Can you please explain where Churchill got the word 'NAZI' from to begin with?
The subtitle for "Hitler and the Third Reich"
Can you explain why you use the word 'Nazis' here?Everything you always wanted to know about Nazis but were afraid to ask
MonkyGamesNSDAP wrote: ↑Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:45 pm I do not understand why revisionist persist in using the word 'NAZI' to describe the 1933 - 1945 German Government, German People, and the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP).
In my opinion, if a revisionist actually researched 1933 - 1945 German History, they would have easily discovered that Germans never called themselves NAZIs. They would have easily discovered that Jewish Communist Party used this Hate Word and Deragatory Word to slander their greatest opposition the NSDAP in the early 20th century.
I would exepct the truth to be of the highest importance for any revisionist. Yet, they still use NAZI - which is the most untruthful LIE to ever be levied at the German People.
Anyone still using the JEWISH HATE WORD NAZI is suspecious to me especially anyone claiming to be a scholar.
And in the original German:Dr. Goebbels, February 17, 1941 wrote:
Glass reports from the Balkans. Things in Rumania are just as I described them. Antonescu without popular support. But the Foreign Ministry is supporting him. The SS and the SD are taking a tough stand against Ribbentrop for having supplied the Führer with incomplete information. Because personally he is no Nazi. He is a Jeremiah! But I intend to have another meeting with the Führer about this. The freemasons are forcing their way back into their old positions, and even the Jews are coming back. Poor Antonescu! Now he has officially destroyed the legionary character of the state. It is hard to say where things will lead if they continue in this unhappy direction. We only seem to support nationalists when they have no nations behind them. Like Mussert and Quisling. What a disaster!
[Emphasis mine.]
Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945. The Goebbels Diaries: 1939-1941. Translated and edited by Fred Taylor. New York : Putnam, 1983, c1982; p. 236.
And here's another one:Dr. Goebbels, February 17, 1941 wrote:
Aber unser A.A. stützt ihn. Die S.S. und der S.D. stehen scharf gegen Ribbentrop, der den Führer nur unvollkommen unterrichtet. Weil er selbst kein Nazi ist. Er is ein Jeremias!
[Emphasis mine.]
Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945. Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels. München; New York: K.G. Saur (1987) Bd. 4. 1.1.1940-8.7.1941; S. 506.
And in the original German:Dr. Goebbels, February 26, 1941 wrote:
The situation in Bulgaria is reaching boiling-point. The wildest rumours. But all wide of the mark. The American Ambassador in Sofia stages a drunken incident in a bar. We succeed in minimising the damage.
London is claiming that it knows nothing about abnormal shipping losses. We shall soon make them eat their words.
Magda writes me a very loving letter from Dresden. She is sweet and good to me these days. And I can do with it.
Work the entire afternoon. We are issuing an official announcement in the press, recalling troops on leave from Norway. A little stratagem to deceive the enemy.
Some small demonstrations against us in Amsterdam and the Hague, plus a few strikes. Seyss is too hesitant in his reaction. The old story. He is no real Nazi!
[Emphasis mine.]
Op cit, p. 246.
And here Dr. Goebbels uses the term Wir Nazis / We Nazis:Dr. Goebbels, February 26, 1941 wrote:
In Amsterdam und den Haag kleine Demonstrationen gegen uns und einige Streiks. Seyß geht zu zögernd dagegen an. Das alte Lied. Er is kein echter Nazi!
[Emphasis mine.]
Op cit, p. 517.
And in Egnlish translation by Dr. Fiedler:On March 15, 1933, Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote:
Uber wir Nazis werden immer sehr schnell einig, da wir an solche fragen mit gesundem Menschenverstand herangehen.
[Emphasis mine.]
Op cit, p. 282.
There are many such examples: Dr. Goebbels uses the term "Nazi" with great pride.But we Nazis quickly come to an understanding, as we solve these questions by common sense.
[Emphasis mine.]
Op cit, p. 232.
And Dr. Fiedler's translation:On December 9, 1932, Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote:
Alte Parteigenossen, die seit Jahren in der Bewegung unbeirrt kämpfen, haben Tränen in den Augen vor Wut, Schmerz und Scham.
[Emphasis added.]
Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945. Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei; eine historische darstellung in tagebuchblättern (vom 1. januar 1932 bis zum 1. mai 1933) München, Zentralverlag der N. S. D. A. P., F. Eher nachf., g. m. b. h., 1934, 1941. Page 222.
Leftists (i.e., Marxists) tend to be INTERNATIONAL socialists and radical egalitarians.Goebbels wrote:
Old Nazis, who have fought for years in the Party, have tears in their eyes, tears of anger, pain and shame.
[Emphasis added.]
Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945. My Part in Germany's Fight, by Dr. Joseph Goebbels; translated by Dr. Kurt Fiedler; with 8 illustrations. London, Hurst and Blackett, ltd. 1935 [1934], p. 183.
Wasn't me, I don't run this board.MonkyGamesNSDAP wrote: ↑Mon Dec 16, 2024 11:09 pmThe subtitle for "Hitler and the Third Reich"Can you explain why you use the word 'Nazis' here?Everything you always wanted to know about Nazis but were afraid to ask
Golly, you must be trolling. Show me official NSDAP documentation that uses the word NAZI. You won't. If you view the official NSDAP documentaries: Triump of the Will and the Eternal Jew, you won't find the word 'NAZI' anywhere. Mein Kumpf, never mentioned.
However, official German documents from the period do use a lot of similar abbreviation conventions like the word GeStaPo for Secret State Police or KriPo for Kriminalpolizei.colloquial
characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing; informal.
I am saying I don't believe your sources. It was well known that NAZI means idiot/country bumpin/nigger. This is why you don't find it any official documentation.Scott wrote: ↑Tue Dec 17, 2024 1:13 am Easy there, Comrade.
As I said, the word is colloquial, not formal.
However, official German documents from the period do use a lot of similar abbreviation conventions like the word GeStaPo for Secret State Police or KriPo for Kriminalpolizei.colloquial
characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing; informal.
The fact that the Propaganda Minister loved the term "Nazi" is proof enough that Nazis themselves were proud of the word.
Are you saying that Dr. Goebbels was a Jew lover?
I wrote that. It's tongue-in-cheek. It's a reference to the book below. And I used Nazi here since it's more colloquial and it conveys a sense of taboo which is what I was going for.MonkyGamesNSDAP wrote: ↑Mon Dec 16, 2024 11:09 pmThe subtitle for "Hitler and the Third Reich"Can you explain why you use the word 'Nazis' here?Everything you always wanted to know about Nazis but were afraid to ask
Why do you claim to be a revisionized? Everyone knows 6 million jews were murdered.Archie wrote: ↑Tue Dec 17, 2024 1:53 am I wrote that. It's tongue-in-cheek. It's a reference to the book below. And I used Nazi here since it's more colloquial and it conveys a sense of taboo which is what I was going for. ... sk)_(book)
"Nazi" is just a contraction of national socialist. It has been so common in English for so long that you are really fighting a losing battle here.
Do they, the believers are now claiming 5 million.
Why are you here?This CODOH revisionist site cannot be taken seriously when moderators use the word NIGGER/NAZI to label an entire people.
If most National Socialists do not give a damn, why do you? As said the term Nazi is used to refer to Hitlers branding of the NSDAP as leader, after his accension into power.Revisionist using this term are not truthful and cause harm to anyone looking for the truth.
Is a reference to this gem:
This logical fallacy states that because 'everyone knows' then it must be true and there is no point in pursuing truth. This logical fallacy is how Jews have been spreading their propaganda for thousands of years."Nazi" is just a contraction of national socialist. It has been so common in English for so long that you are really fighting a losing battle here.
To correct the most grevious offence that anyone who claims to be truth seekers are engaged in. Or to expose this site as controlled opposition. Gauging by the responses, it seems that most on this site are COs.
If most people claiming to be national socialist are really jewish controlled opposition, than we all must reject their usage of deragatory and jewish hate speech.