessions, allied propaganda and a presumption of guilt. I don't think an actual instrument of murder had much to do with anything, after all, all allegations surrounding the instrument are just hearsay.

I get your point, but, it will be hand waved away.
were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by HansHill »

Yes i agree with you that the Holocaust Inc / enthusiasts will hand wave it away, but Revisionists can and will continue to accumulate these victories and present them to laymen!

I know this analogy is a bit apples with oranges, but hear me out.

Imagine this wasn't a technicality of diesel vs petrol, and instead imagine this was the viability of Zyklon, or even gas entirely! If revisionists were to chip away at it to such an extent that gas in any format was not viable, then that would be even more alarming to a lay audience, given the mystiqiue of "the gas chambers" in the modern psyche, and cause serious problems for Holocaust Inc.

The bad news is that analogy is a little oversimplified, but the good news is we are not far off that!
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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by Stubble »

HansHill wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 2:37 pm Yes i agree with you that the Holocaust Inc / enthusiasts will hand wave it away, but Revisionists can and will continue to accumulate these victories and present them to laymen!

I know this analogy is a bit apples with oranges, but hear me out.

Imagine this wasn't a technicality of diesel vs petrol, and instead imagine this was the viability of Zyklon, or even gas entirely! If revisionists were to chip away at it to such an extent that gas in any format was not viable, then that would be even more alarming to a lay audience, given the mystiqiue of "the gas chambers" in the modern psyche, and cause serious problems for Holocaust Inc.

The bad news is that analogy is a little oversimplified, but the good news is we are not far off that!
Imagine, if you will, a world where the German Authorities spent the equivalent of hundreds of millions of dollars to develop and deploy microwave delousing equipment for Auschwitz to preserve health and to be able to quit buying zyclon b, a relatively dangerous pesticide.

Now imagine nobody talking about that.

https://holocaustencyclopedia.com/techn ... using/690/

Imagine if you will, the deployment of life saving delousing vans, to chelmno. Now imagine that turning into 'mobile killing equipment'.

Imagine if you will, life saving steam delousing chambers being turned into 'steam chambers of death' by propagandists, then allied courts arbitrarily deciding, let's go with the carbon monoxide stories.

Imagine if you will a narrative that the German Authorities had a policy of extermination that resulted in the killing of millions of jews. Then imagine the shoah foundation collecting the testimony of survivors, only to have those testimonies not match the narrative.

Imagine if you will, taking a 'holocaust survivor' to various schools to traumatize children with stories of made up medical experiments to remove tattoos, change eye colors. Tales of being taken to buchenwald to be turned into a soap lampshade.

Imagine 6,000,000 lies used to prop up a narrative that life saving delousing operations were used, not to destroy lice, but to exterminate an entire group of people, who remain alive today.

Imagine a group of people, being promised the holy land during ww1 and stabbing Germany in the back to get it. Then imagine these people concocting a narrative to insure that this time, the terms of their agreement would be honored.

Imagine if you will, people who paid churchill's Bill's for a decade and got him elected doing so to prepare the ground for war.

Imagine this group having influence over the president of the United States. Imagine them exercising this powerful position to put their operatives into all of the positions necessary to build, cultivate and secure this narrative. In psywar, in the legal system, in the media.

Now, imagine waking up one day and realizing that all of this is not some antisemitic conspiracy theory, but documented historical fact...

were to guess why no t4 personnel were chosen to perform gassing that had experience with gassing, it would be because THERE WERE NONE.
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Re: Diesel Exhaust // human exposure studies

Post by Scott »

The brilliant Revisionist Friedrich Paul Berg (1943-2019), who was a degreed mining engineer educated at Columbia University (1965) dropped a slam-dunk on the Hoax when he noted the problem of the diesel gas-chambers (ca. 1984) that there just isn't enough carbon monoxide in diesel engine exhaust to kill people in the way claimed by Jews and Holo-Historians.

Per U.S. Bureau of Mines data from the 1940s, an unloaded diesel engine in fact has 17 percent oxygen in its exhaust. (Normal air has 21 percent.) And in the 1940s, diesel engines were operated inside mine shafts which the U.S. goverment studied extensively.

Below, from 1941 Holtz & Elliott ─ Bureau of Mines data, diesel engine exhaust components at various loads:


British pathologists (1957) also tested diesel engine exhaust on live mammals, and they were very hard to kill in this manner. The acrid diesel engine exhaust was described as painful to the eyes and visibly thick.

Other than by Rube Goldberg, what homicidal gas-chamber takes hours and hours to kill?

Holocaust Hoaxsters have objected that diesel engine exhaust is toxic ─ more so than even gasoline engine exhaust with modern catalytic converters.

They also object that the heat and acrid soot of diesel exhaust gases will kill people eventually, and that modifying the engine to overload will ramp up the carbon monoxide content and black smoke in the exhaust.

So here is Diesel slam-dunk Revisionist argument number 2.

Exposure to carbon monoxide is a common health hazard and takes many lives every year. Prior to the removal of CO from European and American municipal gas in the 1960s, this was a very serious hazard, and head-in-the-oven suicides like that of the kooky author Sylvia Plath (1963) were then common.

Today, with CO gas detectors routinely in homes and heating and cooking gas from the mains always now being CO free, it takes faulty equipment and negligent maintenance to lead to CO exposure accidents ─ which are therefore far less common than in the past.

And with computerized electronic-ignition systerms and catalytic converters mandated on the exhaust systems of gasoline-fueled cars, the main risk of CO to the public is now from small gasoline motors used for the emergency generation of electricity and for pumping water.

This remains a negligible risk with diesel-driven generators or pumps like the small one-lung version below used in a German bombshelter.


Every year at hurricane season in the United States, the emergency room and morgue visits due to carbon monoxide exposures spike up alarmingly. It is clear in the epidemiological data that CO exposure is bad news.

This begs the question:

Why are there no such accidents with diesel engine exhaust?

Almost none.

Well, over a couple of deades ago, I did a comprehensive survey of morgue statistics looking for cases of deaths attributed to diesel engine exhaust exposure.

In fact, this almost never happens in the real world!

There were some rumors related to this "unicorn" category of event because no expert wants to be documented saying that diesel engine exhaust is safe. (It is not.) But it is not deadly.

The fact is that Diesel exhaust has miniscule carbon monoxide output in normal operation.

The best documented report that I found came from a Dr. Sivanathalogan of the University of Sheffield in the UK, who published a short article in an academic journal on forensic medicine:

S. Sivaloganathan,
"Death From Diesel Fumes."
Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine,
Vol. 5 : 3 (1998), pp. 138-139.
ISSN: 1353-1131

( https://doi.org/10.1016/S1353-1131(98)90033-5 )

( https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1353113198900335 )

Abstract: A rare fatality from inhalation of diesel motor exhaust fumes is reported and the toxicity of diesel fumes is discussed briefly.

I also corresponded briefly with Dr. Sivaloganathan. The fact is that death from diesel exhaust exposure almost never happens!

So, my fault, your fault, nobody's fault ─ this therefore never happening in the REAL world means that the idea of using diesel engines for a homidical gas-chamber is ludicrous.

In the very rare singular case where diesel engine exhaust killed somebody, the victim was an 84 year old with emphysema and heart disease who sucessfully completed a suicide with a diesel car in a garage.

And in over twenty-five years, nobody has been able to come up with anything better than this one fluke case.

There was a 2008 example of a truck driver with ischemic heat disease who died overnight in a cold cab with a heater running and who had high COHb levels in his blood for some reason ─ but for the most part they actually refer to Holocaust lore that diesel engines are documented to actually work for exterminations!

Fuel oil (diesel) heaters will easily generate carbon monoxide, yes. Diesel engines don't, however, because of the comprssion-igbition principle of their operation. Diesel engines always (unless heavily-loaded) generate very little carbon monoxide in their exhaust.

The smarter Hoaxsters were wise to drop the diesel gassing canard and move on to greener pastures with gasoline engine gas-chambers, which are at least theoretically possible. I have doubts about the "industrial killing efficiency" of petrol engines used to generate exhaustm, of course, but at least this happens in the real world deliberately and accidentally (contrary to diesels).

Kind of a problem for the Hoaxster purists ─ none of whom caught this gaffe ─ i.e., that diesel engines are what was actually used for electrical power in remote camps, and that Soviet tank engines (salvaged or not) during the war were nearly always diesels (unlike German tank engines).

Producer gas generators that used wood or coal to generate combustible carbon monoxide for motorfuel ─ and sometimes as an agricultural rodent fumigant ─ were quite common during the war.

In facts, producer gas generators for carbon monoxide were used everywhere besides the United States where gasoline was rationed but never in short supply. Even the Swedish vacuum cleaner company Electrolux made a producer CO gas-generator.


And the use of carbon monoxide generator-gas for motorfuel during the war and afterwards, has a robust body of academic literature in the area of industrial medicine associated with it.

Below, a B&W photograph of the "man with a red face," a Holzgas truck driver from a Swedish journal on industrial hygiene.


Yet curiously, no Hoaxsters ever thought of generator gas for their Nazi homicidal gassing factory claims.


Below, a wood-gas-fueled bus operating in Poland (1940).

A young General Napoleon Bonaparte gives the mob a "Whiff of Grapeshot" on the streets of Paris, and that "thing we specifically call French Revolution is blown into space by it."
~ Thomas Carlyle
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