Support revisionism
The CODOH Charitable Foundation Trust of 2024 has been formed to help people who want to contribute to scholarly Revisionist research.
It is teamed with the original Bradley Smith CODOH Trust, but is a 509(a)(2) private foundation able to accept donations for certain charitable and educational purposes.
Donors can deduct contributions they make under Internal Revenue Code §170. The CODOH Charitable Foundation Trust of 2024 is also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers, and gifts under IRC § 2055, §2106, or §2522.
Please note that contributions can only be accepted for advancing education and science, defending human and civil rights secured by law, eliminating prejudice and discrimination, and conducting public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures, or similar programs. If you intend to contribute to any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office, we cannot accept your donation.
Your check should designate the specific CODOH activity you wish to support, with an address to which we can send our acknowledgment letter.
Please note that donations need to be disclosed on our IRS form 990.
Checks should be addressed to The CODOH Charitable Foundation Trust of 2024 and mailed to CODOH, PO Box 2355, Healdsburg, CA 95448-2355.
If you have questions, please call +1 936-465-9502 or write to CODOH, PO Box 2355, Healdsburg, CA 95448-2355.