Denier Bud posted for many years on the old forum. He hasn't been by here since the relaunch, but there is a decent chance he'll drop by at some point.
Taylor was sent to Austria as part of something called the Dupont Mission which was intended to help start up a resistance movement there. Taylor was captured and spent a few months in Mauthausen. He wrote a report on Mauthausen shortly after the Americans took over the camp. The text is available below although unfortunately it's missing the photos. ... 4-may-1945
Speaking of the lampshades, Taylor says a lot of silly stuff in the report. In the bit below, he seems to be borrowing the Isle Koch stories from Buchenwald and transposing them to Mauthausen.
According to Dr. Podlaha, the head prisoner doctor, prisoners were also executed for some unusual pathological lesion or specimen such as deformities, tattoo, etc. A hunchback and a dwarf, who had come to the notice of one of the SS doctors, were executed and their skeletons cleaned and mounted for specimens. Pathological lesions were collected as specimens, which involved the death of the patient in most cases. Tattoo marks were practically a death certificate as one of the SS doctors had a hobby of collecting, tanning, and binding them in book form while his wife made lampshades and book-covers from them.
FYI, the mainstream actually does still claim there were gassings at Mauthausen. It's not considered an "extermination" camp, but at some of the non-extermination camps they claim relatively small scale gassing (a few thousand). The official story right now is generally that there was no gassing at all at Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen. On Dachau, they go back and forth but the most common position seems to be there was a gas chamber but but no actual gassings. A lot of the others like Mauthausen and Ravensbrueck they claim some gassings. And it's because if they admitted the Mauthausen gas chamber was a hoax, that would obviously generate doubt about Auschwitz, etc., and would severely damage the credibility of the American post-war investigations. That's why they haven't conceded it.
Regarding the OSS in general, there is a mainstream book by Richard Breitman and others
U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis. What I find interesting is that during the war they didn't seem to care much at all about "the Holocaust." That is almost more interesting to me than the postwar propaganda. You would expect the OSS to have known about the Holocaust and to have made a big deal about it while it was happening, but they didn't. This is even more surprising when you consider that they had a lot of informants within the German government. They knew about the 20 July assassination plot against Hitler, for example. The pattern here of there being inattention during the war following by laughable propaganda right after the war is consistent with a hoax.
The only part of OSS that seems to have been concerned with "the Holocaust" was the "Jewish desk" at the OSS headed by two Jews, Charles Irving Dwork and Abraham Duker. This was sort of like a small Jewish org operating within the government. It seems they mostly collected material in preparation for the war crimes trials. ... 257/618727